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R277-473. K-12 Computer Science for Utah Grant
R277. Education, Administration.
R277-473. K-12 Computer Science for Utah Grant.
R277-473-1. Authority, Purpose, and Oversight Category.
(1) This rule is authorized by:
(a) Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3, which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board;
(b) Subsection 53E-3-401(4), which allows the Board to make rules to execute the Board's duties and responsibilities under the Utah Constitution and state law; and
(c) Section 53B-34-106, which allows the Board to establish rules for grant application and reporting requirements.
(2) The purpose of this rule is to establish standards and procedures for LEAs seeking to receive K-12 Computer Science for Utah Grant funds.
(3) This rule is categorized as Category 3 as described in Rule R277-111.
R277-473-2. Definitions.
(1) "College and Career Awareness" or "CCA" has the same meaning as defined in Rule R277-916.
(2) "Computer science" means the foundation for all computing, encompassing the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including principles, hardware and software design, implementation, and impact on society.
(3) "Digital literacy" means the middle school course requirement established by the Board in Subsection R277-700-5(3)(i)(C).
(4) "Keyboarding" means the elementary school core subject requirement established by the Board in Subsection R277-700-4(2)(h).
(5) "Talent Ready Utah" means a program of the Utah System of Higher Education established in Title 53B, Chapter 34, Talent, Education, and Industry Alignment, that:
(a) optimizes partnerships made by education and industry, working collectively to build a highly skilled workforce while providing students with increased career and education opportunities; and
(b) consults with the Board on the K-12 Computer Science for Utah grant.
R277-473-3. Computer Science Advisory Committee.
(1) The Superintendent shall establish a Computer Science Advisory Committee.
(2) The Superintendent shall appoint at least six members to the committee, including:
(a) an industry representative;
(b) one member who represents a school district with expertise in computer science;
(c) one member who represents a charter school with expertise in computer science;
(d) one member representing the Utah System of Higher Education;
(e) one member representing the Talent Ready Utah Board;
(f) a non-profit national computer science organization representative; and
(g) other members determined by the Superintendent in consultation with the committee.
(3) The advisory committee shall:
(a) oversee the review process of a new LEA plan to determine whether the LEA meets the plan criteria described in Section 53B-34-106;
(b) make recommendations for improvement if an LEA plan does not meet requirements; and
(c) perform other duties as directed by the Superintendent.
R277-473-4. LEA Requirements.
(1) An LEA shall develop an annual plan that expands student opportunities in computer science in grades k-12 in cooperation with educators, paraeducators, and parents.
(2) An LEA plan shall be consistent with Section 53B-34-106 and include a comprehensive model outlined for k-6.
(3) An LEA that receives grant funding shall annually submit to the Superintendent a summary of progress by June 30 for k-6, including:
(a) demographic data of students participating in computer science courses compared to the overall LEA k-6 demographics;
(b) annual professional development plans for teachers;
(c) itemized budgetary expenditures for grant funds; and
(d) overall effectiveness of the grant program.
R277-473-5. Funds Distribution.
(1) The Superintendent shall approve each LEA plan in consultation with the advisory committee established in Section R277-473-3.
(2) An approved LEA will receive funds as outline this section.
(3)(a) The Superintendent shall award program funds in consultation with the Computer Science Advisory Committee.
(b) An approved LEA shall receive a base amount determined by the Superintendent after reviewing legislative funding allocations.
(c) If funds permit, an approved LEA may receive an additional amount based on the LEA's enrollment.
(4) An LEA may not use computer science grant program funds to:
(a) support non-computer science programs, including, digital literacy, graphic arts, keyboarding, or CCA courses; or
(b) cover indirect costs charged by the LEA.
KEY: computer science, grant, talent ready, Utah State Board of Education
Date of Last Change: December 10, 2024
Notice of Continuation: August 15, 2024
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53E-3-401(4); 53B-34-106
Status of Rule
Effective December 10, 2024
Five-year review August 15, 2029
Oversight Framework
Related Utah Law
Public Education Statutes
Other Statutes
USBE Administrative Rules
R277-100, Definitions for USBE Rules
R277-700, The Elementary and Secondary School General Core
Related Federal Law
Contact Information
Primary Contact:
Thalea Longhurst
Career and Technical Education
Secondary Contact:
Kristina Yamada
Career and Technical Education
This page was last updated on December 17, 2024.
NOTE: The information on this webpage is provided as a service to users and the Utah State Board of Education is not responsible for any errors or omissions.
R277-473: K-12 Computer Science for Utah Grant (Effective November 8, 2019)
R277-473: K-12 Computer Science for Utah Grant (Effective August 24, 2020)
R277-473: K-12 Computer Science for Utah Grant (Effective March 15, 2024)
NOTE: This history may be incomplete as it only shows rule versions if they were saved in digital format at the Utah State Board of Education. Additional rule versions may be accessed at the Office of Administrative Rules website. Please contact Kirin McInnis, legal assistant, at kirin.mcinnis@schools.utah.gov with any questions.
Categories related to this rule: | This rule requires: | Framework category: | |||
Adult Education | X | Committee or council | Exempt from framework | ||
Charter Schools | Local policy | Category 1 | |||
College and Career | Notice or website posting | Category 2 | |||
Educators and Employees | Permission or consent | X | Category 3 | ||
Federal | Plan | Category 4 | |||
X | Funding | X | Reporting--Local | Uncategorized | |
LEA Operation and Administration | Reporting--USBE | ||||
Licensing | Training | ||||
Non-academic Student Support | |||||
Parents | |||||
Participation in Public Schools | Related funding: | ||||
School Improvement and Accountability | Minimum School Program--Basic | ||||
Special Education | MSP--Related to Basic--Formula | ||||
X | Student Learning | MSP--Related to Basic--Grant | |||
Student Safety, Behavior, and Discipline | Contracted Initiative | ||||
Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind | Initiative Grant Program | ||||
Utah State Board of Education | X | Other Funding |