Welcome to School Counseling Programs
School Counselors Supporting Success for All Students
Utah professional school counselors implement the Utah K-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Program Components, promoting a whole-child approach to academic, career, global citizenship, and social/emotional student development. This programmatic framework is comprehensive in scope, systemic in approach, and preventative in design with the goal of reaching ALL students. In alignment with school improvement goals, school counselors use a data-driven process to identify and implement appropriate supports and interventions to close equity gaps, demonstrate program effectiveness, and improve college and career readiness for each student.
Our Mission
Support Utah’s professional school counselors in the development, implementation, and evaluation processes necessary to sustain high-quality K-12 College and Career Readiness School Counseling Programs that benefit students, educators, and communities.
To help achieve this mission, the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah School Counselor Association (USCA) are collaboratively working together to support professional school counselors in their work for students through advocacy, professional learning, recognition, and outreach.