Meeting Schedule
Utah State Board of Education 2025 Meeting Schedule
Utah State Board of Education 2024 Meeting Schedule
Utah State Board of Education 2023 Meeting Schedule
Utah State Board of Education 2022 Meeting Schedule
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for these meetings should contact Board Secretary Cybil Prideaux at (801) 538-7517 or via e-mail at, giving at least three working days' notice.
All regular meetings will be held at the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84111. Times are subject to change.
Meeting Agendas
Beginning August 1, 2019 the Utah State Board of Education will begin using CivicClerk as its Agenda Management Tool. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretary, Cybil Prideaux at (801) 538-7517 or via e-mail at
Utah State Board of Education Media
Note: A live meeting Webcast or Audiocast is typically available while meetings are in session.
Meeting Summary
Below is the most recent board meeting summary. Previous board meeting summaries can be located at the bottom of the page. If you are looking for a previous board meeting summary that is not available below, please reach out to Board Communications Coordinator, Kelsey James, at
February 6, 2025 Board Meeting
The Utah State Board of Education:
- Appointed seven board members to serve on the Superintendent Selection Committee ahead of Superintendent Dickson’s departure in June.
- Updated its 2025 legislative session funding requests.
- Received an update from leaders of Utah’s Regional Education Service Agencies.
- Approved a data sharing agreement with Utah State University’s Center for School of the Future
- Participated in a presentation and Q&A with Representative Defay about HB 168, a bill that is being proposed to help state leaders stay informed about AI as the technology continues to be developed and integrated into more facets of society, including education.
- Full agenda.
Board Creates Superintendent Selection Committee
The Utah State Board of Education assembled a Superintendent Selection Committee composed of no more than seven members. Matt Hymas, Cole Kelley, Sarah Reale, Jennie Earl, Cindy Davis, Joe Kerry, and Emily Green were tasked to screen candidates for the role of State Superintendent of Public Instruction prior to Superintendent Sydnee Dickson’s departure from the agency at the end of June.
For additional information, please contact:
Kelsey James
Board Communications Coordinator
Phone: (801) 538-7516 | E-mail
Board Prioritizes Funding Requests for the 2025 Legislative Session
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) updated its legislative funding request priorities for the ongoing 2025 legislative session. Those updates include:
- A revision of the Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU) funding request. The Board is now asking for a 1 percent increase above the 4 percent inflation factor. The new request is for an ongoing 45 million dollars.
- A request for 1.3 million dollars in ongoing funds to meet USBE’s staffing and support needs. The one-time request for 28 thousand dollars was dropped from the request.
- A 15 million dollar reduction in the request for the Statewide Uniform Reporting Structure. The Board is now requesting a one-time sum of 20 million dollars.
- A 50 million dollar reduction in the request related to School Safety Needs Assessment Findings. The Board is now requesting a one-time sum of 50 million dollars.
- A new request for 4 million dollars for Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind (USDB). This funding would help to ensure that USDB can continue delivering high-quality specialized education to a growing number of students who need the school’s services to meet their needs.
In addition to these updated funding requests, the Board also:
- Directed staff to work with the legislature to leave 3.2 million dollars of one-time funds to meet SB 39 Education Testing Amendments requirements, — should that bill be passed by the legislature — ensuring the availability of funding without having to submit a fiscal note.
- Recommended to the legislature that ongoing funds be maintained for CTE student organizations, CTE college and career awareness, and CTE work-based learning.
- Recommended to the legislature that ongoing funds be maintained for grants for professional learning.
- Voted to oppose HB 303 Public School Directory Sharing Amendments.
- Directed USBE staff to work with the bill sponsor to amend 1st sub HB 40 School Safety Amendments to add an audit log and access protocol requirements.
- Directed staff to work with the bill sponsor to seek clarity on the term “health outcomes” as used in HB 371 Gold Medal Schools Pilot Program, and ensure that any data collection complies with data privacy laws and regulations.
For additional information, please contact:
Scott Jones
Deputy Superintendent of Operations
Phone: (801) 538-7615 | E-mail
Board Receives Update from Leaders of Utah’s Regional Education Service Agencies
The Utah State Board of Education heard a presentation from leaders of the Regional Education Service Agencies (RESA). These four agencies support school districts and charter schools by providing professional development, technology services, curriculum support, and other resources, especially in Utah’s rural and underserved communities. The RESAs assist school districts in providing comparable and cost-effective services and programs for students in rural Utah to match those offered to students on Utah’s urban Wasatch Front.
