Administrative & School Supports

LEA-Specific Licensing

An LEA-Specific educator license, including areas of concentration and endorsements, is issued by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) at the request of an LEA’s governing body (example: local school board or charter school).  This temporary license type is utilized when all other licensing routes for the applicant are untenable or unreasonable. The LEA governing board agrees to provide the documentation and support outlined in USBE Administrative Rules  R277-301-7. LEA-specific Educator License Requirements. LEA-Specific licenses are not transferrable to any other agency. 

LEA-Specific Licensing LEA & Educator Responsibilities

LEA-Specific Licensing Procedures 2024-25

LEA-Specific Licenses Model Policy for LEAs (Google Doc)

Educator Requirements

  1. Create an account in  Utah Schools Information Management System (USIMS). Provide a personal e-mail address. Check your e-mail to retrieve the verification code. Use the verification code to continue setting up your profile, providing Personal Information.
  2. In USIMS, click on Personal Information to retrieve your Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS) Identification (ID) Number Your CACTUS ID is your educator identification number.
  3. Complete an Educator Ethics Review Criminal Background Check via USIMS.
  4. Complete the Pedagogical Modules in Canvas.
  5. Submit an application to your Human Resources department.

LEA Requirements

  1. LEA Adopts Policy for LEA-Specific Licenses
  2. Review Educator Application & Modules Certificate
  3. Public Meeting of Governing Body Approving LEA-Specific Licenses
  4. Post Educator Data/Request in CACTUS
  5. Create Professional Learning Plan (PLP) for educator
  6. Post License Info & Percentages on School Website

DOPL License

Currently, the USBE offers a “parallel” license for Clinical Social Workers (CSWs) and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) who hold a current Utah Department of Professional License (DOPL) credential.  The LEA must document in the LEA-Specific section of CACTUS the DOPL license number, Effect Date, and Expiration date under the Motion section.  Licenses run concurrently with the DOPL expiration dates.

LEA-S License Renewals

LEA-Specific licenses (including endorsements) may be renewed for an additional 3 years.  The educator must follow the renewal steps found on the Step-by-Step Guide to Educator License Renewals.  The LEA is required to review and approve the 60 hours of renewal hours itemized on the form, confirm that the USBE background check is still in compliance, verify that the ethics review has been updated within the last 12 months, and retain the documentation to comply with any Educator License Review Requirements found in R277-302-3.

Not Permitted for LEA-S Licenses

The following license areas are not allowed for LEA-Specific: Audiologist, Deaf Education, Driver’s Education, Preschool Special Education, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Special Education, Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Speech Language Therapist (SLT), or School Counselor.

LEA-S Expiration

LEA-Specific licenses (including endorsements) will be expired once the employment has been terminated.  LEA-Specific licenses may be renewed for an additional 3 years if the employee returns. 

Administrative & School Supports