School Counseling Program Implementation and Management

School Counseling Programs Implementation and Management


Implementation Guide

The purpose of the Elementary School Counseling Program Implementation Guide is to supplement the College and Career Readiness School Counseling Program Model by providing additional insight and resources to help elementary school counselors in developing and implementing a comprehensive school counseling program.

Elementary Utah College and Career Readiness School Counseling Program Implementation Guide

Implementation Guide Documents/Templates

College and Career Readiness Activities

College and Career Readiness Student Mindsets and Competencies Action Plan

Elementary Electronic Evidence Box Guide

Elementary Principal/Counselor Annual Agreement

Elementary Time/Task Analysis

Lesson Plan and Results Report

School Data Summary

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Surveys

Elementary Systemic Assessment and Curriculum Delivery Survey

The Elementary Systemic Assessment, through CTE Surveys, is a tool to help evaluate the effectiveness of the school counseling program. This survey should include feedback from a significant representation of students, parents, and teachers that is reflective of the overall school demographics. It is recommended that this survey be administered every 3 years in alignment with the secondary school counseling program 6-year review cycle to support program alignment and data analysis across feeder schools. Results from this survey allow counselors a data-informed direction for the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program.

The Curriculum Delivery Survey is completed by teachers. It is recommended that this survey be administered every 3 years in conjunction with the Elementary Systemic Assessment. Results from this survey allow counselors to deliver intentional classroom instruction to support the development of student mindsets and competencies in the four domains of academic/learning, life/career, multicultural/global citizenship, and social/emotional.

Creating an Account Through CTE Surveys

To create a new account:

  • Go to Career and Technical Education (CTE) Surveys
  • Click on Counselor Login
  • Click on Create Account
  • Complete All Fields
    • If your school is not listed on the Select Your School drop down menu, choose My School is Not Listed,and you will be prompted to enter that information in a text box.
    • If you need to list more than one school in the Select Your School drop down menu, choose I need Access to More than One School, and you will be prompted to enter that information in a text box.
  • Click on Register as a New User

After submitting the information, you will receive an e-mail asking you to validate your e-mail address. After your e-mail is successfully validated, you will receive another e-mail stating you have access, and you can then log in.

CTESurveys com Walkthrough

Student Outcome Accountability Report (SOAR)

The Student Outcome Accountability Report (SOAR) provides elementary school counselors with student data to assist in the data-decision making process. This report takes data submitted through the Utah Transcript Record Exchange (UTRex) system and organizes it in categories that elementary school counselors can use to help identify gaps in the areas of access, attainment, and achievement. From this analysis, elementary school counselors set program goals to address identified gaps to improve student outcomes. The SOAR is designed as one resource for elementary school counselors, but additional data sources should be used when making data-informed decisions.

Individual schools can access their SOAR through the Utah State Board of Education Data Gateway Login. Elementary school counselors will need to work with their Information Technology department or LEA leadership to obtain access. Once access is granted through the district, elementary school counselors can find the report on the Data Gateway homepage under My Tools. To help elementary school counselors analyze and interpret the SOAR, the SOAR Business Rules have been established.

Data Projects

Elementary school counselors are uniquely positioned to create a program that equitably serves all students and supports the school improvement plan. As elementary school counselors work within the system with administration and school leadership teams, they work continuously with data. A data project is a way that the elementary school counselor can connect school needs and goals for improving student learning outcomes.

Elementary school counselors are accountable for their individual performance as well as their program’s performance. It is recommended that elementary school counselors complete a data project each school year using the Data Project Reporting Template. Data projects promote a systemic process of a data-driven decision-making school counseling program and answers the question, Is the school counseling program making a difference for students, and how can I prove it? Elementary school counselors can use the Data Project Rubric to assess the level of evidence found in their Data Project.

To complete the Data Project Reporting Template, download the Accountability and Data Project Reporting Template.

Individual School Counselor Accountability

As defined in the Utah Office of Administrative Rules R277-530-7: Educational School Counselor Standards, the Utah Effective School Counselor Performance Standards articulate what effective school counselor practices look like in the Utah public education system. The standards align with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) school counselor standards, the National Office of Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA), the Utah College and Career Readiness School Counseling Program Model, and current research on effective school counselor practices. The effective school counselor focuses on students’ long-term academic, college and career, citizenship, and social/emotional development. 

The Utah Effective School Counselor Rubric is the tool used to evaluate the school counselor’s ability to demonstrate the skills and professional dispositions necessary to promote students’ autonomy, career literacy, responsibility to self and others, and lifelong learning. 

Utah Effective Professional School Counselor Evaluation Rubric

School counselors are also expected to adhere to the school counseling ethical and professional standards set forth by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA).

ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors

ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards and Competencies

Grant Opportunities

The Elementary School Counselor Grant Program awards grants to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to provide targeted school-based mental health support in elementary school, including trauma-informed care, through employment of qualifying personnel.