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- Assessments
Assessment of Performance Toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL)
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has contracted with Language Testing International (LTI) to provide the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)/AAPPL assessment to schools participating in the Utah State Board of Education Dual Language Immersion program.
Assessment Administration Window
Testing and Reporting Window information for AAPPL is broken down in the 2024-2025 Assessment Director Resource Guide.
AAPPL Central for Utah Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Users
AAPPL Account Resources
ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages® (AAPPL)
Language Testing International (LTI)
AAPPL Trainings YouTube
R277-406: Early Learning Program and Benchmark Assessments
Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Administrative Rules
Title 53E-4-307.5: Mathematics Benchmark Assessment
Utah State Legislature
Assessment Administration and Reporting Windows
Testing and Reporting Window information for the Acadience Assessment is broken down in the 2024-2025 Assessment Director Resource Guide.
Acadience Reading
Acadience Reading K-6
Acadience Learning
Acadience Learning Online (ALO)
USBE ‘Reading on Grade Level’ Targets for Acadience Reading K-6
Utah School Report Card Early - Literacy
Acadience Mathematics
Acadience Math K-6
Acadience Learning
Sample Parent Notification Letter for Beginning of Year (BOY)
Sample Parent Notification Letter for Middle of Year (MOY)/End of Year (EOY)
Sample Parent Notification Letter for Opt Out
Enroll in Acadience Math Training 2023-2024
USBE Canvas
Enroll in Using Results from Acadience Math Assessment
USBE Canvas
Assessment Administration Window
Testing and Reporting Window information for the ACT is broken down in the 2024-2025 Assessment Director Resource Guide.
Please go to the ACT Registration Information for national test information.
Utah’s ACT Educator
State of Utah ACT State Testing
This website is created and maintained by ACT for Utah regarding the statewide ACT
test administration of Grade 11 students.
ACT Now: Utah
Next Steps, Tips for Success, Help and Contact
ACT Accommodations and Supports Information
ACT Connections - Utah Core State Standards and ACT Subtests
ACT Guidance for English Language Learner Accommodations
Homeschooled Students and the ACT Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
ACT Contact information:
Phone: (800) 553-6244 ext. 2800, option 4
Email: statetesting@act.org
ACT Accommodations:
Phone: (800) 553-6244, ext. 1788
Email: actstateaccoms@act.org
Have questions about Shmoop? Need help with your account? Want to set up customized training for your school or Local Education Agency (LEA)? Contact Linda Stegemann at lstegemann@shmoop.com, West Coast Accounts Manager.
American Civics Education Initiative
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Special Education Rules and PoliciesUtah State Board of Education Special Education Services
Robert Austin
Humanities Coordinator
International Initiatives, Social Studies (K-12)
Phone: (801) 538-7575 | E-mail
Utah's Kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (KEEP) is intended to inform various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, and leadership, on the academic and social-emotional development of entering and exiting kindergarten students. The information gained from the profile will be used to:
- provide insights into current levels of academic and social-emotional performance upon entry and exit of kindergarten,
- identify students in need of early intervention instruction and promote differentiated instruction for all students,
- analyze the effectiveness of programs, such as extended-day kindergarten and preschool,
- provide opportunities for data-informed decision-making and cost-benefit analysis of early learning initiatives,
- identify effective instructional practices or strategies for improving student achievement outcomes in a targeted manner, and
- understand the influence and impact of full-day kindergarten on at-risk students in both the short- and long-term.
Testing Materials
KEEP Trainings
Dallas Brooks
Elementary English Language Arts Assessment Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7833 | E-mail
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
The National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas.
Utah Overview
The Nation's Report Card
Report Card
2024 Mathematics State Snapshot Report: Utah Grade 4
2024 Mathematics State Snapshot Report: Utah Grade 8
2024 Reading State Snapshot Report: Utah Grade 4
2024 Reading State Snapshot Report: Utah Grade 8
Selecting Schools for Participation in State-Level NAEP
Angela Battaglia
Education Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7814 | E-mail
Utah’s Pre-kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (PEEP) is intended to inform various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, and leadership, on the academic and lifelong learning practices essential for entering and exiting pre-kindergarten students. The information gained from the profile will be used to:
- Provide insights into current levels of performance upon entry and exit of pre-kindergarten.
- Identify students who may need early intervention instruction and promote differentiated instruction for all students.
- Analyze the effectiveness of programs.
- Provide opportunities for data-informed decision-making and cost-benefit analysis of early learning initiatives.
- Identify effective instructional practices or strategies for improving student achievement outcomes in a targeted manner.
- Understand the influence and impact of pre-kindergarten in both the short- and long-term.
