Board Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan provides a shared vision for the future of Utah’s education system. It identifies a vision for Utah students upon completion and also orients USBE’s efforts internally as we focus on our mission of creating the conditions for student success.
Mission and Vision
Portrait of a Graduate
Vision: Upon completion, all Utah students are prepared to succeed and lead by having the knowledge and skills to learn, engage civically, and lead meaningful lives.
This vision for Utah students is also articulated through the Utah's Portrait of a Graduate, which identifies the ideal characteristics of a Utah graduate upon exiting the K-12 system. The Portrait of a Graduate serves as our north star for system transformation. As school districts and charter schools develop Portraits of a Graduate for their unique communities, we continue working through the implications of this vision for the design of our system at the state level. Our aim is to create the conditions for school systems throughout the state to intentionally deliver on this powerful vision.
2018 Strategic Plan
In 2018, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) launched an ambitious five-year strategic plan to guide the K-12 education system in Utah. This plan was implemented by USBE staff with monthly progress updates and success metrics presented by the Superintendent to the Board. Below, you will find a summary of the key resources and efforts developed to achieve these goals. In 2023-2024, the Board adopted a new strategic plan, which now serves as the foundation for USBE's reporting and future goal-setting initiatives.
Historical 2018 Strategic Plan Resources
Goal 1: Early Learning
1A: Promote High-quality Instruction in Every Early Grade Classroom
Early Learning Program Technical Manual
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Fact Sheet
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) for Administrators Fact Sheet
Early Learning High Quality Instructional Cycle Resource Library
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Implementation Guide
1B: Increase Optional Access to High-quality Extended Day Kindergarten Programs
Kindergarten Parent Guide to Student Success
Ready! Set! Go! Supporting Your Child’s Learning in Kindergarten
Utah’s Kindergarten Best Practices Guide
Utah Full Day Kindergarten Now
1C: Increase Optional Access to High-quality Preschool
Enroll in Bite-Sized Professional Learning
Enroll in Early Learning Standards Implementation Course
Preschool Path - Early Learning Standards: Ages 3-5
1D: Increase Engagement of Families with Young Children in Early Learning Experiences
Goal 2: Effective Educators and Leaders
2A: Support Districts and Schools in Providing Effective Mentoring for Beginning Educators and Leaders
Development of Teacher Mentors Mentor Roles and Competencies
Development of Teacher Mentors Utah's Educator Induction Framework
Development of Teacher Mentors Endorsement Applications and Newsletters
2B: Assist Districts and Schools in Providing Continuous Personalized Professional Learning for Each Educator and Leaders
None at this time.
2C: Evaluate and Support Educator Preparation Programs in Meeting Requirements Established by the Board While Providing Room to Innovate
Alternate Pathway to Professional Educator License (APPEL)
Portrait of a First Year Teacher
2D: Lead in Changing the Perception of Teaching as a Profession
None at this time.
2E: Promote Equitable Access to Highly Effective Teachers
2021-2022 Percentages by Full-time Equivalency (FTE) and Qualifications
USBE Title I Director’s Meeting - Facilitating the Resource Allocation Reviews
Education Highlight: Teacher Retention
2F: Increase the Supply of Transformational School Leaders Across the State
Professional Development Courses
Professional Learning and Convenings for School Leaders
School Leadership Development Community of Practice: 2022-2023 Sessions
Utah Educators: Register for the 2022 Utah Principal Supervisors’ Academy
Goal 3: Safe and Healthy Schools
Strategy 3A: Support Districts and Schools in Creating and Maintaining Conditions for Safe and Healthy Learning Environments
Strategy 3B: Increase Adoption of Evidence-based Student Health and Wellness Practices
Substance Use Prevention Resources
Evaluation Tool to Assess Model Wellness Policies in Local Education Agencies (LEAs)
On-Demand Seizure First Aid Training for School Personnel — Epilepsy Alliance America (EAA)
Seizure Training for School Personnel (On Demand) - v2.0 — Epilepsy Foundation
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Strategy 3C: Build Capacity of Educators and Other Stakeholders to Meet Students’ Mental, Emotional, and Social Needs
Establishing a Positive and Supportive School CultureTrauma Sensitive Schools Professional Development
Trauma-Informed Microcredentials
Utah State Board of Education Massively Integrated Data Analytics System (MIDAS)
Grief and Loss: Supporting Students Post Pandemic
Selecting and Implementing Mental Health Curriculum in Schools
Goal 4: Personalized Teaching and Learning
Strategy 4A: Empower USBE, educators, parents, and students with access to timely, useful, safeguarded data
Strategy 4B: Support LEAs in providing a personalized learning plan for each student
Annual Implementation Updates
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) is tracking and reporting progress on implementation toward our long-term goals.
Utah State Board of Education Strategic Plan 2024 Implementation Update
The annual implementation update details the progress on implementation of the Board's
strategic plan, highlights new resources that have been created in alignment with
the goals, and measures progress toward the agency's long-term goals.
Utah State Board of Education Strategic Plan 2023 Implementation Update
The annual implementation update details the progress on implementation of the Board's
strategic plan, highlights new resources that have been created in alignment with
the goals, and measures progress toward the agency's long-term goals.
Utah State Board of Education Strategic Plan 2022 Implementation Update
The annual implementation update details the progress on implementation of the Board's
strategic plan, highlights new resources that have been created in alignment with
the goals, and measures progress toward the agency's long-term goals.
Utah State Board of Education Strategic Plan 2021 Implementation Update
A companion to the 2020 update detailing annual progress on implementation.
Utah State Board of Education Strategic Plan 2020 Implementation Update
Details the progress on implementation, outlines a rationale and indicators for each
goal, and articulates a theory of change for each strategy.