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Special Education Organizations and Partnerships
Parent Consultants
The Utah Parent Center (UPC) provides Parent Consultants to provide parents of students with disabilities and/or students with disabilities the information, training, and skills to become an informed and effective partner with school personnel in supporting the individualized leaders of special education by providing relevant services that guide positive systemic change and results thereby ensuring students with disabilities will live, learn, work and participate in their communities.
Service Providers
Esperanza Reyes, Utah Parent Center, Phone: (801) 272-1051, Extension 253 | Phone: (800) 468-1160, Extension 253.
Autism Council of Utah (ACU)
ACU is an independent council working to foster collaboration, communication, and
learning among families and agencies. The aim is to promote access to resources and
responsible information for individuals of all ages who have, or are affected by autism,
or related conditions. They support statewide partnerships to collaborate on special
projects, research, and training.
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Collaboratives
CCSSO provides supports to state agencies to ensure all students participating in
our public education system graduate prepared for college, careers, and life.
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): Utah
CEC ensures the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational
legislation, establishes professional standards for the field and develops initiatives
to improve special education practice.
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE)
NASDSE supports state leaders of special education throughout the United States and
its territories. NASDSE’s mission and vision is to improve individual and organizational
success for state children, youth, and young adults with all disabilities to live
included, productive lives as members of the community.
Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education (TAESE)
TAESE collaborates with state and local education agencies to improve results for
infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities.
Utah Developmental Disabilities Council (UDDC)
The UDDC is the state's leading source of critical, innovative, and progressive information,
advocacy, leadership and collaboration to enhance the lives of individuals with developmental
Utah Education and Telehealth Network (UETN)
UETN connects Utah’s K-12 schools, technical colleges, institutions of higher education
and public libraries, as well as patients and healthcare providers throughout the
state. UETN provides robust infrastructure, applications, and support for education
and healthcare.
Utah Parent Center (UPC) Events
The UPC helps parents help their learning and behavioral needs of students with disabilities.
Parent consultant services are designed to encourage and assist parents to improve
communication and collaboration with schools in support of dispute resolution. Parent
consultant Services are available at no cost to the family.
Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB)
USDB serves as a resource to the educational programs, age birth to 21 years of age,
in the state of Utah. USDB provides direct and indirect, high quality, educational
services and consultations to children with hearing and/or vision impairments as well
as to their families and service providers.
Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center (USIMAC)
USIMAC provides assistance to local education agencies in meeting the accessible instructional
materials requirements of the IDEA. The USIMAC offers the opportunity for students
with print disabilities to gain increased access to the general curriculum by making
core instructional material accessible in alternate formats.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
VR supports individuals with disabilities in obtaining competitive, integrated employment
through professional vocational counseling and guidance, and through partnerships
with employers, school districts, higher education and other agencies. VR also serves
Utah businesses by offering training on hiring individuals with disabilities and workplace
Utah Special Education Advisory Panel (USEAP)
The Utah Special Education Advisory Panel is an advisory panel appointed by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). The purpose of the panel is to provide policy guidance to USBE with respect to special education and related services for students with disabilities in the State of Utah.
USEAP Meetings
2024-2025 Duties, Priorities, and Meeting Dates
Utah Special Education Advisory Panel (USEAP) Public Participation Procedures
Note: Individuals from the public wishing to address the USEAP can contact Leah Voorhies to be included in a meeting agenda.
Member Information
Utah State Board of Education Policies
Utah State Board of Education Policy, Law and Professional Practices
Robert's Rules of Order: Short History of Robert's Rules
Special Education Advisory Panel Robert’s Rules of Order Words to Use: Some Basic Common Procedures
July 2023-June 2024
July 2022-June 2023
Recruitment and Retention of Special Education Paraeducators
July 2021-June 2022
Paraeducator Training and Supervision
July 2020-June 2021
School Reopening Amid the Worldwide Pandemic
Systems Change for Meaningful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
July 2019-June 2020
Adequate Support Staff - Paraeducators and Related Service Providers
Social Emotional Learning and Students with Disabilities
July 2018-June 2019
July 2017-June 2018
July 2016-June 2017
Diploma Options for Students with Disabilities
Assistant Superintendent of Student Support