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Academic and Organizational Excellence in Utah Education.

Educator Licensing
This section provides information about all things related to educator licensing. Click here if you have questions about educator licensing, or obtaining or renewing an educator license in Utah.
Rules and Policy
This section provides an overview of the rules and policy related to public education in Utah.
Data Gateway
Utah’s Educational Data Gateway is a resource provided by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) that allows the public and school personnel to access education-related data.
Utah Core Standards
Utah’s core standards identify the basic knowledge, skills, and competencies each student is expected to acquire or master as the student advances through the public education system.
Public Comment
We value feedback your feedback. Click here if you would like to share your feedback or ideas with us. Here, you can also see what items our agency currently has open for public comment.
Public Education Hotline
In support of a commitment to excellence, the Public Education Hotline is a venue for citizens, educators, employees, and other stakeholders to report concerns about public education.