Absenteeism and Truancy Prevention


Ensuring success in school is helping students get into the habit of attending school every day. Improving school attendance improves success in school. If schools are to improve educational achievement, they will need to address chronic absenteeism.

Promising Approaches

A New School Year Brings Renewed Focus On Attendance
National Public Radio (NPR)

Reducing Chronic Absenteeism: Every Day Counts
Reducing Chronic Absence: What Will it Take?
The Hidden Factor of Low Performance

Success Stories
Attendance Works


Attendance Awareness Month 2021
Data Tools

Attendance Works

Every Student, Every Day: A Community Toolkit to Address and Eliminate Chronic Absenteeism (2015)
United States Department of Education

Research and Data

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation's Schools
United States Department of Education

Chronic Elementary Absenteeism: A Problem Hidden in Plain Sight
Attendance Works

New Research Shows Nearly Half of American Parents Underestimate the Harm of School Absences
United States Department of Education, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and the Ad Council Partner

Attendance Works

Utah Specific Research

Attendance and the Early Grades: A Two-Generation Issue
Voices for Utah Children

Chronic Absenteeism in Utah
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE)

Utah Data Research Center (UDRC)

Dropout Prevention

Dropout Prevention is a collective effort of the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to implement strategies and practices with key components of interventions to reduce dropout rates. The guide provides support to improve access to educational opportunities for each student and offer a wide range of resources to increase graduation rates.


R277-606: Dropout Prevention and Recovery Program
USBE Administrative Rules

Title 53E-3-S401: Powers of State Board of Education, Adoption of Rules, Enforcement, Attorney
Title 53G-9-S802: Dropout Prevention and Recovery, Flexible Enrollment Options, Contracting, Reporting

Utah State Legislature


About Check and Connect 
University of Minnesota

An evidence based comprehensive dropout prevention and intervention program designed to improve student engagement at school and with learning, through relationship building, problem solving, and capacity building.

Reducing Chronic Absenteeism: Every Day Counts
Reducing Chronic Absence: What Will it Take?
The Hidden Factor of Low Performance

National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC)

Success Stories
Attendance Works