Federal Funding
The purpose of the “Strengthening Career & Technical Education for the 21st Century Act” (Perkins V) is to develop more fully the academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondary students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs of study.
Perkins V
Perkins V Methods of Administration Plan
Announcement of Federal Funded Programs
This information is intended for use by eligible school districts, charter schools, colleges and universities within the state of Utah.
Size, Scope, and Quality Requirements
To be eligible for Perkins, an eligible recipient must provide a career and technical
education program that is of such size, scope, and quality to bring about improvement
in the quality of career and technical education programs
(Sec. 135 (b) ).
Perkins Local Formula Funds
Fiscal Year 2025
Eligible recipients must submit a Local Application and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment for Fiscal Year 2025.
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Guidebook
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Worksheets
Local Application: Single Entity
Special Projects Grant Application
Capital Equipment Approval Request
Reporting Forms
Both the Utah State Legislature and the United States Government have placed emphasis on accountability. Therefore, several reports have been developed by Utah State Board of Education to obtain information.
Local Applications, payment requests, and Accountability Reports (Part A) are now processed through the Utah Grants Management System.
Approved federal funds do not flow automatically to eligible recipients as do state funds. The federal flow of funding is based strictly on a reimbursement of actual costs expended. Payment requests can be sought at a minimum of a once a month. It is a mandatory requirement that Perkins funds be requested during the period of availability for those funds, which is typically 12 months.
Allocation Tables
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State Funding
This information is intended for use by Local Education Agencies (LEA) within the state of Utah. To be eligible for Career and Technical Education (CTE) funds LEAs must have approved CTE programs. To request a new CTE program, the school representative submits a formal application.
CTE Maintenance of Efforts Funds
School Counseling Programs Request for Funding
Utah State Board of Education, Prevention and Student Services, School Counseling
Summer Agriculture Program Request for Funding
State Allocation Tables
Fiscal Year 2025
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