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- Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)
Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)
The Title I, Part A program provides financial assistance each year to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all students have equitable opportunities to meet challenging state academic standards. Funds are used to provide supplemental educational services and resources to meet the needs of economically and educationally disadvantaged students.
Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Program and Fiscal Handbook
Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Title I, Part A: Excess Carryover Waiver Form
Year-at-a-Glance Title I, Part A School Year 2024-2025
Title I, Part A: Monitoring and Compliance
Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs
United States Department of Education, Office of of School Support Accountability
Schoolwide Title I Programs
Title I schools that serve percentages of students from low-income families of 40 percent or more may use Title I funds, along with other Federal, State, and local funds, to operate a "schoolwide Title I program" to enhance the instructional program for the whole school. Schoolwide Title I programs must use evidence-based instructional strategies and implement parental involvement activities.
Application to Operate a Title I Schoolwide Program
Intent to Plan a Title I Schoolwide Program
Submit for Initial Approval
Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Requirements and Request for Waiver of the 40% Poverty Threshold
Title I Schoolwide Program Plan Template
Optional planning template for existing schoolwide programs
Targeted Assistance Title I Programs
Title I schools with less than the 40 percent schoolwide low-income threshold or that choose not to operate a schoolwide program may offer a "targeted assistance Title I program" in which the school identifies students who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the State's challenging academic achievement standards. Targeted assistance schools design an instructional program to meet the needs of those students. Schools that operate targeted assistance Title I programs must use evidence-based instructional strategies and implement parental involvement activities.
Title I Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Schools: What is the Difference?
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I Targeted Assistance School Program Approval Checklist
Title I Goals
- Assist students in achieving academic success
- Increase student performance in high poverty schools through continuous schoolwide improvement
- Provide high-quality family and parent engagement opportunities to assist parents in helping their students succeed
Utah Title I Schools
Schools appearing on the lists below received Title I funding for the year specified. These lists should not be used to determine whether a teacher qualifies for loan forgiveness. To verify whether a school qualifies its teachers for loan forgiveness, refer to the Teacher Cancellation Low Income (TCLI) Directory located on the Federal Student Aid website.
Utah Title I Schools 2024-2025
Utah Title I Schools 2023-2024
Utah Title I Schools 2022-2023
Utah Title I Schools 2021-2022
Utah Title I Schools 2020-2021
Utah Title I Schools 2019-2020
Utah Title I Schools 2018-2019
Utah Title I Schools 2017-2018
Utah Title I Schools 2016-2017
Utah Title I Schools 2015-2016
Contact Us
Dr. Max Lang
Phone: (801) 538-7725 | Email
Title I, Part A: Directors Meetings
November 19
Title I Directors Meeting Agenda
Meaningful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
Time and Effort Presentation
Title I Maintenance of Effort Presentation
Utah's 1% Alternate Assessment Participation Threshold Updates
Maintenance of Effort Overview and Calculations
November 19 Title I Directors Meeting
September 27
Title I Directors Meeting Agenda
Title I Director's Meeting Presentation
Comparability Compliance and Report Presentation
September 27 Title I Directors Meeting
August 9
Title I New Directors Meeting Agenda | Title I New Director's Meeting Presentation
August 9 New Title I Directors Meeting
March 28
Title I Directors Meeting Agenda | Title I Director's Meeting Presentation
Meaningful Family Engagement Presentation
March 28 Spring Title I Directors Meeting
September 28
Title I Directors Meeting Agenda | Title I Director's Meeting Presentation
September 28 Fall Title I Directors Meeting
August 10
New LEA Title I Directors’ Meeting Agenda
20230810 New Title I Directors Meeting
New Title I Director's Meeting Presentation
Title I, Part A Monitoring Presentation
March 29
Title I Directors Meeting Agenda | Utah Title I Directors Presentation
Title I Directors Meeting 3-29-2023
For anyone that needs documents prior to the 2023, please contact us directly.
Contact Us
Dr. Max Lang
Phone: (801) 538-7725 | Email
Equitable Services
Under Title I, Section 1117 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as currently amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are required to provide equitable services to eligible private school students, their teachers, and their parents if they attend private non-profit schools that choose to participate in the Title I, Part A Program.
Additional ESEA programs are required to provide equitable services under the Uniform Provisions found in Title VIII Sections 8501-8504 of the ESSA. These programs include:
- Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Program Operated by LEAs
- Title I, Part C: Migrant Education
- Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction
- Title III, Part A: English Language Acquisition
- Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
- Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Center Grants
The following guidance from the United States Department of Education are all still applicable and should be read and used together:
- ESSA Private Nonprofit (PNP) School Complaints and Procedures
- Non-Regulatory Guidance: Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Office of Non-Public Education
- The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as Amended by the Every Students Succeeds Acts (ESSA) Changes to the Equitable Services Requirements
- Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act: Providing Equitable Services to Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Families Updated Non-Regulatory Guidance
- Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions
Equitable Services Complaint Form
Title I Equitable Services for Private Nonprofit (Nonpublic) School Students
March 9, 2018 Equitable Services Requirements Under Title I
Contact Us
Family and Community Engagement
The Utah State Board of Education envisions schools shifting from involving families to engaging families to ultimately empowering families.
Family Engagement is a key factor in the success of students and schools. Family engagement is one of five predictors in school improvement (Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press), and cannot be seen as an add on, but instead should be seen as a part of teaching and learning (Dr. Karen Mapp, 3 Prerequisites of Effective Family and Community Engagement). Although not a program, a commitment to family engagement should be a priority for all.
More information can be found on the Center for Continuous Improvement (CCSI) page.
Susie Estrada
Family and Community Engagement Specialist
Phone: (385) 295-7937 | E-mail
National Distinguished Schools
Each year, Utah has the opportunity to select two Title I Reward Schools to represent the State as National Title I Distinguished Schools. Utah State Board of Education asks local superintendents and charter school administrators to nominate their Title I Reward schools for this honor. A selection committee reviews the nominations. The two identified schools are provided with a supplemental Title I grant to enable the school principal and a team of teachers from the school to travel to the National Title I Conference where they are recognized publicly at an awards ceremony.
The National Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Distinguished Schools Program
ESEA Network
Utah National ESEA Distinguished Schools
Contact Us
Dr. Max Lang
Phone: (801) 538-7725 | Email
Committee of Practitioners (COP)
The Committee of Practitioners (COP) serves to advise the state in carrying out its responsibilities under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. It operates to identify issues across regions of the state and facilitate two-way communication between USBE and the preK-12 education community throughout Utah. The primary purpose of the COP is to advise USBE regarding its implementation of ESSA. If you need additional information about the COP, please contact USBE staff.
Contact Us
Dr. Max Lang
Phone: (801) 538-7725 | Email
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
United States Department of Education
Utah State Board of Education Data Specifications and Validation Rules
Information Technology
Utah State Board of Education State of Utah Title I Complaint Form
Utah State Board of Education Title I Complaint Procedure
Contact Us
Dr. Max Lang
Phone: (801) 538-7725 | Email