Title 53E-4-314: School Readiness Assessment
Utah State Legislature
Assessment Administration Windows
Testing and Reporting Window information for the PEEP Entry and Exit is broken down in the 2024-2025 Assessment Director Resource Guide.
Testing Materials
PEEP Entry
PEEP Administrator Data Gateway Guidance
Enroll in PEEP Entry Refresh Training
Enroll in PEEP Exit Refresh Training
Dallas Brooks
Elementary English Language Arts Assessment Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7833 | E-mail
Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE)
The RISE assessment is a computer adaptive criterion referenced assessment system that includes summative tests for English Language Arts (ELAs), Mathematics, Science, and Writing. The summative tests are scheduled to be delivered to the following grades.
Summative Test
5 and 8
Assessment Administration Windows
Testing and Reporting Window information for RISE is broken down in the 2024-2025 Assessment Director Resource Guide.
RISE Trainings
Aliese Fry
Test Administration and Formative Assessment Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7568 | E-mail
Test Administration and Data Coordinator
Phone: | E-mail
Utah Aspire Plus
The Utah Aspire Plus assessment is a hybrid of ACT Aspire and Utah Core test items. It is a computer delivered, fixed form end-of-grade-level high school assessment for students in 9 and 10. Utah Aspire Plus includes four subtests:
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Science
Students receive predicted ACT score ranges for each subtest, as well as an overall predicted composite ACT score range. The assessment also provides proficiency scores for end-of-grade-level expectations for 9th and 10th grade students in Reading, Mathematics, and Science.
Utah Aspire Plus Resource Center
ACT College and Career Readiness Standards
Periodic Table of the Elements
Assessment Administration Windows
Testing and Reporting Window information for Utah Aspire Plus is broken down in the 2024-2025 Assessment Director Resource Guide.
Testing Times
Tests cannot be divided into sections. Each test must be completed in one sitting, unless a student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 accommodation for stop-the-clock breaks or for securely extending the test over multiple days.
Math Tests
Grade 9 and Grade 10
40 Operational and 3 Field Test Items
75 Minutes
Reading Tests
Grade 9 and Grade 10
35 Operational and 10 Field Test Items
75 Minutes
Science Tests
Grade 9 and Grade 10
23 Operational and 5-6 Field Test Items
60 Minutes
Access blueprints, reporting guides, sample reports and other reporting resources.
Utah Aspire Plus Trainings
Aliese Fry
Test Administration and Formative Assessment Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7568 | E-mail
Test Administration and Data Coordinator
Phone: | E-mail
High School (HS) Core Benchmarks
Utah Core Standards Benchmarks for Grades 9-12
The Utah Core Standards Benchmark Assessments are a productivity tool for Utah high school teachers and students housed in the Utah Test Item Pool Service (UTIPS) system that focus on specific strands within the Utah Core Standards. The Benchmarks are testlets—typically between 8 and 15 items, depending on the content area—that are designed to give teachers and students an opportunity to identify strengths and weaknesses with specific knowledge, skills, and abilities outlined in the Utah Core Standards.
Available Benchmarks
The following are available as part of the Utah Core Standards Benchmark Assessments:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Space Science
- Physics
- Reading 9
- Reading10
- Secondary Mathematics I
- Secondary Mathematics II
- Secondary Mathematics III
Aliese Fry
Test Administration and Formative Assessment Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7568 | E-mail
Test Administration and Data Coordinator
Phone: | E-mail
Utah is a member state of the WIDA Consortium. WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for children and youth who are culturally and linguistically diverse through high quality WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards, assessments, research, and professional learning for educators. Utah uses WIDA Screener for Kindergarten and WIDA Screener Online (Grades 1-12) to identify English Learners (ELs). Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) for English Language Learners (ELLs) is given to all EL students during the annual testing window to measure proficiency and growth toward academic language proficiency in English.
All who administer WIDA assessments must complete the online test administer trainings annually. It is the responsibility of the LEA to ensure these trainings are being completed in the WIDA Secure Portal.
ACCESS Testing Requirements
ACCESS for ELLs Online is Utah's online summative assessment of EL students. It is developed and maintained by WIDA.
This assessment is administered for a number of purposes:
- to measure individual students' progress in achieving proficiency in speaking, listening to, comprehending, reading, and writing academic English,
- to determine the success of language development programs in individual schools and school districts, and
- to fulfill federal requirements of The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 and Title III law.
