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- Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention and Recovery programs aim to reduce the number of students who drop out of school by increasing school engagement, academic performance, and graduation rates. Dropping out of high school can have long-term consequences, including lower earnings, reduced employment opportunities, and higher rates of poverty and crime. At USBE we believe that every student can succeed given the right tools and resources. We look forward to working with schools, parents, and students to reduce dropout rates across the state of Utah.
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Dropout Prevention Strategies
There are many strategies for dropout prevention including but not limited to:
-Classroom instruction: providing high-quality instruction from the beginning of school can help reduce dropouts.
-Active learning: teaching strategies that engage students in the learning process can help students become lifelong learners and decrease the number of students dropping out.
-Family engagement: family engagement is a recommended strategy to reduce dropouts. When families are engaged and involved in their student's education, then students have a greater chance of success and are less likely to dropout.
-Mentoring and tutoring: when students are assigned a mentor or receive one-on-one tutoring they are more likely to find academic success and also build relationships of trust. These are also effective practices when addressing specific needs such as reading, writing, or math competencies.
-Service learning: service learning connects meaningful community service experiences with academic learning. This teaching/learning method promotes personal and social growth, career development, and civic responsibility and can be a powerful vehicle for effective dropout prevention.
-School or community-based programs: these programs can target students who are frequently absent or at risk of dropping out.
-Relationships: schools can invest time in building relationships with students by checking in with them one-on-one and ensuring they have a trusted adult at school they can talk to when they need help.
-After-school/out-of-school opportunities: after-school and out-of-school opportunities are especially important for students at risk of school failure. These programs can fill out-of-school time with constructive and engaging activities. These programs can also help build relationships to adults thus reducing dropouts.
Reports and Statistics
Provided by the Utah State Board of Education, Data and Statistics
Graduation Rates
2024 Graduation Rates
2023 Graduation Rates
Historical Graduation Rates
Dropout Rates
2023 Dropout Rates
Historical Dropout Rates
Superintendent’s Annual Report
Utah State Board of Education Superintendent's Annual Report (SAR)
Data Gateway
Utah’s Educational Data Gateway is a resource provided by the Utah State Board of Education that allows the public and school personnel to access education-related data.
Laws and Policies
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has one Administrative Rule that oversees Dropout Prevention, R277-606, Dropout Prevention and Recovery Program. This rule is governed by one primary statute and law.
Internal Audit
Utah State Legislature Utah Code Title 63I-5-201(4): Internal Auditing Programs, State Agencies directs the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to establish an
internal audit program.
If you would like to report a concern (e.g., misuse of assets, funds, or resources;
non-compliance with regulations, policies or rules; fraud, waste, abuse or unethical
behavior), please complete the USBE Internal Audit Report a Concern Form Qualtrics Doc.