The Center for Continuous School Improvement began in 2020 to support school improvement
efforts across all schools in Utah. There is significant support for those schools
that are part of the state and federal school improvement initiatives, but all schools
can benefit from the resources and materials no matter where they are in their school
improvement journey.
Mission Statement
To create an aligned, equitable system of supports for school improvement where all
Utah schools engage in the continuous improvement cycle resulting in safe, healthy
schools for all students where achievement gaps close, graduation rates increase,
families and communities are engaged, and students are college and career ready.
USBE Theory of Action for School Improvement:
The USBE continuous improvement cycle utilizes WestEd’s Four Domains for Rapid School
Improvement framework that integrates core areas of focus with critical practices
for achieving rapid and significant improvement. Tools, support, and professional
learning provided by the USBE aligns with the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement
and School Improvement Plans for CSI schools should also be framed utilizing the Four
Domains for Rapid School Improvement.
Sara Wiebke Director of the Center for Continuous School Improvement Phone: (801) 538-7893 | E-mail
Brittney Gold Administrative Assistant Phone: (801) 538-7937 | E-mail
Federal School Improvement
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)
Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more student groups that are
performing at or below the 5% Title I cut score for two consecutive years
Identification of schools occurs annually
Schools can exit after one year if exit target(s) for the student group(s) is met
LEA level support is provided to the school
- For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)
Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more student groups currently
identified as TSI with a three-year averaged accountability score at or below the
lowest 5% of Title I schools
Identification of schools occurs every three years
Schools can exit if the exit target(s) for the student group(s) is met year three
or year four of designation
LEA level support is provided to the school
- For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Performance
Public schools (Title I) performing in the lowest 5% of all Title I schools for three
years, on average, based on all indicators in the accountability system
Identification of schools occurs every three years
Schools can exit if the exit target for the school’s performance is met year three
or year four of designation
State support is provided to the LEA
For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Graduation Rate
Public high schools (Title I and non-Title I) with a three-year average graduation
rate of 66.67% or lower
Identification of schools occurs every three years
Schools can exit if the graduation rate is greater than 66.67% year three or year
four of designation
State support is provided to the LEA
For specific details, please see Utah Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Performing Student Groups
Public schools (Title I) that do not exit ATSI designation within four years are then
re-designated as CSI - Low Performing Student Groups
Identification of schools aligns with ATSI exit
Schools can exit if exit target(s) for all identified student group(s) is met year
three or year four of designation
State support is provided to the LEA
For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Krista Hotelling
School Improvement Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7932 | E-mail
State School Improvement
Elevate School Program
Elevate schools are a voluntary state school improvement program that are for non-Title
1 Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement
(ATSI) schools implementing targeted support and improvement activities. Utah Code 53E-5-30 1(5) and Utah Code 53E-5-302.1 direct the USBE to solicit applications and identify no less than six schools annually
except in the year that a Springboard school is identified.
The next opportunity for schools that meet the Elevate criteria to apply for Elevate
designation is 2026-2027.
Additional information will be posted shortly.
Springboard School Program
Springboard is a required state school improvement program for non-Title 1 schools
that when ranked according to the percentage of possible points under Title 53E, Chapter 5, Part 2, School Accountability System, averaged over three school years is one of the five lowest performing elementary,
middle, or junior high schools statewide or one of the two lowest performing high
schools statewide.
Utah Code 53E-5301(12) and Utah Code 53E-5-302 direct the USBE to designate Springboard schools beginning with the 2025-2026 school
For more information about Springboard: Springboard Schools Detailed Information
Dr. Gregory Firn
School Improvement Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7846 | E-mail
Parent and Family Engagement
The Utah State Board of Education envisions schools shifting from involving parents
and families to engaging parents and families and to ultimately empowering parents families.
Parent and Family Engagement is a key factor in the success of students and schools. Family engagement is one
of five predictors in school improvement (Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons
from Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press), and cannot be seen as an add
on, but instead should be seen as a part of teaching and learning (Dr. Karen Mapp,
3 Prerequisites of Effective Family and Community Engagement). High-quality parent
and family engagement should not be viewed as a program but as a strategy and a commitment
to parent and family engagement for all.
Susie Estrada
School Improvement Program and Special Education Parent Specialist
Phone: (385) 295-7891 | E-mail
School Leadership Development Program
Note: The School Leadership Development Program is subject to legislative appropriation
and USBE Administrative Rule changes. As such, there may be changes including but
not limited to eligibility, selection criteria, program requirements, or funding.
Application Link will be active Monday, May 5, 2025
Application and Selection Process.
Per Utah State Code 53-E-5-309 and Board Rule R277-920, the Center for Continuous School Improvement provides the School Leadership Development
Program, an in-depth professional learning opportunity for eligible principals and
assistant principals to support school improvement efforts at Elevate or Springboard
designated schools. Specifically, schools designated as Elevate, Springboard or are
a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school may participate.
The process for participation requires an application. A link will take you to the
application. Please note, participation in the program is voluntary and competitive.
Applications for Cohort 4, starting fall of 2025 and ending spring of 2027, will open
Monday May 5, 2025. For full consideration, this application must be completed and
submitted by the end of the day, Monday May 19, 2025. Selected participants will be
notified on our before May 30, 2025.
Per Board Rule R277-920, a principal or assistant principal may apply to participate in the School Leadership
Development Program if the school leader is assigned to an Elevate or Comprehensive
Support and Improvement (CSI) school or is nominated by the school leader's district
superintendent or charter school governing board to participate.
Board Rule R277-920 details the priority for selecting participants. Applications will be sorted and
prioritized for participation in the following order:
1. Springboard or Elevate schools
2. Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools
3. Nomination (by the school leader's district superintendent or charter school
governing board)
The School Leadership Development Program Details
This leadership program is an in-depth professional learning opportunity. The program
is aligned with Strand 6 of the Utah Educational Leadership Standards that include building capacity to support the implementation of quality, research-based
instructional practice aligned to state standards as well as how to initiate, achieve
and sustain school improvement efforts.
This two-year, research-based professional learning opportunity is a cohort model.
The program includes six and a half days for training and coaching each year.
Participants in the School Leadership Development Program who meet all program requirements
will receive incentive compensation at the conclusion of their cohort program as detailed
in Utah Code 53E-5-309 and Board Rule R277-920.
Our partner in this effort is WestEd, a nonprofit research, development, and service agency with deep expertise in supporting
the development of instructional leadership and addressing comprehensive school improvement.
Dr. Gregory Firn
School Improvement Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7846 | E-mail
School Improvement Resources
Dr. Gregory Firn School Improvement Specialist Phone: (801) 538-7846 | E-mail |
Krista Hotelling School Improvement Specialist Phone: (801) 538-7932 | E-mail |
CCSI Contacts
Sara Wiebke Director of the Center for Continuous School Improvement Phone: (801) 538-7893 | E-mail
Dr. Gregory Firn School Improvement Specialist Phone: (801) 538-7846 | E-mail
Krista Hotelling School Improvement Specialist Phone: (801) 538-7932 | E-mail
Sara Doutre Special Education and School Improvement Specialist Phone: (801) 538-7996 | E-mail |
Megan Tippetts Research Consultant III Phone: (385) 295-7891 | E-mail
Brittney Gold Administrative Assistant Phone: (801) 538-7937 | E-mail