Perkins V: The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act
Perkins is dedicated to increasing learner access to high-quality Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study. With a focus on systems alignment and program improvement, Perkins is critical to ensuring that programs are prepared to meet the ever-changing needs of learners and employers.
Perkins reflects the 100-year federal commitment to CTE by providing federal support to CTE programs and focuses on improving the academic and technical achievement of CTE students, strengthening the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improving accountability.
Perkins V Methods of Administration Plan
Career and Technical Education, Secondary
CTE provides courses and Pathways consistent with industry standards. Exploratory courses begin in the seventh grade, and subsequent courses teach students specific job readiness and job skills, which can lead to employment and postsecondary education. Utah Career Pathways align with and are categorized by the National Career Clusters®. Each Career Pathway culminates in an industry-recognized credential of value.
Utah Career Clusters and Pathways
Thalea Longhurst
State Career and Technical Education Director
Phone: (801) 538-7889 | E-mail
Career and Technical Education, Postsecondary
Steve Radford
Assistant Commissioner of Workforce Initiatives
Utah System of Higher Education
Phone: Not Available | E-mail
Fiscal Year 2025
Eligible recipients must submit a Local Application and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment for Fiscal Year 2025.
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Guidebook
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Worksheets
Local Application: Single Entity
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessments
Surveys Powered by Qualtrics
Secondary and Postsecondary Education Survey
State and Government Agencies Survey
Data Review and Improvement Plan
Equipment and Supplies Requirements (Inventory Template)
Regional Career Pathway/Program of Study Agreement
CTE State Funding Minimum Requirements
Utah State Board of Education Time and Effort General Guidance
Secondary Pathway Completion Infographic
Contact Us
Data Quality
The promise of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is to provide opportunities for each learner to follow their passion and to access, feel welcome in, fully participate in, and successfully complete a high-quality CTE program of study. An important facet of Perkins requirements and Utah’s State Plan is to provide continuous improvement, technical assistance and monitoring to local education agencies (LEAs) and postsecondary institutions who receive Perkins funding. Data reviews are an essential component to assist with data interpretation, data-driven decision making, development and implementation of improvement strategies, and action steps. Each year, Utah’s LEAs’ and Institutions’ performance is made available for program continuous improvement and posted publicly.
Data Year 2024
Postsecondary Results for Utah
Contact Us
Jeff McDonald
Data Steward
Career and Technical Education
Phone: (801) 538-7657 | Fax: (801) 538-7868 | E-mail