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Publications and Resources
My Vocational Agriculture Teacher, Jerry Burchett, stands at the front of the classroom taking roll. The school year is only a few weeks old but we have already settled into a routine. He finishes roll call and starts the announcements for the day; but this is sixth period and we've had all we can stand, so all we hear is blah, blah, blah; until he says, "the Otero County Fair will be held in September next fall, which means it's time to start thinking about buying show steers."
Online Connections
American Sheep Industry (ASI) Association
A national organization representing the interests of more than 69,000 sheep producers
located throughout the United States. From east to west, farm flocks to range operations,
ASI works to represent the interests of all producers. ASI is a federation of 44 state
sheep associations as well as individual members.
Farm Bureau (FB)
A unified national voice of agriculture, working through its grassroots organization
to enhance and strengthen the lives of rural Americans and to build strong, prosperous
agricultural communities.
Livestock Judging
An interactive online livestock judging training tool that allows agriculture teachers
and judging coaches to efficiently train their teams and students.
National Cattlemen's Beef Association
A resource for cattlemen and the beef industry funded by the Cattlemen's Beef Board
and the Federation of State Beef Councils.
National Pork Producers Council (NPPC)
Conducts public policy outreach on behalf of its 44 affiliated state association members,
enhancing opportunities for the success of United States pork producers and other
industry stakeholders by establishing the United States pork industry as a consistent
and responsible supplier of high quality pork to the domestic and world market.
The Garden Web
The Internet's garden and home community.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
United States Department of Agriculture (also called the Agriculture Department or
USDA) is a United States Federal Executive Department or Cabinet Department. Its purpose
is to develop and execute policy on farming, agriculture, and food. It aims to meet
the needs of farmers and ranchers, promote agricultural trade and production, work
to assure food safety, protect natural resources, foster rural communities and end
hunger, in America and abroad.
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF)
Protects and promotes Utah agriculture and food. The department is assigned functions,
powers, and duties by the Utah Legislature.
Utah Farm Bureau Federation
An organization dedicated to improving net farm income and the quality of life for
all Utahans. Farm Bureau is governed by an elected, eleven-member Board of Directors,
all of whom are working farmers or ranchers.
Making A Difference
An online newsletter sponsored by the National FFA Organization providing resources
for agriculture education teachers.
Planet Ag
Are you looking for a fun and interesting science fair project? Then consider agriculture
for your project topic. After all, agriculture is science -- the science of growing
plants, breeding animals, and producing other food products. This section of the website,
called "Planet Ag," will get you thinking about agricultural science.
Team Ag Ed
Quick links to sites dedicated to promotes local agriculture program success.
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom strives to improve agricultural literacy by developing
programs that increase student awareness about agriculture and instill in students
an appreciation for our food and fiber system.
Utah Education Network (UEN)
The Utah Education Network is a consortium of public education partners, including
the Utah System of Higher Education and its ten universities and colleges and Utah
Electronic College, the Utah State Board of Education, local school districts and
the Utah Electronic High School and the state's library system. Site contains extensive
resources for educators in Utah.
Utah State Board of Education Science Resources
The science website for Utah State Board of Education. Find links to the most recent
news and resources.
Professional Organizations
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is the largest national
education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth
and adults for careers.
National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE)
NAAE is professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through
visionary leadership, advocacy and service. NAAE seeks to advance agricultural education
and promote the professional interests and growth of agriculture teachers as well
as recruit and prepare students who have a desire to teach agriculture.
National Education Association (NEA)
The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee
organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million
members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs.
NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities
across the United States.
Utah Association for Career and Technical Education (UACTE)
UACTE has been providing leadership and advocacy for career and technical education
programs and professionals since 1929. The organization is an affiliate of the national
organization Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE).
Utah Association of Agricultural Education (UAAE)
The Utah Agricultural Educators Association is a professional organization for agriculture
science teachers and supporters of agriculture education.
Utah Education Association (UEA)
The UEA is the largest public education employee association in Utah, representing
more than 18,000 active classroom teachers, retired educators, administrators, licensed
educational support personnel and campus student organizations
Utah State University
Utah State University has evolved from a small, agricultural college to one that is
nationally and internationally recognized for its intellectual and technological leadership
in land, water, space, and life enhancement. As Utah's land-grant and space-grant
institution, the university has 850 faculty who provide education for more than 23,000
undergraduate and graduate students.
Utah State University: Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Department
Agriculture today is a dynamic, rapidly changing industry. It includes more than farming
or producing food and fiber. It embodies all the occupations connected with the production,
processing, marketing, and distribution of farm products. Programs in the department
prepare students for employment in the modern world of agriculture.
Utah State University Extension
Extension is unique in structure and function. As a partnership of federal, state,
and local governments, the Cooperative Extension System - with its network of county
offices and state universities, is in a position to deliver educational programs at
the grassroots level throughout the nation. The Cooperative Extension System continues
its longstanding tradition of extending the university to the people to improve the
quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.
Science Credit
Utah Graduation Requirements for Science
Beginning with the graduating class of 2011, graduates will be required to complete three credits in science. The science requirement for graduation can be met by completing at a minimum, two of the following Foundation Courses: Earth Systems Science, Biological Science, Chemistry, Physics and one additional unit of credit from the Foundation Courses or the Applied, Advanced or Supplemental Courses.
Applied, Advanced or Supplemental Course List
Biological Science Endorsement
Required License(s) and Endorsement(s) for Granting Science Credit