Federal School Improvement
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)
Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more student groups that are performing at or below the 5% Title I cut score for two consecutive years
Identification of schools occurs annually
Schools can exit after one year if exit target(s) for the student group(s) is met
LEA level support is provided to the school
- For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)
Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more student groups currently identified as TSI with a three-year averaged accountability score at or below the lowest 5% of Title I schools
Identification of schools occurs every three years
Schools can exit if the exit target(s) for the student group(s) is met year three or year four of designation
LEA level support is provided to the school
- For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Performance
Public schools (Title I) performing in the lowest 5% of all Title I schools for three years, on average, based on all indicators in the accountability system
Identification of schools occurs every three years
Schools can exit if the exit target for the school’s performance is met year three or year four of designation
State support is provided to the LEA
For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Graduation Rate
Public high schools (Title I and non-Title I) with a three-year average graduation rate of 66.67% or lower
Identification of schools occurs every three years
Schools can exit if the graduation rate is greater than 66.67% year three or year four of designation
State support is provided to the LEA
For specific details, please see Utah Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Performing Student Groups
Public schools (Title I) that do not exit ATSI designation within four years are then re-designated as CSI - Low Performing Student Groups
Identification of schools aligns with ATSI exit
Schools can exit if exit target(s) for all identified student group(s) is met year three or year four of designation
State support is provided to the LEA
For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual
Krista Hotelling
School Improvement Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7932 | Email