Prevention Block Grant

Prevention Block Grant

During the 2023 General Legislative Session, House Bill (H.B.) 16 Block Grant Funding for Prevention Programs in Public Education was passed allowing local education agencies (LEAs) to braid grant funding attached to the following sections of Code:

It is the intent of the block grant to ensure that the requirements of each of the individual programs are honored, while allowing for LEAs to have the flexibility they need to have greater impact on students. As prevention funds are braided, LEAs will have the ability to intentionally target shared risk and protective factors while providing higher leverage, evidence-based practices that will have a greater reach and impact.

H.B. 16 (2023) also allows USBE to distribute excess funds in the Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Prevention Program Restricted Account to LEAs through the prevention block grant. These funds are only available through the Block Grant.

LEAs who choose not to opt into the Prevention Block Grant Application may still apply for Substance Use Prevention funds within this same application. All grant funds must be expended by June 30, 2026.  In other words, the grant period will cover two fiscal years (FY25 and FY 26).Timeline dates for The Prevention Block Grant and Substance Use Prevention Grant:
  • Informational Webinar: August 5, 2024 YouTube
    Please note: a correction needs to be made regarding the answer to a question that was asked during the webinar regarding the budget procedure. Please plan to input your entire two-year request into the Utah Grants application. Awardees will not need to update the budget in one year and will have until June 30, 2026 to spends the funds.
  • Application Released in Utah Grants: September 16, 2024
  • Application Due Date: October 16, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
  • Award Notification: November 18, 2024

Prevention Block Grant/Substance Use Prevention Grant Application (Preview Only)
Block Grant Instructions
A Comprehensive Prevention Plan (53F-2-525):

  1. Implements evidence-based early intervention and prevention practices tailored to achieve outcomes and mitigate risk factors in a manner consistent with:
  2. Includes information on the impact of childhood trauma on student learning, including information advising educators against practicing medicine, giving a diagnosis or providing treatment.
  3. Includes resiliency building skills.
  4. Designed in collaboration with USBE and with input from parents, students, educators and support staff.

Awarded funds may be used for the following:

  1. To supplement specific prevention needs identified by the LEA and that can be justified through data.
  2. Other evidence-based prevention practices authorized by USBE.
  3. Prevention Science professional learning.
  4. Supplies and materials related to implementing prevention programs.

Please be aware that Prevention Block Grant funding is primarily meant for Tier 1 and Tier 2 prevention activities. Block Grant Funding is not intended to be used for mental health treatment services for students, or school safety needs (including school guardians and fire detection software). Funding is not intended to be used for mental health treatment services for students, or school safety needs (including school guardians and fire detection software). All funding requests must support the goals and strategies outlined in the LEA's comprehensive prevention plan. Please remember that the comprehension prevention plan needs to be designed with input from parents, students, educators and support staff.

Other unallowable uses for funding include:

  1. Food
  2. Capital improvements
  3. Metal detectors
  4. Vape detectors
All LEAs will receive positive behaviors plan and suicide prevention funding through direct flow-through/lump sum funds. Please do not include these amounts in your Block Grant funding request/budget proposal. However, do include a description of how those funds are being used in your comprehensive prevention plan. Please note: It was previously announced that due to reduced funding, suicide prevention funds would not be distributed through direct flow-through/lump sum, however on 9/5/24, the State Board voted to use carryforward funds to make up the difference. 

A list of resources has been compiled to guide the development of your comprehensive prevention plan and grant application.
Prevention Block Grant Application Resources Google Doc
Prevention Block Grant Application Scoring Rubric

Substance Use Prevention Instructions

This application was created according to the requirements outlined in R277-460.

Awarded funds may be used for the following:

  1. Substance use prevention and education.
  2. Substance use prevention training for teachers and administrators.
  3. District and school programs to supplement, not supplant, existing local prevention efforts in cooperation with local substance abuse authorities.

Please note:

  1. LEAs will not be awarded more than $10,000 for professional learning.
  2. Vaping detectors are not an allowable expense.
  3. Priority may be given to LEAs who are requesting funds for the implementation of an evidence-based program. A non-comprehensive list of evidence-based program directories can be found on USBE's Substance Use Prevention Resources Page.

Substance Use Prevention Questions as Required by R277-460.

Please direct all questions to: