Prospective Providers

Becoming an Online Provider

To become an online course provider your school or program must be accredited for grades 9-12 education, must have a licensed administrator, a special education teacher and assign teachers who are licensed in the state of Utah. You must be one of the following:

  • A charter or district school created exclusively for the purpose of serving students online.
  • A Local Education Agency (LEA) program, approved by the LEA's governing board, that is created exclusively for the purpose of serving students online.
  • A program of a public institution of higher education that offers secondary school level courses and is created exclusively for the purpose of serving students online.

To learn more please send an email to  Include your name, the name of the school, and a link to your website.

Statewide Online Education Program (SOEP) Provider Website Information
An example of what the website needs to include as a part of  SOEP.


New applications will be available July 1, 2024.