State School Improvement
Elevate School Program
Elevate schools are a voluntary state school improvement program that are for non-Title 1 Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) schools implementing targeted support and improvement activities. Utah Code 53E-5-30 1(5) and Utah Code 53E-5-302.1 direct the USBE to solicit applications and identify no less than six schools annually except in the year that a Springboard school is identified.
The next opportunity for schools that meet the Elevate criteria to apply for Elevate designation is 2026-2027.
Additional information will be posted shortly.
Springboard School Program
Springboard is a required state school improvement program for non-Title 1 schools that when ranked according to the percentage of possible points under Title 53E, Chapter 5, Part 2, School Accountability System, averaged over three school years is one of the five lowest performing elementary, middle, or junior high schools statewide or one of the two lowest performing high schools statewide.
Utah Code 53E-5301(12) and Utah Code 53E-5-302 direct the USBE to designate Springboard schools beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.
For more information about Springboard: Springboard Schools Detailed Information
Dr. Gregory Firn
School Improvement Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7846 | Email