School-based Mental Health Screening Grant (SBMHSG)


Utah Code Section 53F-2-522 sets standards for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to implement approved mental health screening programs for students. Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Rule R277-625: Mental Health Screeners creates a process for a qualifying parent to receive reimbursement from the LEA for needed mental health treatment for the parent’s student, based on the results of the mental health screening. The USBE Rule also clarifies what factors constitute a qualifying parent.

A record of determination as a participating LEA is required by USBE Rule and State Statute for an LEA to administer mental health screeners to students. This determination as a participating LEA must be submitted by August 1, 2024 to be considered for funding for the 2024-2025 school year. A survey will be sent out ot all Superintendents and Charter School Directors to submit their status of participation. Funding will be distributed to participating LEAs based on the previous year's average daily membership count. Projected funding amounts will not be available until after August 1, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) School-based Mental Health Screening Program and Grant 
Google Docs

Office Hours

Schedule an appointment for a 15-minute consultation with an SBMH Screening team member. When you book a time slot it will send you a meeting appointment email with a virtual Microsoft Teams link. Please tell us in the notes section when booking the appointment if you need an alternative Zoom link. We will send that to you individually before the appointment date. 

USBE SBMH Screening Grant Office Hours
Microsoft Bookings, Outlook 365


School-based Mental Health (SBMH) Screening Program

School-based Mental Health Screening Guidebook: Implementation Plan

Approved Mental Health Screening Tool List
Google Docs

Approved Mental Health Conditions for School-based Mental Health Screening Program R277-625

Utah Code Section 53F-2-522: Public Education Mental Health Screening
Utah State Legislature


Terrakay Bodily
School-based Mental Health Specialist

Phone: (801) 538-7647 | E-mail

Millie Mortensen
Office Specialist

Phone: (801) 538-7631 | E-mail