STEM Institute
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) will be offering a new session of the STEM
Institute in 2023-2025.
What is New for this Coming Institute: Developing a STEM Culture
In collaboration with a team of principals, teachers, district specialists, and the
STEM Action Center, USBE specialists have developed a new focus for the institute!
This reimagined institute will address developing a STEM culture for your context
through systemness by including district and site administration, coaches, and classroom
educators. Through the six days of this professional learning opportunity, each school
or district team will work to design a STEM vision for their education community as
well as develop an action plan to help them achieve this vision. Institute attendees
participate in sessions where teams work together as a team and in job alike breakouts
sessions that address job specific topics. This will allow time for all to collaborate
as teams and with fellow colleagues. The sessions will be completely online, which
will allow for teams to work together at their location without having to travel.
Also, consulting coaches will be available to support individual teams. A new feature
for this coming institute is a focus on Personalized, Competency Based Learning (PCBL).
This institute is a game changer! By working together as a team and getting feedback
and buy-in from the rest of the stakeholders in your context, your educational community
can be an effective STEM culture!
For questions, contact the Elementary Science & STEM Education Specialist listed in
the contacts below.
STEM Endorsement Incentive Program (EIP)
The STEM EIP was created in July of 2019 to incentivize educators across the state
to achieve endorsements in the STEM subjects. The Utah State Board of Education (USBE)
will be using these funds to provide reimbursement for applicable STEM endorsement
coursework for both elementary and secondary educators. For more information, please
refer to the STEM Endorsement Incentive Program Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) (Google Docs).
Please contact Isaac Pitcher at if you have questions about the STEM EIP Program
Informal Science Education Enhancement (iSEE)
Informal Science Education Enhancement (iSEE) is a collaborative partnership between Clark Planetarium, Discovery Gateway, The
Leonardo, The Living Planet Aquarium, Red Butte Garden, Natural History Museum of
Utah, HawkWatch International, Thanksgiving Point, Utah State University Extension
Bastian, and the Utah State Board of Education.
iSEE programs serve K-12 teachers and students and are designed to spark students'
natural curiosity and sense of wonder by providing exciting opportunities to experience
science, practice science skills, and gain a deeper understanding of science.
The How to become an iSEE member document outlines the process involved for an organization to become a member of iSEE.