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- Prevention
- Parent Seminars for Student Protection
Parent Seminars Provide Parents an opportunity to engage with their schools and to
better understand topics like substance abuse, bullying, mental health, suicide prevention,
internet safety, and SafeUT.
Empowering Parents
SafeUT is a crisis chat and tip line that provides real-time crisis intervention for
students, parents/guardians, and educators through live chat and a confidential tip
line right from your smartphone. To learn more, visit SafeUT.
SafeUT Curriculum Support PowerPoint
Substance Use
The Utah State Board of Education has developed the following curriculum to support Parent Seminars.
Contact Us
Laws and Policies
Utah Code Section Title 53G-9-703: Parent education—Mental health—Bullying—Safety
Utah State Legislature
During the 2024 Utah Legislative session, House Bill (H.B.) 82: Public Education Program Modifications was passed, amending requirements for Parent Seminars allowing for:
Weekend Options: Parents will now have an option to attend on Saturdays.
Virtual Options: Allows LEAs the flexibility to offer virtual opportunities for parents to participate.
- A school district shall offer a seminar for parents of students in the school district
- is offered at no cost to parents;
- begins at or after 6 p.m.; or
- takes place on a Saturday
- is held in at least one school located in the school district; or
- is provided through a virtual platform; and
- covers the following topics:
- substance abuse, including illegal drugs and prescription drugs and prevention;
- bullying;
- mental health, depression, suicide awareness, and suicide prevention, including education on limiting access to fatal means;
- internet safety, including pornography addiction; and
- the School Safety and Crisis Line
- A school district shall annually offer one parent seminar for each 11,000 students enrolled in the school district. A school district may not be required to offer more than three seminars.
- A school district shall notify each charter school located in the attendance boundaries of the school district of the date and time of a parent seminar, so the charter school may inform parents of the seminar.
- A school district is not required to offer the parent seminar if the local school board determines that the topics described are not of significant interest or value to families in the school district. If a local school board chooses not to offer the parent seminar, the local school board shall notify the Utah State Board of Education and provide reasons why the local school board chose not to offer the parent seminar.
SafeUT Parent Resources
Support for you and your family is always available at no cost through SafeUT.
Digital Safety YouTube Video
Raising kids in the digital age is challenging, and many people don't realize just
how difficult it can be. The key factor here is the digital aspect, as technology
and social media have drastically changed how children interact with their surroundings,
including their friends, school, and even their parents. It's essential for parents
to stay actively involved in their children's online activities. This presentation
outlines steps parents can take to ensure your child's online safety.
Internet Safety YouTube Video
This presentation explores how parents can create safer digital spaces for their children
Adolescent Mental Health YouTube Video
Recognizing the signs of depression and anxiety in children is crucial for parents.
This webinar addresses three essential questions: What does "mental health" mean?
How does anxiety manifest? What is depression, and how can it be treated?
Stress Tolerance YouTube Video
Stress tolerance means knowing how to handle problems when they arise and having effective
strategies in our "toolkit" to mitigate stress. Parents who foster a growth mindset
in their children help them understand that difficult days are part of the process
of trying new things, and it's okay to not be there yet. This presentation explores
three key questions: What determines intrinsic motivation in children and adolescents?
Why is it crucial for young brains to have choices in their lives? What is "stress