Course Information
The Engineering and Technology Career Cluster focuses on preparing students for employment in careers that relate to the planning, managing, and providing professional and technical services, including research and development services.
Engineering Pathway
Pathway Chart
The Engineering Pathway prepares students for careers in a variety of engineering
disciples by developing skills in the design process and offering multiple opportunities
to respond to engineering design challenges in a meaningful and disciplined manner.
Junior High/Middle School Strands and Standards
High School Strands and Standards
Supporting Courses
Suggested high school courses that support the Career Pathway. Courses do not count towards Pathway completion.
Secondary Math 2
Explorer Courses
Choose one or more of the following courses.
Concentrator Courses
To be a concentrator, you must pass one of the following courses and one explorer course.
Completer Courses
To be a completer you must pass a concentrator course and enough courses to equal 3.0 credits in this Pathway.