Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Utah high school seniors, now is the time to apply for a CTE Scholarship and Tuition Award.  Applicants receive a college scholarship to a Utah public college or university, for up to one  year’s tuition. 

Overview and Timeline


The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Scholarships and Tuition Awards are for outstanding CTE students in Utah. The scholarships/awards are sponsored by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) with funds provided by participating higher education institutions. The award amount varies by institution. Below is the list of participating institutions, the number of scholarships/awards offered, and the amount of the scholarship/award.

Note: Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University do not participate. 

Scholarship and award amount to be announced by November 1, 2024.

Bridgerland Technical College
5 Scholarships/Awards

Davis Technical College
2 Scholarships/Awards

Mountainland Technical College
15 Scholarships/Awards
$1,500 per Program

Ogden-Weber Technical College
1 Scholarship/Award
Full Tuition

Southwest Technical College
3 Scholarships/Awards

Tooele Technical College
1 Scholarship/Award
Three Courses, Available for Renewal, Based upon Program

Uintah Basin Technical College
1 Scholarship/Award
Full Tuition

Salt Lake Community College
20 Scholarships/Awards

Tuition Only, No Books/Fees

Snow College, Richfield
3 Scholarships/Awards
Full Tuition

Southern Utah University
1 Scholarship/Award
Full Tuition

Utah Tech University
4 Scholarships/Awards

Full Tuition

Utah Valley University
20 Scholarships/Awards
$1,000 Fall Semester and
$1,000 Spring Semester

Weber State University
5 Scholarships/Awards
$1,000 Fall Semester and
$1,000 Spring Semester

Please note: 

  • CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards are only offered to the higher education institutions listed above.
  • The CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards may only be applied toward future programs and not toward any expense incurred as a high school student.
  • Each scholarship/award has different criteria for what the scholarship/award can be used. Please refer to the Institution Criteria Frequently Asked Questions for detailed information.
  • Applicants should work with their high school counselor and a CTE teacher when completing the application.
  • Applicants should follow directions on the CTE Scholarship and Tuition Awards website with exactness to ensure the application is accepted and duly considered.
  • Acceptance of the scholarship does not guarantee acceptance into space limited programs.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Tips and Tricks to Prepare Students for the 2025 CTE Scholarship Application Webinar

11 a.m. - Noon

Friday, November 1, 2024
CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards Application Goes Live

Friday,January 31, 2025
CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards Application Due to USBE via Adobe Sign

February/March 2025
CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards Recipients/Winners Notified by E-mail Provided on Scholarship Application

Note: If you do not receive an award notice by Friday, April 25, 2025, you are not a recipient of a scholarship.

Should you have any additional questions, contact:
Ashley Higgs
Specialist, CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Phone: (801) 538-7594 | E-mail

Application Scoring and Preparation

Application Scoring

CTE scholarships are competitive. CTE scholarships and awards are based on total points, and every point counts. Make every effort to respond to each prompt to the best of your ability. Distinguish yourself from your peers by highlighting your experiences that helped you prepare for college-level study in your chosen career.

Strong scores are usually the result of some degree of discussion and reflection prior to filling out the application. Your response must be your original work. Consider developing a few rough drafts and having a parent, teacher, or school counselor review them and provide feedback prior to completing the scholarship application.

The highest scores are given to applicants whose responses contain multiple, directly related examples. The content of each response will strongly support the applicant’s qualifications for a scholarship.  Responses will be clearly written and concise. A professional tone and style will be evident in your writing. Content that is unstructured, disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, spelling, and/or grammar will not score well.

Application Preparation

Prior to filling out the CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards application, please review the application questions that will require more consideration when filling out the application.

