Utah Leading through Effective, Actionable, and Dynamic (ULEAD) Education
Utah Leading through Effective, Actionable, and Dynamic (ULEAD) Education was created to find, research, and highlight proven practices in Utah schools for replication statewide. ULEAD partners with practitioners, researchers, and education organizations to develop and curate resources, foster collaboration, and drive systemic change for improved student outcomes. The ULEAD Clearinghouse is a growing repository of innovative, effective, and efficient practice resources and tools to support educators.
Click the tabs below to learn more about the ULEAD Steering Committee, Current Priorities, and How We Work.
Steering Committee
The ULEAD Education Steering Committee consists of the director and twelve additional
members who “shall hold a meeting at least quarterly” to “discuss prospective and
current ULEAD projects and findings; consult with and make recommendations to the
director to prioritize ULEAD reports and areas of focused research; facilitate connections
between the director and Utah’s political, business, education technology, and academic
communities; make recommendations to improve gathering, retaining, and disseminating
education data and research and evaluation findings for use by participating institutions
and other education policy researchers, including data managed by the Utah Data Research
Center.”Committee members are appointed to a two-year term and are eligible for more
than one term.
Committee Member Designation | Name | Representing |
ULEAD Director | Meghan Everette | ULEAD |
USBE Member, co-chair | James Moss | Utah State Board of Education |
State Superintendent or designee | Sarah Young | Office of the Superintendent |
Staff Director of the State Charter School Board or designee | Paul Kremer | State Charter School Board |
Governor's Office, co-chair | Brittney Cummins | Office of the Governor |
School District Superintendent | David Long | Beaver School District, USSA |
Local School Board Member | Amber Shill | Canyons School Board, USBA |
Principal or leader, non-charter | Gregory Wilkey | Davis School District |
Principal or leader, non-charter | Sue Damm | Coach, Davis School District previously Principal, SLCSD |
Principal or leader, charter | Kelli Booth | Principal, NUAMES |
Educator with a current license | Emma Moss | Canyons School District |
Educator with a current license | Marley McClune | Davis School District |
Citizen or business representative | Becky Pickle | Business Owner |
Focus Priorities
Focus Priorities are determined from input from the field including members of the
Steering Committee, legislative members responsible for public education, members
of Utah professional education associations, policy-research centers, and the state
superintendent. Work concerning focus areas is prioritized, but other topics may be
included. Input from the field on suggested topics is welcome at any time by filling
in the Research Request (Google Form) form.
Topic Areas
Student Achievement with a focus on the subtopics of:
- Multilingual Learner Achievement
- Middle School Mathematic Achievement
- Educator Retention and Job Satisfaction, with an emphasis on teachers
- Student Attendance
- Student Success through Engagement with Technology
- Student Success through Social Emotional Supports Grounded in Classroom Practice
How We Work
The ULEAD Focus priorities are informed by field feedback including input from the Steering Committee, available research, and suggested topics. These priorities drive ULEAD work including creating connections to information, research on the priorities, and highlighting innovative work. Once published, ULEAD engages stakeholders with the available information, practices, researchers, and practitioners. This process promotes timely research cycles, ideally lasting under a year.
ULEAD engages research partners to identify outliers, research the practice that led to positive outcomes, and identify how to scale the practice including suggestions for adaptation, adoption, or limitations to replication. These reports are published in the ULEAD repository.