All EL students must be tested annually using the ACCESS assessment. When students earn an Overall Composite score of 4.2 or higher with a Speaking score of 3.5 or higher, they are considered fluent in English and are exited from EL status. Students are then re-designated to monitoring status for four years. Students are not required to take the ACCESS assessment during these four years of monitoring. (Please note, this exit criteria was updated in the fall of 2023 from the Overall Composite score of 5.0 or higher.) The Local Education Agency (LEA) may use appropriate data, evaluation, and team-based problem solving to consider reclassifying the student as EL if, while in monitoring status, the student demonstrates consistent and continued need for increased language support services.
For students in grades 1 through 12, LEAs are required to give WIDA ACCESS for ELLs Online Assessment. ACCESS Paper is allowable for students with specific needs (e.g. students with disabilities; recently arrived English Learners, such as immigrant and refugee students).
Students with significant cognitive disabilities who receive instructional support in alternate achievement standards and who cannot participate in the regular WIDA ACCESS assessment with accommodations and meet the criteria outline in the USBE Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines, as determined by the IEP team, are eligible to participate in the WIDA Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.
Students in Kindergarten are administered WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs.
Screener Testing Requirements
LEAs are required to administer a WIDA Screener to newly enrolled students who indicate on the home language survey that they speak any language other than English. Screener is available to LEAs all year. Federal and state law requires that students must be administered Screener within 30 calendar days of enrollment within the first month of school, and within 10 school days of enrollment thereafter. Screener should only be administered once during a student's enrollment in Utah schools.
Students are eligible for EL services if they earn a score of 1-4.9 on Screener for grades K-12.
For students in grades 1 through 12, LEAs are required to give WIDA Screener Online. WIDA Screener Paper is allowable for students with specific needs (e.g. students with disabilities; recently arrived English Learners, such as immigrant and refugee students). Both Screener online and Screener Paper are provided by Utah State Board of Education at no cost to LEAs.
Students in Kindergarten are given the WIDA Screener for Kindergarten.
WIDA Measure of Developing English Language (MODEL) is also an acceptable tool for screening for grades K-12 that can be purchased by the LEA.
Utah English Learner (EL) Assessment Guidance
USBE Title III: English Learners, Immigrants and Refugees Page
2024-2025 Test Dates
Screener: Available all year
ACCESS Testing Window: January 7, 2025 through March 7, 2025
2024-2025 Professional Development and Training
Register through Massively Integrated Data Analytics System (MIDAS) using Course Number 64487.
The following trainings will be available in person, in a hybrid, or in a virtual setting:
- Self-Paced Workshops in the WIDA Secure Portal: September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025
- Bringing Language into Focus: Expectations, Functions & Features (webinars): November 4 and November 18, 2024
- WIDA ACCESS for ELLs Online for Test Administrators (webinar): November 13, 2024
- When Language and Disability Meet: Planning Instruction to Support Multilingual Learners Who Are Dually Identified (webinars): March 7 and March 21, 2025
- Expanding Reading Instruction with Multilingual Learners (webinars): June 30 and July 7, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do LEAs have to screen students arriving from another WIDA state and have previous
- Yes, students need to be screened in order to qualify for EL services in Utah.
- If a student lived in Utah, moved out of state, then returned to a Utah school, do
they need to be screened?
- Yes, if it is during 2 different school years.
- No, if it is during the same school year.
- If a student arrives in Utah from another WIDA state and reached an Overall Composite
score of 4.2 or higher with a Speaking score of 3.5 or higher on their ACCESS test,
do they need to be screened?
- Yes, to ensure they do or do not need EL services in Utah.
- What Screener grade band should be used?
- Please see the Online Screener TAM grade band for guidance.
- Are LEAs be required to purchase Kindergarten Screener kits?
- No, all materials are available in the WIDA Secure Portal for printing. If LEAs want professionally printed materials on high quality paper, they will be responsible for purchasing those materials through the WIDA Store.
- When can LEAs begin using the Kindergarten Screener?
- July 1 prior to the new school year
- For students entering 1st Semester, Kindergarten Screener is only Speaking and Listening. For students entering 2nd Semester, screen using all four domains.
Utah Identification and Placement Guide
Utah Testing Ethics Policy (Testing Policies and Reporting Obligations)Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) - WIDA's scoring and materials handling contractor. All ACCESS testing materials are ordered through DRC, and all testing materials are subsequently returned to DRC for scoring.
WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS)
To request WIDA or DRC Accounts
WIDA Secure Portal Permissions:
- Test Administrators should contact LEA Test Coordinator for permissions.
WIDA DRC/AMS Permissions:
- Test Administrators should contact LEA Test Coordinator for permissions.
District Testing Coordinator Permissions:
- LEA Assessment Directors, Testing Coordinators, and Alternate Language Services (ALS) Directors should contact the below state assessment contacts for WIDA and WIDA AMS accounts and permissions.