Welcome to Gifted and Talented
Utah educators are committed to the belief that education is a means by which each individual has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. We believe that all students have a right to educational experiences that challenge their individual development .
In Utah Local Education Agencies (LEAs), including districts and charter schools, establish local methods to identify and serve gifted and talented students. The purpose of identification and services are for students to receive extended or accelerated opportunities to achieve growth annually at the highest level possible.
Utah defines gifted and talented students as students in grades K-8 that the LEA identifies as having an ability that is significantly above the typical ability of a student within the same age group in: general intellectual ability; specific academic fields including: language arts, mathematics, or science; or creative thinking.
Gifted and talented services are opportunities with increased depth, complexity, or rigor provided to gifted and talented students. LEAs choose the services provided locally which may include: accommodations in the regular classroom; pull-out programs; advanced classes; varied grouping strategies; enrichment; acceleration; differentiation of curriculum and instruction dual enrollment; magnet schools; academic competitions; or other services.
Gifted and Talented Coordinator Contact List
Google Docs
For questions regarding local identification and services in a district or charter school, please contact the local coordinator.
If you are a Gifted and Talented Coordinator in a district or charter school, please email Joanna Sorensen to be added to the coordinator mailing list.
Educator Endorsements
The Gifted and Talented Endorsement may be added to an Educator License with an Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, or Special Education area of concentration. This endorsement will allow the candidate to assume teaching and leadership positions in the education of gifted, talented, and creative youth. There are many quality programs in the state that offer the required courses.
Gifted and Talented Endorsement
Gifted and Talented Endorsement Specs Competencies and Requirements
Please follow the directions on the application to apply to have a completed endorsement added to an active educator license.
Gifted and Talented Endorsement Course OfferingsGoogle Docs
This contact list is not comprehensive. Districts and universities may be contacted to inquire about the availability of classes, schedules, etc. Please contact Shannon Olson if your information is missing in the course offerings.
Policies and Guidance
Utah's Gifted and Talented: Grades K-12 Handbook
This handbook is organized to respond to questions that district/charter personnel may have or need to answer regarding gifted and talented education, and may be used to help design and implement best practices for gifted students in Utah’s classrooms. This publication is intended to be used as a technical support document only, and does not have the weight of law. This version of the handbook was released in 2017. There have been changes to board rule since 2020 and the handbook does not yet reflect those changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Gifted and Talented Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Google Docs
Senate Bill (S.B.) 122: Parental Rights in Public Education
Utah State Legislature
Refer to lines 73-76:
- (6)(a) An LEA shall reasonably accommodate a parent's or guardian's written request to place a student in a specialized class or an advanced course.
- (b) An LEA shall consider multiple academic data points when determining an accommodation under Subsection (6)(a).
S.B. 151: Accelerated Student Program Amendments
Utah State Legislature
This bill passed in the 2020 General Session removes early college programs from the Enhancement for Accelerated Students Program.
Title 53F-2-408: Enhancement for Accelerated Students Program
Utah State Legislature
This Utah Code requires the Utah State Board of Education to make rules for the allocation of money for gifted and talented programs.
Enhancement for Accelerated Students Program
Utah State Legislature
The Compendium of Budget Information (COBI) detail's Utah's budget and related financial transactions. It contains summaries of issues faced by legislators, performance measures, background information, financial history, and references to statutory authority.
R277-707: Enhancement for Accelerated Students Program
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
This board rule defines gifted and talented programs and outlines procedures for programs offered by Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that apply for state funding.
Gifted and Talented General Resources
Gifted and Talented Resources for Curriculum
Gifted and Talented Resources for Educators
Gifted and Talented Resources for Equity
Gifted and Talented Resources for Families
Gifted and Talented Resources for Identification
Gifted and Talented Resources for Multi-Exceptional Students
Google Docs
Utah Association for Gifted Children (UAGC.org)
UAGC advocates for the diverse population of gifted children in the State of Utah. We advance the understanding of the academic and social/emotional needs of gifted children among community leaders, policy makers, educators and parents. We promote the development of quality services to provide educational opportunities for gifted students. We increase the capacity of educators and parents to be agents of change in their schools and communities and in the lives of gifted children.
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research. We aim to help parents and families, K-12 education professionals including support service personnel, and members of the research and higher education community who work to help gifted and talented children as they strive to achieve their personal best and contribute to their communities.