Course Information
The Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster focuses on preparing students for employment in careers that relate to the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services.
Culinary Arts Pathway
Pathway Chart
The Culinary Arts Pathway prepares students for careers in the food service industry.
Students will receive training in the fundamentals and principles of the art of cooking
and the science of baking and includes management and production within food service.
Junior High/Middle School Strands and Standards
High School Strands and Standards
Supporting Courses
Suggested high school courses that support the Career Pathway. Courses do not count towards Pathway completion.
Explorer Courses
Choose one or more of the following courses.
Concentrator Courses
To be a concentrator, you must pass one of the following courses and one explorer course.
Completer Courses
To be a completer you must pass a concentrator course and enough courses to equal 3.0 credits in this Pathway.
Apprenticeship Utah
Hospitality and Tourism Pathway
Pathway Chart
The Hospitality and Tourism Pathway prepares students with the knowledge and skills
needed to manage, market, and operate a variety of businesses within the hospitality
and tourism industry. These include industries such as travel agencies, hotel and
lodging, event planning, restaurant ownership, catering, etc.
Junior High/Middle School Strands and Standards
High School Strands and Standards
Supporting Courses
Suggested high school courses that support the Career Pathway. Courses do not count towards Pathway completion.
Explorer Courses
Choose one or more of the following courses.
Concentrator Courses
To be a concentrator, you must pass one of the following courses and one explorer course.
Completer Courses
To be a completer you must pass a concentrator course and enough courses to equal 3.0 credits in this Pathway.