Professional Learning Grant
The purpose of the Professional Learning Grant is to improve the quality of instruction
in the early grade classrooms by providing preschool through third grade educators
with focused, sustained, evidence-based professional learning opportunities and job-embedded
coaching in early literacy and early mathematics.
Application and Due Dates
Application (coming soon)
Preapproval: August 1
Final Approval: September 1 by 5 p.m.
Revisions Completed: October 15 by 5 p.m.
$3,935,000 in ongoing funds.
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) will award grants to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to provide teachers in preschool through grade three with professional learning opportunities in early literacy and/or early mathematics.
For the purposes of calculating a grant amount, the LEA’s total number of preschool through grade three teachers is calculated by using the employee data from the previous school year of the application. An LEA must use the grant funds by the end of the fiscal year in which the funds are received.
Allowable funding uses:
- Teacher stipends to attend trainings
- Presenter fees Coaching supports
- Substitute teachers
- To hire a coach or specialist
- Supplies and materials for teacher professional learning
This funding cannot be used for:
- the purchase of property
- the purchase of equipment
- the purchase of other services
- student materials or supplies
- travel related expenses
R277-326: Early Learning Professional Learning Grant ProgramUSBE Administrative Rules
Title 53F-5-214: Grant for Professional Learning
Utah State Legislature
Utah Professional Learning Standards ToolkitUSBE Educator Development
Utah Grants
Phone: (801) 538-7604 | E-mail
Krista Hotelling
Education Specialist
K-3 Literacy
Phone: (801) 538-7794 | E-mail