Special Education Services

Welcome to Special Education Services


The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Special Education Services section provides leadership and support for educators, parents, and students with disabilities receiving special education and related services throughout Utah public schools and communities, in an effort to improve educational outcomes.

Individual with Disability Education Act (IDEA) Application

Section 427 GEPA Utah FFY25 Application

Utah Part B FFY25 Application

Utah FFY24 Part B Interactive Spreadsheet

Public Notice: Please review the Utah State Board of Education IDEA application, interactive spreadsheet, and GEPA form. The interactive spreadsheet is from last year as we are awaiting the FFY 2025 allocation information from the Department.

Public Comment:  We are accepting public comments for the next 30 days. Please send comments to Jerry Rogers at jerry.rogers@schools.utah.gov with the following subject line: Public Comment IDEA Part B Application.


USBE Special Education Rules

Utah State Board of Education Special Education Rules (June 2023)
Effective June 2023


Special Education e-Newsletter

Online Newsletter

Register for a subscription to the USBE Special Education e-Newsletter. Each month the e-newsletter will provide subscribers with articles and professional learning opportunities aimed at improving outcomes for students with disabilities. The monthly articles will focus on literacy, numeracy, behavior supports, transition, preschool, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), parent engagement, meaningful inclusion, and compliance. Educators, administrators, paraeducators, and parents will all benefit from this information. Please feel free to share this subscription link with your colleagues and friends.


Student Support Training Request Portal (TRP)

Training Portal

The USBE TRP is an online tool for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to request specific Professional Learning (PL) and Technical Assistance (TA) support from the USBE. The information submitted is used to help coordinate PL and TA across the state to ensure that LEA needs are addressed and met in an efficient manner.