Welcome to Preschool Education in Utah
High-Quality Preschool
Welcome to the Utah State Board of Education's Preschool Education page! Our commitment is to provide a strong foundation for our youngest learners, ensuring they enter school successfully. We believe in the power of early learning and are dedicated to supporting families,educators, and communities in fostering the healthy development of preschool age children. High-quality preschools are designed to offer a nurturing environment where children can explore, learn, and grow. We emphasize the importance of play-based learning, social-emotional development, and preparing children for a seamless transition into kindergarten.
Join us in our mission to cultivate a love for learning in the hearts of Utah's children, laying the groundwork for a bright and promising future. Explore our resources, get involved, and let's work together to make preschool education count for every child in Utah!
High-Quality Preschool Developing Essential Skills
Utah Core Standards
The Utah Core Standards provide a foundation for ensuring learning within the classroom. They drive high-quality instruction through comprehensive statewide expectations for all students. The standards outline essential knowledge, concepts, and skills to be mastered at each grade level or within a critical content area. The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) regularly updates the standards, while parents, teachers, and local school boards control the curriculum choices that reflect local values. The Utah Core Standards are aligned to scientifically based content standards.
Utah Early Learning Standards: Ages 3-5
Utah Core State Standards for Early Learning for Ages 3 to 5
English Language Arts (ELA) Standards Core Guide Preschool Age-3 (2023)
English Language Arts (ELA) Standards Core Guide Preschool Age-4 (2023)
School District Preschools
District/Local Education Agency (LEA) Programs
Alpine School District Preschools
575 North 100 East
American Fork, Utah 84003
Phone: (801) 610-8231
Contact: preschool@alpinedistrict.org
Beaver County School District
291 North Main
Beaver, Utah 84713
Phone: (435) 438-2281
Box Elder School District Preschool Services
960 South Main
Brigham City, Utah 84302
Phone: (435) 744-2468
Cache County School District Community Preschools
84 East 2400 North
North Logan, Utah 84341
Phone: (435) 752-3925
Canyons School District Early Childhood Department
7501 South 1000 East
Midvale, Utah 84047
Phone: (801) 826-5112
Contact: Fran Schumann at fran.schumann@ccsdut.org
or Wendee Radmall at wendee.radmall@ccsdut.org
Carbon School District Preschool
755 North Cedar Hills Drive
Price, Utah 84501
Phone: (435) 637-9150
Daggett School District
196 West Second North
Manila, Utah 84046
Phone: (435) 784-3174
Davis School District Early Childhood
115 South 200 East
Farmington, Utah 84025
Phone: (801) 402-5409
Duchesne County School District Preschool Program
325 East Main
Myton, Utah 84052
Phone: (435) 725-4750
Emery County School District Preschool
120 North Main Street
Huntington, Utah 84528
Phone: (435) 749-0216
Garfield County School District
145 Center Street
Panguitch, Utah 84759
Phone: (435) 590-8144
Contact: Vonnie Parkin-Garfield
Grand County School DIstrict Preschool
190 East 100 North
Moab, Utah 84532
Phone: (435) 259-5628
Contact: Jill Tatton
Granite School District Preschool Services
2500 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
Phone: (385) 646-4672
Contact: Nannette Barnes
Iron County School District Preschools
638 West 500 South
Cedar City, Utah 84720
Phone: (435) 586-2801
Jordan School District Child Development Center
2827 West 13400 South
Riverton, Utah 84065
Phone: (801) 567-8510
Contact: Kristy Whitesides and Jessica Hayes
Juab School District Preschool
380 East 200 North
Nephi, Utah 84648
Phone: (435) 623-1812
Kane County School District Kanab Elementary School
41 West 100 North
Kanab, Utah 84741
Phone: (435) 644-6205
Logan School District Early Childhood Center
325 West 400 South
Logan, Utah 84321
Phone: (435) 755-2395
Millard School District
285 East 450 North
Delta, Utah 84624
Phone: (435) 864-1000
Morgan County School District Preschool
l344 East Young Street
Morgan, Utah 84050
Phone: (801) 829-3438
Murray City School District Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC)
73 West 6100 South
Murray, Utah 84107
Phone: (801) 264-7404
Nebo School District Summit Center Preschool
165 South 700 East
Springville, Utah 84660
Phone: (801) 489-3021
North Sanpete School District Preschool and Special Education
579 South 400 East
Mount Pleasant, Utah 84647
Phone: (435) 462-2222
North Summit School District
65 South Main
Coalville, Utah 84017
Phone: (435) 336-5656, Extension 4214
Ogden School District Preschool
1950 Monroe Boulevard
Ogden, Utah 84401
Phone: (801) 737-7360
Park City School District Preschool
2700 Kearns Boulevard
Park City, Utah 84098
Phone: (435) 645-5600, Extension 1443
Piute County School District
300 South Center
Circleville, Utah 84723
Phone: (435) 577-2912, Extension 1102
Provo City School District Preschools
280 West 940 North
Provo, Utah 84604
Phone: (801) 374-4800
Rich School District
25 South 100 West
Randolph, Utah 84064
Phone: (435) 793-2135
Salt Lake City School District Early Childhood
1388 South Navajo Street,
Early Learning Suite A,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Phone: (801) 974-8396
San Juan School District Preschool Information
200 North Main Street
Blanding, Utah 84511
Phone: (435) 678-1222
Sevier School District Preschool
80 West Center Street
Richfield, Utah 84701
Phone: (435) 896-8776
Contact: Madeline Lee
South Sanpete School District
39 South Main
Manti, Utah 84642
Phone: (435) 835-2261
South Summit School District
535 East 300 South
Kamas, Utah 84036
Phone: (435) 783-4318
Tintic School District
545 East Main Street
Eureka, Utah 84628
Phone: (435) 433-6979
Tooele County School District Preschools
92 Lodestone Way Tooele, Utah 84074
Phone: (435) 833-1966
Uintah School District Central Cove Preschool
250 South Vernal Avenue
Vernal, Utah 84078
Phone: (435) 781-3125
Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind (USDB)
Phone: (801) 629-4700
USDB provides services for students across the state.
