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- R277-484
R277-484. Data Standards
R277. Education, Administration.
R277-484-1. Authority, Purpose, and Oversight Category.
(1) This rule is authorized by:
(a) Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3, which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board;
(b) Subsection 53E-3-401(4), which allows the Board to make rules to execute the Board's duties and responsibilities under the Utah Constitution and state law;
(c) Subsection 53E-3-401(8)(a), which allows the Board to take corrective action against an education entity that fails to comply with Board rules; and
(d) Subsection 53E-3-511(8), which requires the Board to ensure LEA inclusion of data in an LEA's Student Information System.
(2) The Superintendent shall perform certain data collection related duties essential to the operation of statewide educational accountability and financial systems as mandated in state and federal law.
(3) The purpose of this rule is to:
(a) support the operation of required educational accountability and financial systems by ensuring timely submission of data by LEAs;
(b) support the provision of equal opportunity for students;
(c) support accuracy, efficiency, and consistency of data; and
(d) ensure maintenance of basic contact and demographic information for each LEA and school.
(4)(a) This Rule R277-484 is categorized as Category 3 as described in Rule R277-111.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), individual requirements contained in the rule or incorporated by reference into the rule may be categorized separately in accordance with program resources and responsibilities.
R277-484-2. Definitions.
As used in this rule and the Board Reporting Deadline Table incorporated by reference in this rule:
(1) "Annual Financial Report" means an account of LEA revenue and expenditures by source and fund sufficient to meet the reporting requirements specified in Subsections 53E-3-301(3)(d) and (e).
(2) "Annual Program Report" means an account of LEA revenue and expenditures by source and program sufficient to meet the reporting requirements specified in Subsections 53E-3-301(3)(d) and (e).
(3) "Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools" or "CACTUS" means the online licensing database maintained by the Superintendent, which will be phased out and replaced by USIMS.
(4) "Contact information" means the name, title, email address, and phone number for a designated individual.
(5) "Data Warehouse" means the database of demographic information, course taking, and test results maintained by the Superintendent on all students enrolled in Utah schools.
(6) "Designated individual" means:
(a) an LEA governing board chair;
(b) a local administrator;
(c) a business administrator; or
(d) a school principal.
(7) "Governing board chair" means the chair or president of an LEA governing board.
(8) "LEA" includes, for purposes of this rule, the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.
(9) "LEA demographic information" means:
(a) the LEA name;
(b) the LEA number;
(c) the physical address;
(d) the website;
(e) a phone number; and
(f) the LEA's grade range.
(10) "Local administrator" means a district superintendent or charter school director.
(11) "MSP" means Minimum School Program, the set of state supported K-12 public school funding programs.
(12) "School demographic information" means:
(a) the school name;
(b) the school number;
(c) the physical and mailing address;
(d) the website;
(e) a phone number;
(f) the school type; and
(g) the school grade range.
(13) "Schools interoperability framework" or "SIF" means an open global standard for seamless, real time data transfer and usage for Utah public schools.
(14) "Student achievement backpack" has the same meaning as that term is defined in Subsection 53E-3-511(1)(d).
(15) "Student information system" or "SIS" means a student data collection system used for Utah public schools.
(16) "Utah eTranscript and Record Exchange" or "UTREx" means a system that allows individual detailed student records to be exchanged electronically between public education LEAs and the Board, and allows electronic transcripts to be sent to any post-secondary institution, private or public, in-state or out-of-state, that participates in the etranscript service.
(17) "Utah Student Record Store" has the same meaning as that term is defined in Subsection 53E-3-511(1)(d).
(18) "Year" means both the school year and the fiscal year for a Utah LEA, which runs from July 1 through June 30.
R277-484-3. Incorporation by Reference of Board Reporting Deadline Table.
(1) This rule incorporates by reference the Board Reporting Deadline Table dated June 6, 2024.
(2) A copy of the Board Reporting Deadline Table is located at:
(a) http://schools.utah.gov/administrativerules/documentsincorporated; and
(b) the Utah State Board of Education - 250 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah - 84111.
R277-484-4. Deadlines for Data Submission.
(1) An LEA shall submit student level data to the Board through UTREx.
(2) An LEA shall submit teacher assignment and salary data to the Board through CACTUS or USIMS.
(3) An LEA shall, by 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on the date specified in the Board Reporting Deadline Table, submit reports in the format specified by the Superintendent.
(4) If a deadline in the Board Reporting Deadline Table falls on a weekend or state holiday in a given year, an LEA shall submit the report on the next business day following the date specified in the Board Reporting Deadline Table.
(5) An LEA shall assign an individual to oversee compliance with this rule.
R277-484-5. Adjustments to Deadlines.
(1) An LEA may seek an extension of a deadline to ensure continuation of funding and provide more accurate information to allocation formulas by submitting a written request to the Superintendent no later than 24 hours before the specified deadline in Board Reporting Deadline Table.
