Safe and Healthy Schools


School Climate Surveys and SHARP Survey

Climate Survey Dashboard Public Link

Student Health and Risk Prevention 2023


Safety, Emergency Plan, Discipline, Harassment and Bullying

SAFE-UT (Crisis hotline reporting)

Safe and Healthy Schools

Emergency Preparedness Planning Guide for Utah Public Schools

Child Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention

Minimum Guidelines Expectation for Human Trafficking for Parents and Guardians

Minimum Guidelines Expectations for Child Sexual Abuse Parents an Guardians

Fight the New Drug: Peer-reviewed research about pornography in a clear and concise way that’s engaging and easy to understand.

Stabilization & Mobile Response Hotline (Dept. of Human Services)

Rule and Laws

Utah Code Discipline and Safety (53G-8) 

Utah Code Bullying and Hazing (53G-9-6)

Title 53E-3-501: State Board to Establish Miscellaneous Minimum Standards for Public Schools

Title: 53G-8-209: Extracurricular Activities. Prohibited Conduct. Reporting of Violations. Limitation of Liability

Title 53G-9-606: Model Policy and State Board Duties

Title 53G-9-607: Training, Education, and Prevention. Standards

R277-400 Board Rule School Facility Emergency and Safety

R277-401 Board Rule Child Abuse-Neglect Reporting

R277-613 Board Rule Training for Schools/Districts in Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Hazing, Retaliation, and Abusive Conduct

R277-630 Board Rule Child Sex Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention Training and Instructions

R277-714 Board Rule Unsafe School Choice Option



Bullying Prevention

Note:  USBE does not possess the authority to conduct investigations to determine whether a specific incident

constitutes bullying, nor can we make determinations regarding disciplinary actions.  

Fast Facts: Bullying National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)


Cell Phones in Schools

R277-495 Board Rule Electronic Devices in Schools

Utah Code School Cellphone Usage Amendment (HB270)


Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition Programs

R277-727 Board Rule School Meals Program


Concerns and Complaints

Reporting a concern, educator misconduct (hotline reporting)

What is the process for reporting concerns and complaints? R277-123 Process for Members of the Public to Report Violations of Statute and Board Rule.

R277-322 Board Rule Code of Conduct for Schools and Districts

R277-106 Utah Professional Practices Advisory commission Appointment Process


Discipline in Schools

Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions (LRBI) A guide for behaviors in schools.

Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports (UMTSS)

R277-608 Board Rule Prohibition of Corporal Punishment

R277-607 Board Rule Absenteeism and Truancy Prevention

R277-609 Board Rule Standards for Local Education Agency (Schools/Districts) Discipline Plans and Emergency Safety Interventions

Utah Code Discipline and Safety (53G-8)

Utah Code Truancy -- Notice of truancy -- Failure to cooperate with school authorities (53G-6-203)



Family Resources

Relationship, Couple, Self-Improvement and Parenting-Utah State Extension Resources


Protective Health Factors

23 Resilience Building Tools and Exercises (+ Mental Toughness Test)
Positive Psychology: Science-based activities to build resilience.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention: Explains ACEs and the impact for youth.

Goal Setting
RMC Health: Goal setting steps for each grade level. Includes models and teacher materials.

Protective Factors
Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention: Defining protective factors with resources for schools, parents, and adolescents.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Toolkit
University of Minnesota Extension: Toolkit includes activities, templates, and tools organized around four ways to help support staff and youth.

Teaching Kids About Boundaries
Child Mind Institute: Resource for teaching empathy and setting boundaries.

Teen Brain: Behavior, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Article on the teen brain: behavior, problem solving, and decision making. 


First Response Resources

Resuscitation Science: American Heart Association (AHA) The AHA and the American Red Cross jointly co-authored and released the 2019 Focused Update for First Aid.

Stop the Bleed: You can learn how to stop major bleeding in three simple ways.

What is CPR?: American Heart Association (AHA) The AHA develops science-based Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) guidelines and is the leader in first aid, CPR, and AED training. All recommendations below are based on the AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).


Head Injuries

Head Injuries


Healthy Schools

Safe and Healthy Schools 

Student Health Services


Mental Health and Student Wellness

Attending to School-based Mental Health

Student Health Services


How to Deal with Self-Harm:  Crisis Text Line Information and ways to cope with self-harm behaviors.
: (External Web conent)

Youth Suicide:  The Jason Foundation (JF) Services teach the warning signs associated with suicide, suicide facts & statistics, and how to find help for at-risk youth.:(External Web Conten

Youth Suicide Warning Signs(External Web Content): Learn the warning signs for suicide from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Rules and Laws

Utah Code Health and Welfare (53G-9)

Attending to School-based Mental Health (53G-9)

Medication Laws (53G-9-5)



Retaliation and making a false allegation prohibited


Substance Abuse Prevention

Electronic Cigarettes
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) :  Information on electronic cigarettes including health effects, risks for youths, an youth tobacco prevention.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World:  A nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free.

Parents Empowered: A media and education campaign funded by the Utah Legislature and designed to prevent and reduce underage drinking in Utah. Website has resources on addiction, effects on brain development, behavior, laws, and prevention.

Recovery Resources: Utah Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) Resources for support, education to support recovery.

Stop the Opidemic: Utah Department of Health information on opioid misuse, Utah specific opioid use rates, and resources for help if you or someone you know is demonstrating opioid misuse.

Substance Use Disorder Resources: Utah 2-1-1 United Way List of mental health and addiction resources.

The Hidden Dangers: Dedicated to prevention and reducing the misuse and abuse of prescription pain medications in Utah by providing information and strategies regarding safe use, safe storage, and safe disposal. 

The Science of Addiction: Genetics and the Brain: University of Utah, Genetic Science Learning Center

Utah Department of Public Safety (UPS)Laws on Driving Under the Influence (DUI) for different ages.

Way to Quit: Utah Department of Health Resource on quitting tobacco products.