* Please refer to the USDB website for services near you.
Wasatch School District Preschool
101 East 200 S.
North Heber, Utah 84032
Phone: (435) 654-0112
Washington County School District Preschool
121 West Tabernacle
St. George, Utah 84770
Phone: (435) 673-1557
Contact: Lee Ann Parkinson
WWayne County School District
79 North 100 West
Bicknell, Utah 84715
Phone: (435) 425-1208
School Readiness Initiative Grants
Utah’s School Readiness Initiative is designed to improve the quality of preschool and expand access for students who are economically disadvantaged or English learners in quality early learning environments throughout the state.
Utah State Legislature:
Title 35A-15-102: Definitions
Title 35A-15-202: Elements of a High Quality School Readiness Program
Title 35A-15-203: School Readiness Restricted Account. Creation. Funding. Distribution
of Funds.
Title 35A-15-301: Becoming High Quality School Readiness Grant Program
Title 35A-15-302: Expanded Student Access to High Quality School Readiness Programs
Grant Program
The Initiative consists of three components and is governed by the Utah School Readiness
1. Pay for Success transaction, created in 2014;
2. Becoming High Quality grants to support preschool programs seeking to improve
quality; and
3. Expanded Student Access grants to fund seats for eligible students. Students are
eligible if they meet any of the following categories:
a. Economically disadvantaged
b. Has experienced at least one qualifying risk factor
c. English language learner (language spoken at home is something other than English)
d. Has ever been in foster care
School Readiness
Department of Workforce Services Office of Child Care
Department of Workforce Services Grant Opportunities
Department of Workforce Services
Family Resources
5 Before 5 – Love Talk Read Count Play
Envision Utah
Child Care Licensing
Utah Department of Health
Joyful Journeys: Utah's Preschool Community
This private USBE Facebook group aims to create a colloaborative space for preschool
families, preschool professionals, and individuals passionate about early learning.
Scan the QR code below to join!
Kindergarten Readiness: Kindergarten Here We Come!
Utah State Board of Education
Preschool Path: Utah's Online Learning Library
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Special Education Preschool
Utah State Board of Education
Search for your School District
National Center for Education Statistics
Preschool Professionals
Join our E-mail List!
Preschool Professionals E-mail List Registration
The Utah State Board of Education, in collaboration with the Utah Education Network
(UEN), has created an e-mail list for all preschool professionals across the state.
Subscribe to stay up to date on preschool happenings and professional development
5 Before 5
Envision Utah
Joyful Journeys: Utah's Preschool Community
This private USBE Facebook group aims to create a collaborative space for preschool
professionals, families and individuals passionate about early learning. Scan the
QR code below to join!
Child Care Licensing
Utah Department of Health
Kindergarten Transition Tool Kit Workforce Services
Preschool to Kindergarten Transition: Preschool Bingo!
Utah State Board of Education
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
Preschool Path: Utah's Early Learning Online Library
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Special Education: Preschool
Utah State Board of Education
Utah Association for the Education of Young Children (UAEYC)
Utah Preschool Data Preschool Data 2022-2023 Survey Results
Preschool Data 2021-2022 Survey Results
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What school district do I live in?
- Search for your School District
National Center for Education Statistics
2. How do I go about enrolling my child in preschool?
- Contact your local school district for information regarding public preschool services. You can find their information on the District Programs tab.
3. Who do I contact to enroll my child in Head Start?
- To enroll your child in Head Start, visit Utah Head Start Association (UHSA) or call (801) 903-2960.
4. What are the requirements for setting up my own preschool?
- The Utah State Board of Education does not oversee private preschools. You will need
to obtain a business license through your city government office. If your preschool
will also offer child care and you are interested in obtaining a license, you will
go through the same licensing procedure as child care centers:
- Utah Department of Health
You may also have your preschool accredited nationally by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC):Search for an Accredited Early Child Care Center/Preschool
- Utah Department of Health
5. How do Utah’s public schools measure the development of literacy, numeracy and lifelong learning practices in students?
- Utah’s Pre-kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (PEEP) is intended to inform various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers and leadership, on the academic and lifelong learning practices essential for entering and exiting pre-kindergarten students.Pre-Kindergarten Assessments Utah State Board of Education Assessment and Accountability