Federal School Improvement

Federal School Improvement

Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)

  • Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more student groups that are performing at or below the 5% Title I cut score for two consecutive years

  • Identification of schools occurs annually

  • Schools can exit after one year if exit target(s) for the student group(s) is met

  • LEA level support is provided to the school

  • For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual


Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI)

  • Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more student groups currently identified as TSI with a three-year averaged accountability score at or below the lowest 5% of Title I schools

  • Identification of schools occurs every three years

  • Schools can exit if the exit target(s) for the student group(s) is met year three or year four of designation

  • LEA level support is provided to the school

  • For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual


Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Performance 

  • Public schools (Title I) performing in the lowest 5% of all Title I schools for three years, on average, based on all indicators in the accountability system

  • Identification of schools occurs every three years

  • Schools can exit if the exit target for the school’s performance is met year three or year four of designation

  • State support is provided to the LEA

  • For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Graduation Rate

  • Public high schools (Title I and non-Title I) with a three-year average graduation rate of 66.67% or lower

    Identification of schools occurs every three years

  • Schools can exit if the graduation rate is greater than 66.67% year three or year four of designation

  • State support is provided to the LEA

  • For specific details, please see Utah Utah Accountability Technical Manual

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) - Low Performing Student Groups

  • Public schools (Title I) that do not exit ATSI designation within four years are then re-designated as CSI - Low Performing Student Groups

    Identification of schools aligns with ATSI exit

  • Schools can exit if exit target(s) for all identified student group(s) is met year three or year four of designation

  • State support is provided to the LEA

  • For specific details, please see Utah Accountability Technical Manual



Krista Hotelling
School Improvement Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7932 | Email