Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements


Articulation agreements provide a strategy for facilitating the transfer of credits and non-credits between a high school and a postsecondary institution, or between two postsecondary institutions to define the specific courses that may be taken at one institution and will be accepted for credit at the second.

Notes on Articulation Agreements:

  • Articulation agreements promote the conversation between high schools and postsecondary schools in order to identify common curricular objectives.
  • Articulation agreements allow high school coursework to be accepted for credit within a specific college major at a specific institution.
  • Non-credit articulation agreements at a Utah College of Applied Technology program are developed by each region and are posted by region.
  • Enrolling in high school courses that have been defined by articulation agreements, gives students a head start on completing a postsecondary credit and/or non-credit program of study.

Statewide Articulation Agreements

Regional Career Pathway/Program of Study (POS) Agreement