Board Committees
Members are assigned to committees by the Board Chair in consultation with the Vice chair(s), with consideration of Members’ requests and potential conflicts of interest.
Standing Committee Assignments
Standing committees typically meet the first Friday of each month, following the monthly full board meeting the day prior. Individuals who want to comment on a specific agenda item(s) during a committee meeting should contact the secretary assigned to that committee. Public comment is at the discretion of the committee chair.
Finance Committee
Cindy Davis, Chair
Cole Kelley, Vice Chair
Christina Boggess
Randy Boothe
Matt Hymas
Staff: Scott Jones, Deputy Superintendent of Operations
Secretary: Cammy Wilcox
Standards and Assessment Committee
Jennie Earl, Chair
Joann Brinton, Vice Chair
Emily Green
Sarah Reale
LeAnn Wood
Staff: Leah Voorhies, Interim Deputy Superintendent of Student Achievement
Secretary: Andrea Curtin
Law and Licensing Committee
Joseph Kerry, Chair
Amanda Bollinger, Vice Chair
Carol Lear
Rod Hall
Molly Hart
Staff: Elisse Newey, Deputy Superintendent of Policy
Secretary: Vanessa Hatton
Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Committee
LeAnn Wood, Chair
Randy Boothe, Vice Chair
JoAnn Brinton
Cindy Davis
Jennie Earl
Staff: Joel Coleman, Superintendent of the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
Secretary: Andrea Curtin
Other Committee Assignments
Additional committees, taskforces, and advisory groups may require board member representation. Members may serve on additional committees by invitation, as assigned by board leadership. Additional information can be found in the Board Bylaws, Article VIII, Sections 3 - 4.
Audit Committee
The Board Audit Committee membership is proposed by board leadership in an executive session and voted upon by the full Board in an open meeting. The Board Audit Committee will generally meet monthly and is not subject to the Open and Public Meetings Act as it never represents a quorum of the Board. Powers and responsibilities of the committee are described in Board Policy 2006.
Molly Hart, Chair
Rod Hall, Vice Chair
Sarah Reale
Christina Boggess
Carol Lear
Staff: Debbie Davis, Chief Audit Executive
Secretary: Jennifer Johnston