ULEAD Innovation & Collaboration Cohort: Futures Learning Design
Sessions: June 2024 - October 2024, part 1 of 3
Selection in this cohort was by invitation to apply and is closed. Check back to follow the work of this cohort as they progress.
USBE Innovative Improvement Initiative
USBE is committed to improving academic outcomes for students with disabilities. To further this important work, USBE is partnering with schools to implement the Innovative Improvement Initiative (I3). The goal of the I3 project is to support school leadership teams to engage in innovative strategies to address the challenges facing Utah students with disabilities.
This is an opportunity for school teams to work together and across a cohort of like-minded educators who are facing similar challenges in serving students with disabilities. Rather than working in a vacuum, participants will have the chance to shift their perspectives on the problem, ideate new solutions, and give and receive feedback across this cohort. Schools that participate will also have the opportunity to receive funding to expand their new ideas and implement them across their school.
School leadership teams that are selected for the project will engage in three parts of the project, described in further detail below:
Part 1: ULEAD Futures Learning Design Fellowship, led by the Stanford University d.school
Part 2: Supported School Improvement Planning and Integrated Implementation Coaching, provided jointly by USBE’s Special Education and Center for Continuous School Improvement teams
Part 3: Opportunity to receive an I3 Grant from USBE
Part 1: ULEAD Futures Learning Design Fellowship, led by the Stanford University d.school
The Stanford d.school is delighted to announce a professional development fellowship for Utah schools passionate about transforming special education. This unique, cohort-based opportunity will be led by expert facilitators who will guide educators, through a blend of futures and design thinking practices, toward envisioning and executing tangible plans for improving learning experiences of students in need.
This professional development experience will use a hybrid approach, with in-person workshops in Utah supplemented by virtual coaching sessions and expert lectures by education futurists. These workshops will be hands-on and immersive, and educators will have the opportunity to work on real, complex problems impacting their students right now.
What is futures and design thinking, and how does it relate to education?
Participants will explore how strategies at the intersection of design and futures thinking can help schools navigate ambiguity and change. During these sessions we will explore questions like: What might the world look like in a few years? How could those changes impact our education system? How do we shape the education system to ensure a more equitable future for each child?