  • If you participated in a Work-Based Learning (WBL) experience, be able to provide the company name, company address, and supervisor's name. Describe how your WBL experience prepared you for your future CTE Career Pathway goals. Please include positive and negative experiences, and how this WBL experience aligns to your future pathway and career goals.
    Up to 2 Points Possible
  • If you participated in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) during high school, please include CTSO responsibilities, positive and negative experiences, and how has participating in a CTSO helped develop durable skills to prepare you for your future career goals. For example, durable skills could include accountability, communication, critical thinking, dependability, problem solving, teamwork, etc.
    Up to 3 Points Possible
  • What other leadership, citizenship, and/or service experiences did you participate in during high school (grades 9-12)?
    Up to 4 Points Possible
  • Outline and discuss your educational and occupational timeline and plan. Timeline and plan should include name of institution(s), certification or degree program enrolled in, anticipated completion dates, etc.
    Up to 4 Points Possible
  • Reflecting on your high school years (grades 9-12), how did CTE courses you completed prepare you for life after high school? What advantages did they provide for your college and career plans?
    Up to 2 Points Possible
  • What advice would you offer to future students about taking CTE courses during high school?
    Up to 2 Points Possible
  • Was there an educator (teacher, counselor, administrator) who was especially influential in your career choice? If so, who? What did they do to help you?
    Up to 2 Points Possible

Should you have any additional questions, contact:
Ashley Higgs
Specialist, CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Phone: (801) 538-7594 | E-mail

Qualifications and Application

Thank you for your interest in the 2025 CTE Scholarship and Tuition Awards. The application period for 2025 will be from November 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025.

Eligibility Qualifications

  • Lawfully present in the United States and must be a current Utah resident.
  • A high school senior, currently enrolled in a Utah public secondary school.
  • Eligible to graduate from a Utah public secondary school before September 1, 2025.
  • Applicant must verify the CTE program he/she wants to enroll in is offered at the selected institutions. Please refer to the Institution Criteria Frequently Asked Questions for detailed information.
  • The applicant may accept other private scholarships. However, be aware that at some participating institutions, applicants cannot accept a CTE Scholarship and Tuition Award and another scholarship from the same institution.


Before beginning the 2025 CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards Application, all applicants need to meet all eligibility qualifications and have the documentation requirements ready to upload.  This includes:

  1. Signed Media Release Form
  2. Letter of Recommendation, CTE Teacher
  3. CTE Career Pathway
  4. Signed, Unofficial Transcript(s) with All CTE Courses Highlighted
  5. All Industry and CTE Skill Certificates Earned

2025 CTE Scholarships and Awards Application Is Closed


YouScience Skill Certification Archive

Print Certificates and View Student Exam History Walkthrough
Documenting Certifications Video Tutorial (Print the Second Page for Documentation)

If students do not have access to their YouScience certification history, please reach out to YouScience Costumer Support at or (801) 653-9356.

Should you have any additional questions, contact:
Ashley Higgs
Specialist, CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Phone: (801) 538-7594 | E-mail

Institution Criteria Frequently Asked Questions

Each institution has different criteria on how the awards can be used. Please make sure to review each institution’s criteria below. The information below will let you know if a scholarship can be deferred, if a scholarship can begin in the summer, if it can be combined with another scholarship, etc.

Note: Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University do not participate.

Should you have any additional questions, contact:
Ashley Higgs
Specialist, CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Phone: (801) 538-7594 | E-mail

Publications and Resources


CTE Scholarships Flyer, Version 1

CTE Scholarships Flyer, Version 2

News Release 2023

2024 CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards Winners List



Tips and Tricks to Prepare Students for the 2025 CTE Scholarship Application Webinar (YouTube)

Online Connections

Utah Programs and Majors Guide
What would you like to study? Browse institutions, search by subject or occupation, and connect your CTE Career Pathway.

YouScience Skill Certification Archive

Print Certificates and View Student Exam History Walkthrough
Documenting Certifications Video Tutorial (Print the Second Page for Documentation)

Due to updates on the YouScience platform, students will only be able to print out the current school year's (2023-2024) skill certificates. If you have an applicant that needs a previous year's certificate, please complete the YouScience Utah Student Certification Request (Google Form), and team member will email the certification(s) with a 24-hour period.

Should you have any additional questions, contact:
Ashley Higgs
Specialist, CTE Scholarships and Tuition Awards

Phone: (801) 538-7594 | E-mail