Student Information System (SIS) Compatibility
Approval Process
R277-484-5: Official Data Source and Required Local Education Agency (LEA) Compatibility
Utah Office of Administrative Rules
- LEAs may use any Utah State Board of Education (USBE) approved Student Information
System (SIS) in accordance with R277-484-5.
- SIS’s seeking approval for use in the State of Utah must follow the process outlined
in R277-484-5.
Current Approved SIS:
- Aspire
- Compass
- Davis
- Focus
- Infinite Campus
- Pearson
- PowerSchool
- Skyward
State Education Research File (SERF)
SERF is:
- a collection of tables that mirrors the data that is stored at Utah State Board of
Education (USBE) and is used to generate accountability reports as well as for other
varied purposes.
- generated at the end of each school year and on-demand through the USBE Data Gateway.
The data contained in the SERF is specific to a single school year, however; since
some prior year data is needed to generate accountability reports, prior years data
for the students enrolled in the reporting year at the Local Education Agency (LEA)
is also included.
- provided as a Microsoft Access database file. In order to use it, you will need to
have Microsoft Access 2007 or newer installed on your computer.
Warehouse is a resource that assists school districts in finding information about
the data that is part of the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Data Warehouse. Although
Warehouse is the source of all data used in Utah Performance and Assessment for School
Students (U-PASS) and No Child Left Behind (NCLB), this data can also be used for
other education analysis and reporting.