Board Advisory Groups

Board Advisory Groups

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has created and/or appointed or nominated members to various advisory groups. Members of the public interested in participating on one of the groups should contact Kelsey James via e-mail at to obtain application and vacancy information.

Advisory Committee on Equity of Educational Services for Students (ACEESS)

ACEESS Advisory Group

Policy 5001: Advisory Committee on Equity of Educational Services for Students

Assessment and Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (AAPAC)

Reference: Board Resolution 2016-2

Policy 5002: Assessment and Accountability Policy Advisory Committee

Utah State Board of Education Notice of Vacancy/Call for Nominations
Nominations Due March 26, 2024

Charter School Revolving Account Committee

Reference: 53A-1a-522(6)

Competency-Based Education (CBE) Review Committee

Reference: 53A-15-1803(3)

Computer Science Advisory Committee

None at this time.

Digital Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee

Reference: 53A-1-1505

Student Advisory Council (SAC)

SAC Advisory Group

Utah State Board of Education Notice of Vacancy/Call for Nominations
Applications due July 19, 2024

Board Policy 5008: Student Advisory Council (SAC)

Student Data Policy Advisory Group (SDPAG)

Reference: 53E-9-302

Student Data Users Advisory Group (SDUAG)

Reference: 53E-9-302

School Readiness Board

Reference: 53A-1b-103 

School Safety and Crisis Line Commission

Reference: 53A-11-1504

Standards Assessment Parent Review Committee

Reference: 53E-4-303(5)

State Instructional Materials Commission (IMC)

Reference: 53A-14-101:

Trust Lands Advisory Committee (TLAC)

Board Policy 5007: Trust Lands Advisory Committee (TLAC)

Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN) Board

Reference: 53B-17-105(5) 102(3)

Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB) Advisory Council

Reference: 53E-8-204(4)

Utah State Board of Education Notice of Vacancy/Call for Nominations
Nominations Due May 16, 2024

Utah Special Education Advisory Panel (USEAP)

Board Policy 5006: Utah Special Education Advisory Group

Utah State Charter School Board

Reference: 53A-1a-501.6

Utah Transparency Advisory Board

Reference: 63A-3-403(2)(l)

In conjunction with the Department of Human Services, the Board appoints members to the:

  • Utah Coordinating Council for Youth in Custody
    Reference: 53A-1-403.5 (5)(a)