Student Advisory Council

Student Advisory Council (SAC) Advisory Group


The Utah State Board of Education Student Advisory Council (SAC) advises the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) on issues relevant to high school students throughout the state.

Board Policy 5008: Student Advisory Council (SAC)

In order to gain valuable feedback from Utah students and to engage student leaders in learning by doing, the Utah State Board of Education has created the Student Advisory Council. This group will meet with the board and USBE staff, both in person and virtually, to discuss how decisions made at the state level are affecting students throughout Utah and provide feedback – from a student perspective – on critical issues impacting Utah students and schools.

The SAC is a school year-long program for Utah school students in grades 11-12. The SAC will play a vital role in providing input regarding issues that face education in Utah and work with the board and USBE staff to develop ideas that will work to improve and transform education.

The SAC seeks students with innovative ideas and thoughtful insight into how we can further improve our schools and student achievement. As such, we encourage students to apply who represent the diverse academic, geographic, demographic and school-size variables particular to our state.



One student member from each of the 15 State Board of Education districts will be chosen and serve a two year term (except seniors chosen for the inaugural 2018-2019 school year will only serve a one year term).

All student members are in grades 11-12 or at least 16 years old during the two years of service on the council.


Meeting Frequency

Meetings are held quarterly (approximately four times per school year) with alternating virtual and in-person meetings. Students may be eligible for reimbursement for travel to in-person meetings at the Utah State Board of Education building in Salt Lake City in alignment with state policies. 


Application for 2025-2026 School Year

Applications for the Student Advisory Council for the 2025-26 school year will be released publicly in May 2025. Applications will be reviewed by the Board and appointments will be made during an open and public board meeting.


Contact USBE

For more information about the Student Advisory Council please contact:

Jennifer Wadsworth
Policy Advisor
Phone: (801) 538-7521 |  E-mail

Greg Connell
Policy Analyst
Phone: (801) 538-7957 |  E-mail

Vanessa Hatton
Executive Assistant
Phone: (801) 538-7550 |  E-mail