Program Approval

Program Approval

Program Approval is designed to ensure that individual Career and Technical Education programs meet federal and state mandated funding guidelines, as well as recognize individual program strengths and identify areas for improvement.


The purpose of Program Approval is to ensure that individual Career and Technical Education programs meet federal and state mandated funding guidelines, as well as recognize individual program strengths and identify areas for improvement. The Program Approval process is not intended to be punitive. Rather, state education specialists and administrators work with the Local Education Agency by contributing recommendations and support to provide Utah students with the highest quality courses and current, in demand job skills.

Quality Standards

Quality standards are available for a number of uses aimed at developing or improving CTE programs. CTE educators and program staff should use these standards for self-evaluation, goal setting, continuous improvement, and long-range planning. Standards will also be useful to state program specialists in monitoring, evaluating, and providing technical assistance. This information may also be helpful at any time to determine the criteria for effective programs.

Quality Standard 1: Standards and Curriculum
Standards and curriculum are the foundational elements for designing and improving CTE courses.

Quality Standard 2: Alignment and Articulation
Alignment and articulation are key to getting CTE partners working together to support Career Pathways for CTE students.

Quality Standard 3: Accountability and Evaluation
Accountability and evaluation provide data illustrating the value of CTE to students' future plans.

Quality Standard 4: Student Support Services
Student support services include the ways that all students are made aware of the career and education opportunities available in a CTE Career Pathway.

Quality Standard 5: Professional Development
Professional development should be designed on the needs identified by data and should focus on continuous improvement of student opportunities.

Educator Licensing

CTE instructors must hold approved educator licenses and endorsements for courses they are teaching. These credentials, along with the current teaching assignments, must be entered into the state's Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS) system prior to November 15 each year, or if hired after November 15, as soon as possible. District CTE directors can use various CACTUS reports to monitor teacher qualifications.

CTE Program of Quality Survey

Educator Survey

Individual CTE program supervisors and/or instructors at each school will complete the biannual (odd years) CTE Program of Quality Survey, indicating whether the CTE Program of Quality Standards are met for a CTE program. The information entered into the survey is compiled electronically at the Utah State Board of Education. Summary results will be made available to state CTE specialists and district CTE directors. The primary purposes of this survey are to:

  1. provide information to the state CTE specialist regarding statewide in-service needs, and
  2. identify technical assistance needs at districts and schools.

Educator Survey (Qualtrics)
Due by February 21, 2025

Director Survey

The Utah State Board of Education is required to annually monitor local sub-recipients to assure compliance with fiscal and programmatic requirements. The Career and Technical Education department at USBE has developed this LEA direct self-assessment to assist USBE in monitoring CTE programs. The primary purpose of this survey is to:

  1.  provide an opportunity to evaluate local performance, operations and needed improvements.

Director Survey (Qualtrics)
Due by March 14, 2025

Onsite Program of Quality Review

Onsite program evaluations will be conducted on a four-year rotating schedule. Evaluation teams, coordinated by Utah State Board of Education CTE department, will use the Utah Program of Quality Review Standards to assess the quality of CTE programs. Evaluation team members will observe programs within the Local Education Agency (LEA) to make recommendations and commendations.

Evaluation Documents

Program of Quality Review, CTE Administration

Program of Quality Review, Specialist Evaluation

For more information on onsite reviews, contact:

Jonathan Frey, Coordinator
Phone: 538-7852 | E-mail

Membership Reporting and Monitoring

Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS). Local Education Agency (LEA) data quality validations are available in the Utah State Board of Education Data Gateway and should be monitored throughout the school year.

District membership monitoring is conducted to determine accuracy of LEA reported data. These reviews are conducted between September and March on a four-year rotating and risk schedule. Final results are used to determine CTE Add-on funding and CTE Maintenance-of-Effort (MOE) requirements for LEAs.

Annual membership reporting may include, but is not limited to:

  • Teacher qualifications
  • Teacher/course/membership reporting
  • State review and approval
  • Onsite membership monitoring

For more information on district CTE membership audits, contact:

Wendi Morton, Coordinator
Phone: 538-7738 | E-mail

New CTE Programs

The Utah Office of Administrative Rules R277-911: Secondary Career and Technical Education outlines the requirements for CTE program approval and funding of approved programs. To request a new CTE program, the school representative submits a formal application. The New School CTE Program Approval Process and Application contains detailed information on the approval process.

This impacts:

  • New Schools Opening in a District with Established CTE Programs
  • New Schools Opening with CTE Programs

New CTE Program Approval Process and Application
Due by April 1