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- Bullying Prevention
Bullying is commonly understood as aggressive behavior that:
P – Exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of Power and Strength
R – Repeated over time
I – Intended to cause distress or harm
Bullying may involve physical actions, words, gestures, and social isolation. Although bullying may involve direct, relatively open attacks against a victim, bullying is frequently indirect, or subtle in nature (spreading rumors, enlisting a friend to assault a child). The classic definition of bullying in Utah Schools was expanded by the Utah Legislature. Changes are reflected in Administrative Rule R277-613: Local Education Agency (LEA) Policies and Training Regarding Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Hazing, Retaliation, and Abusive Conduct.
The overall goal of bullying prevention and intervention is to provide every student with a safe and supportive school and social environment.
Bullying Complaints
At the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), we are committed to fostering a safe and supportive educational environment for all students. We understand the importance of addressing concerns related to bullying incidents promptly and appropriately.
If you have a complaint regarding bullying that has occurred at your school, please be aware that USBE supports Local Education Agencies (LEAs aka charters and districts) in ensuring compliance with statutes and rules concerning their policies. We offer technical assistance as necessary to assist LEAs in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment.
However, USBE does not possess the authority to conduct investigations to determine whether a specific incident constitutes bullying, nor can we make determinations regarding disciplinary actions. Our primary focus lies in assessing compliance and, when applicable, providing recommendations for improvements to ensure compliance with statute and rule.
The state of Utah grants LEAs local control over their policies and processes. For concerns outside the scope of USBE, we encourage you to follow your LEA's grievance process or contact your local school board.
If your concern specifically involves compliance with statute and rule, please feel free to reach out to our audit department hotline at (801) 538-7813 or audit@schools.utah.gov
We appreciate your commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful educational environment, and we encourage open communication between schools, parents, and communities to address concerns effectively.
Contact Us
Best Practices
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Violence Prevention (DVP), and their study on the links among multiple forms of violence, bullying is associated with additional violent risk factors, such as witnessing violence or substance use. By engaging in work that increases a student's protective factors, students who are at risk of bullying or being bullied decreases.
Violence Prevention
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Violence
Prevention (DVP)
- Connecting the DOTs
- Preventing Bullying
CDC: Youth Violence Prevention
Health Foundations and Protective Factors
Utah State Board of Education Teaching and Learning Health Education
Reports and Statistics
Fast Facts: Bullying
National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)
School Climate Survey
Utah State Board of Education SafeUT Annual Report School Disciplinary and Law Enforcement
Action Report
School Disciplinary and Law Enforcement Action Report - Utah State Board of Education
Laws and Policies
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has one Administrative Rule that oversees Attendance and Truancy; R277-613: Local Education Agency (LEA) Policies and Training Regarding Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Hazing, Retaliation, and Abusive Conduct.
This rule is governed by three primary Utah Code Sections:
- Title 53E-3-501: State Board to Establish Miscellaneous Minimum Standards for Public Schools
- Title: 53G-8-209: Extracurricular Activities. Prohibited Conduct. Reporting of Violations. Limitation of Liability
- Title 53G-9-606: Model Policy and State Board Duties
- Title 53G-9-607: Training, Education, and Prevention. Standards
Utah State Legislature
Internal Audit
Utah State Legislature Utah Code Section Title 63I-5-201(4): Internal Auditing Programs, State Agencies directs the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to establish an internal audit program. If you would like to report a concern (e.g., misuse of assets, funds, or resources; non-compliance with regulations, policies or rules; fraud, waste, abuse or unethical behavior), please complete the USBE Internal Audit Report a Concern Form.
Model Forms
Parent/Guardian Rights Model Form
Record of Parent Notification of Student Threat or Incident Model Form
Utah State Board of Education Policy, Law and Professional Practices
Model Policies
Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Hazing, and Retaliation Model Policy
Student Suspension/Expulsion Model Policy
XYZ School District Student Discipline Model Policy (including Safe School Policy)
Utah State Board of Education Policy, Law and Professional Practices
Utah Parent Center (UPC)
Stop Bullying on the Spot
Stop Bullying
President Obama and the First Lady at the White House Conference on Bullying Prevention
The White House Blog
Local Education Agencies (LEAs)
U.S. DOJ Bullying Initiative
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
CDC Bullying Compendium of Assessments
Crime Solutions
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
School Bus Bullying - National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
Pacer Center Action Information Sheet - Help Your Child Recognize the Signs of Bullying
Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center
What Parents Should Know About Bullying: Definition, Impact and Roles
Resources for Parents
Utah Office of the Attorney General
How Youth Can Protect Themselves from Bullying
Become an Upstander YouTube
The SafeUT application provides a way to connect to licensed counselors that are ready to listen to any sized crisis or concern. Support is immediate and confidential, and as easy as reaching for your phone and sending that first message.
Professional Learning
Student Services Training Request Portal (TRP)
Current Trainings
Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG)
CSTAG training is the foundation to assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with the
creation and implementation of threat assessment and a multi-disciplinary threat assessment
- Submit training requests through the TRP.
International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP)
Restorative practices focus on repairing the distressed individual by rebuilding connectedness
through collaboration and communication. Student competencies in restorative practices
help build character traits and meta-cognitive skills, and form relationships within
the school community.
- Submit training requests through the TRP.
Randy Sprick's Safe and Civil Schools
In the Functional Behavior Assessment of Bullying, William R. Jenson and colleagues
have created a comprehensive system that will help you determine the unique contributing
factors and functions that are causing bullying behavior.
- Submit training requests through the TRP.
Stand 4 Kind
Stand 4 Kind has a twofold purpose to create a culture of kindness in schools and
to provide every school with the tools to prevent student suicide. We stand with
schools and individuals to spread positivity, inclusion, and value to all. We stand
for kindness.
- Submit training requests through the Stand4Kind website.