Career and Technical Education (CTE)


Career and Technical Education (CTE)


CTE Directions Newsletter


The CTE Directions newsletter is distributed via an automatic Utah Education Network (UEN) mailing service. To subscribe, select the appropriate link below and follow sign-up instructions:

Archived Newsletters

CTE Success Stories

“The CTE classes I have taken have helped me decide that I want to pursue a career in construction. Because of my construction class I have learned so many valuable skills in building and interacting with others. The class also helped me get concurrent enrollment [credit] to help me get my degree faster. I love to work with my hands and my mind. The thrill of when a project comes together is the best feeling I have ever had.” — Jeb Price


Students Advocate for CTE: Success Stories


What Students Are Saying about CTE?
Note: If you need this information in an accessible format, contact the department directly.


What Is Your CTE Story?

Industry Standards Rating Tool

“Your role in providing input and support in aligning industry-recognized standards to provide meaningful educational, job and career pathways represents a very valuable contribution.” — Thalea Longhurst, State Director, Career and Technical Education


How can you make a difference in education? Get yourself set up as a standards rater. Industry leaders and educators need to work together now more than ever. There are millions of jobs that need to be filled, and students need the knowledge and skills in order to fill the positions and get started on a successful career.

This project connects industry leaders and educators and provides a way for industry to rate the importance of the knowledge and skills contained in courses offered for a particular industry and skill level.  When industry and government align to develop the workforce, the community benefits. It’s a win-win to place high school students on the fast-track to careers while lowering unemployment and strengthening the economy.

Industry Recognized Standards across Career Clusters

21st Century Skills

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Architecture and Construction

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communication

Business Management and Administration

Education and Training


Government and Public Administration

Health Science

Hospitality and Tourism

Human Services

Information Technology

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security



Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Get Started

As an industry partner, start making a difference today.  Become a standards rater.  Ratings help shape the makers of tomorrow and future employees.

Precision Exams Links

5 Ways Your Business Can Help Students Get the Skills They Need to Succeed
View a short video introduction to the standards rating engagement initiative.

Company Information Collection Tool
Get involved. Share more about your organization and the types of employees you will need.

Rating Tool
Take the next steps. Start rating standards.

Computer Science for Utah

Utah Computer Science Education Master Plan | Utah Computer Science Education Master Plan Executive Summary

Utah Computer Science Standards

Utah K-12 Computer Science Grant


House Bill (H.B. 227): Utah Computer Science Grant Act established the Computer Science for Utah Grant Program in 2019 for purposes of implementing the Utah Computer Science Education Master Plan. The grants are for the express purpose of “improving computer science outcomes and course offerings, demonstrated by the creation and implementation of a local agency computer science plan and the effective implementation of approved courses and the provision of effective training opportunities for licensed teachers.” House Bill (H.B. 227): Utah Computer Science Grant Act. Details of the Utah Computer Science Grant Program state that eligible local education agencies can apply for the grant, submit it to the state board of education for review and recommendation to the talent ready board for approval based upon the following criteria:

Local Education Agencies (LEA) shall submit a written 4-year “computer science plan that addresses the recommendations in the Utah CS Master Plan identifies targets for improved computer science offerings, student learning and licensed teacher training; describes a professional development program and other opportunities for high-quality professional learning for licensed teachers or individuals training to become teachers. Includes a detailed budget, communication, and reporting structure for implementing the computer science plan.”

K-12 Computer Science Full Grant Application (Google Doc)
Application window closed.

Computer Science "Access for All"

Each student in a Utah secondary public school will have access to robust and varied computer science courses by 2022. All students will enter secondary schools with exposure to computational thinking and competencies in digital literacy. This begins in our elementary schools with competencies in keyboarding, appropriate and responsible use of technology, and basic coding principles.

Many students will self-select a pathway of study when they reach high school and may not be in computer science. The state K-5 and 6-12 Computer Science Standards are written to include core computer science skills of critical thinking, problem solving, computational thinking, and mathematical reasoning in all subjects. “Access for All” is a means of approaching K-12 integration of computer science core skills to build a long-term sustainable program.


Computer Science for Utah Accountability Report
Accounts for all funds received. Due June 30, 2022.


Grant Applications Samples
Review exemplar completed grants.
Cache County School District | San Juan School District | Washington County School District

Frequently Asked Questions
Review updated K-12 Computer Science Grant structure, information and frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions (Google Doc)

Utah K-12 Computer Science Grant Help Webinar
Get the help you need from Utah's own experts.

Meeting Recording (YouTube) | Presentation (Google Doc)

Utah K-12 Computer Science Resource Sheet
Curriculum Resources(Google Doc)

Contact Us

Kristina Yamada, Specialist
Computer Science and Information Technology
Phone: (801) 538-7849 | E-mail

Ashley Higgs, Specialist
K-8 Career and Technical Education
Phone: (801) 538-7594 | E-mail


CTE Social Media

Facebook      Twitter      YouTube      Instagram

Utah CTE classes are open to all qualified students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age.