For additional information, please contact:
Scott Jones
Deputy Superintendent of Operations
Phone: (801) 538-7615 | E-mail
Board Takes Action on Data Sharing Agreement with Utah State University's Center for School of the Future
The Utah State Board of Education took action on a data sharing agreement with Utah State University’s Center for School of the Future (CSF). During its February meeting, the Board directed staff to explore alternatives with CSF to gather de-identified data from those LEAs who are participating with the center and to seek clarity from the sponsor of SB 173: Market Informed Compensation for Teachers (2024).
The agreement was proposed to facilitate data sharing with CSF in order to execute the responsibilities under Utah Code Section 53F-2-526. CSF would use the data from USBE to:
Establish a teacher merit award identification system (TMAIS).
Identify eligible teachers for the Excellence in Education and Leadership Supplement.
Conduct statistical analysis of student assessment data.
Partner with third-party data modeling contractors to process USBE data on behalf of CSF.
For additional information, please contact:
Katy Challis
Director of Privacy
Phone: (801) 538-7894 | E-mail
Board Approves Request for Staff to Analyze Enrollment Trends
The Utah State Board of Education approved a request for Internal Audit staff to provide consultancy services to analyze recent enrollment trends data. This will also be added to the Board’s list of audit priorities. While approved, this request will likely not be addressed until the summer due to staffing shortages.
For additional information, please contact:
Debbie Davis
Chief Audit Executive
Phone: (801) 538-7639 | E-mail
Board Approves Waiver Request from Garfield County School District
The Utah State Board of Education approved a waiver request for Garfield County School District. This district requested a waiver under R277-419(4), which states that a district or charter shall provide educational services over a minimum of 180 school days each school year.
For additional information, please contact:
Ashley Biehl
Assistant Attorney General
Phone: (801) 538-7685 | E-mail
Board Amends Policy Related to Data Governance
The Utah State Board of Education approved amendments to Board Policy 3006, USBE Data Governance Plan. This policy provides a process for sharing data internally with LEAs, prioritizing student data privacy.
For additional information, please contact:
Ben Rasmussen
Director of Law and Professional Practices
Phone: (801) 538-7835 | E-mail
Katy Challis
Director of Privacy
Phone: (801) 538-7894 | E-mail
Board Amends Policy Related to Board Election Procedures
The Utah State Board of Education approved amendments to Board Policy 2002, Board Officer Elections Procedures. The policy amendment eliminates the use of ranked-choice voting by the Board when electing members of Board Leadership. The changes also detail that Board staff shall announce votes rather than Board members.
For additional information, please contact:
Kelsey James
Board Communications Coordinator
Phone: (801) 538-7516 | E-mail
Board Approves Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Exploration Course
The Utah State Board of Education approved standards for a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course, FCS Exploration. This course provides students with the opportunity to develop essential skills in the various career pathways related to Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS).
For additional information, please contact:
Thalea Longhurst
Career & Technical Education Director
Phone: (801) 538-7889 | E-mail
New Administrative Rules, Amendments, and Repeals
The Utah State Board of Education approved, amended, or repealed the following administrative rules:
R277-708, Enhancement for At-Risk Students. This rule is being repealed because the EARS program has been discontinued and merged into the Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU).
R277-609, Standards for LEA Discipline Plans and Emergency Safety Interventions. This rule is being amended to provide additional clarity. The Board is also forwarding the rule to the Reports and Requirements Task Force for additional refinement of reporting and data collection requirements for monitoring purposes.
R277-627, Early Warning System. This rule is being amended to define an "early warning system." The Board has asked staff to create a guidance document with threshold recommendations.
R277-704, Financial and Economic Literacy: Integration Into Core Curriculum. This rule is being amended to better align with state code by updating definitions and clarifying professional development standards.
Board Approves Consent Calendar
The Utah State Board of Education approved its consent calendar.
Highlights of Friday’s Committee Meetings
The Utah State Board of Education Finance, Law and Licensing, and Standards and Assessments Committees met on Friday, February 7. Items approved in committee meetings will be heard by the full Board during its March meeting.
Law and Licensing Committee met in a hybrid format from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Highlights from the meeting included:
- Preliminary approval of R277-417, Prohibiting LEAs and Third Party Providers From Offering Incentives or Disbursement for Enrollment or Participation.
- Preliminary approval of R277-714, Unsafe School Choice Option.
Standards and Assessment Committee met in a hybrid format from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Highlights from the meeting included:
- Discussion on updates related to AI.
- Bi-Monthly Mathematics Standards Update.
Finance Committee met online from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Highlights from the meeting included:
- Preliminary approval of R277-113, LEA Fiscal and Auditing Policies.
- Discussion on Federal School Improvement Waiver Considerations.
Previous Board Meeting Summaries
Meeting Minutes