New School Information

New School Information

Program Accountability

New schools will run the full program for a year before receiving funding as funding is allocated based on the previous year seventh/eighth grade enrollment in the program. The Funding Application and End of Year Summary should be completed during this first year of the program to document compliance with the program requirements.

Proposed Budget and Funding Application

In order to receive state CTE funding, the local education agency (LEA) CTE director must annually submit a Proposed Budget and Funding Application through the Utah Grants Management System Funding Application for the coming year. The application identifies that the school and district are committed to meeting all assurances of the College and Career Awareness program. The Funding Application and Proposed Budget is due to the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) through Utah Grants Management System by April 1 of the year.

Fiscal Year 2024 Funding Application and Proposed Budget

End of Year Summary

An annual College and Career Awareness (CCA) End of Year Summary is no longer a required upload for College and Career Awareness state funding requirements. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may require a school receiving College and Career Awareness funds to submit an End of Year Summary Template to verify all assurances are met to receive state funds. The End of Year Summary Template is not submitted to the Utah State Board of Education. LEAs may choose to require their own schools receiving College and Career Awareness funds to complete an End of Year Summary and submit to the local CTE director to verify all assurances are met to qualify for state funds.

Program Application

New schools will run the full program for a year before receiving funding as funding is allocated based on the previous year seventh grade enrollment in the program. The year prior to application for funding, the full program must be offered in the seventh and/or eighth meeting program requirements.

Early in the school year prior to application for funding, an onsite visit (when possible) with teachers, counselors, and administration in the school is required. This is an opportunity to clarify questions and make sure that everyone understands the requirements of the program and teacher qualification requirements.

An application for the College and Career Awareness program is also required. This application notifies the state Career and Technical Education department of the intent of the school to apply for funding April 1.

Program Expectations

College and Career Awareness offers exploration and preparation in College and Career Pathways focusing on jobs that are high skill, high demand, and/or emerging jobs, as well as satisfying and financially rewarding. The College and Career Awareness course is designed to help students identify their interests, abilities, and skills. With appropriate developmental information related to careers, educational Pathways, and self-knowledge, students are able to begin to make college and career goals for the future. College and Career Awareness is designed to acquaint students with the Utah labor market and the employment opportunities for which they can prepare by defining a College and Career Ready Plan.

  1. Teach the full year (approximately 180 day) College and Career Awareness program curriculum, which aligns to the standards and objectives approved by the Board.

  2. Provide Work-Based Learning experiences during the course for each student. Appropriate Work-Based Learning experiences are guest speakers, career fairs, field studies, or job shadows.

  3. The College and Career Awareness team consists of:

    • Administrators
    • Counselors
    • Teachers, licensed and properly endorsed
    • Work-Based Learning Coordinators

  4. Deliver College and Career Awareness curriculum:
    • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
    • Architecture and Construction
    • Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications
    • Business, Finance and Marketing
    • Computer Science and Information Technology
    • Education and Training
    • Engineering and Technology
    • Health Science
    • Hospitality and Tourism
    • Human Services
    • Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
    • Manufacturing
    • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
  5. Complete program accountability each year.

    • Funding Application and Proposed Budget

  6. Participate in the program approval process on a rotating basis.

    The Utah State Board of Education, in conjunction with school district CTE directors, has developed program standards and program evaluation criteria for CTE programs in secondary schools. These standards are available for a number of uses aimed at developing or improving secondary CTE programs. CTE educators and program staff should use these standards for self-evaluation, goal setting, continuous improvement, and long-range planning. Standards will also be useful to state program specialists in monitoring, evaluating, and providing technical assistance.

  7. Participate in College and Career Awareness professional development activities offered by the Utah State Board of Education every other summer or as provided.

  8. Ensure curriculum is delivered by appropriately licensed and endorsed teachers,preferable from at least two CTE content areas.

    Because College and Career Awareness is a core curriculum requirement, a teacher must have an Elementary Education, Middle School or Secondary Education License with the appropriate endorsement. A CTE License will not meet this requirement.

  9. Update equipment and supplies as needed. Abide by purchasing guidelines, which include not furniture expenditures or payment of wages (substitute or teacher).

  10. Subscribe to the listserv for current information and updates.

Program Funding

This information is intended for use by eligible school districts and charter schools within the state of Utah. Applications are required and due June 1 of each year.

College and Career Awareness applications must be submitted on the approved form and must conform to submission deadlines.

In order for a district to participate, it must identify schools and College and Career Awareness team members that:

  • incorporate the entire approved College and Career Awareness Core Curriculum program;
  • are willing to participate in professional development for the program; and
  • will assure compliance with all standards related to the program.

All allocations will be based upon schools meeting and continued compliance with the program standards.

Funding allocations are based on the annual state allocations and the following student enrollment counts for the previous year seventh grade students:

  • 1-10 students $2,000 base plus percentage allocation
  • 11 plus students $4,000 base plus percentage allocation

As a new school does not have students from the previous year to generate funding, the first year of the program is not funded, but generates funding for the following years.

Each school is responsible to submit the Funding Application and Proposed Budget for funding by June 1 each year. Funding is not ongoing without the funding application submission annually.