(2) An extension request shall include:
(a) The reasons for the extension request;
(b) The signatures of the LEA business administrator and local administrator; and
(c) The date by which the LEA proposes to submit the report.
(3) If an LEA requests an extension under Subsection (1), the Superintendent may do any of the following after taking into consideration the pattern of LEA compliance with reporting deadlines and the urgency of the need for the data to be submitted:
(a) Approve the request and allow the MSP fund transfer process to continue; or
(b) Deny the request and stop the MSP fund transfer process; or
(c) Recommend corrective action to the Board in accordance with Rule R277-114.
(4) If, after receiving an extension, an LEA fails to submit the report by the designated date, the MSP fund transfer process shall be stopped and the procedures described in Section R277-484-7 shall apply.
(5) An extension shall apply only to the specific reports and dates for which an extension was requested.
(6) The Superintendent may not extend deadlines for the following reports:
(a) AFR;
(b) APR;
(c) Mid-year or Final CACTUS updates;
(d) a Financial Audit Report; or
(e) any UTREx updates.
(7) Notwithstanding Subsection (6)(e), if an LEA identifies significant errors in a UTREx update, the Superintendent may grant the LEA an extension of no more than eight calendar days to file a new update.
R277-484-6. Official Data Source and Required LEA Compatibility.
(1) The Superintendent shall load operational data collections into the Data Warehouse as of the submission deadlines specified.
(2) The Data Warehouse shall be the sole official source of data for annual:
(a) school performance reports required under Section 53E-5-204;
(b) determination of state and federal accountability reports; and
(c) submission of data files to the U.S. Department of Education.
(3) The Superintendent shall maintain a database of LEA and school:
(a) demographic information;
(b) openings;
(c) closures; and
(d) contact information for designated individuals.
(4)(a) An LEA shall use an SIS approved by the Superintendent to ensure compatibility with Board data collection systems.
(b) The Superintendent shall maintain a list of approved student information systems.
(5) Before the Superintendent granting approval for an LEA to initiate or replace a student information system that was not previously approved, the LEA shall:
(a) send written request for approval to the Superintendent no later than November 15 of the year before the year the LEA proposes to use the SIS for production software;
(b) submit documentation to the Superintendent that the new or modified student information system is SIF certified;
(c) submit documentation to the Superintendent that an SIF agent can meet the UTREx specifications profile for Vertical Reporting Framework (VRF) and eTranscripts;
(d) ensure that a new student information system can generate valid data collection by submitting an actual file to the Superintendent for review;
(e) ensure that the new student information system can generate the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) request file by submitting an actual file to the Superintendent for review.
(6)(a) The Superintendent shall review documentation and grant or deny an LEA submission under Subsection (4) within 30 calendar days.
(b) An approved replacement system shall run in parallel to a state-approved system for a period of at least three months and be able to generate duplicate reports to previously generated information.
(7) An LEA shall submit daily updates to the Board Clearinghouse using School Interoperability Framework (SIF) objects defined in the UTREx Clearinghouse specification.
(8) An LEA shall electronically submit all public high school transcripts requested by a public education post-secondary school if the post-secondary school is capable of receiving transcripts through the electronic transcript service designated by the Superintendent.
(9) No later than June 30, 2017, an LEA shall ensure that data collected in the Utah Student Record Store for a Student Achievement Backpack is integrated into the LEA's SIS and is made available to a student's parent or guardian and an authorized LEA user in an easily accessible viewing format.
(10) Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this Section R277-484-5 may result in a recommendation for corrective action in accordance with Rule R277-114.
R277-484-7. Adjustments to Summary Statistics Based on Compliance Audits.
(1) To allocate MSP funds and projecting enrollment, the Superintendent may modify LEA level aggregate membership and fall enrollment counts on the basis of the values in the Membership and Enrollment audit reports, respectively, when an audit report review team agrees that an adjustment is warranted by the evidence of an audit.
(2) An audit report review team shall make a determination under Subsection (1) within 60 working days of the authorized audit report deadline.
(3) The Superintendent may only adjust values downward if an audit report is received after an authorized deadline.
R277-484-8. Financial Consequences of Failure to Submit Reports on Time.
(1) If an LEA fails to submit a report by its deadline as specified in Board Reporting Deadline Table, consistent with procedures outlined in Rule R277-114, the Superintendent may recommend corrective action, including stopping the LEA's MSP funds transfer process, unless the LEA has obtained an extension of the deadline in accordance with the procedure described in Section R277-484-4.
(2) The Superintendent may recommend loss of up to 1.0 WPU from Kindergarten or Grades 1-12 programs, depending on the grade level and aggregate membership of the student, in the current year Mid-Year Update for each student whose prior year immunization status was not accounted for in accordance with Section 53G-9-302 as of June 15.
KEY: data standards, reports, deadlines
Date of Last Change: August 7, 2024
Notice of Continuation: November 5, 2021
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53E-3-301(d) and (e); 53E-3-401; 53E-3-401(8)(a); 53E-3-511(8)
Status of Rule
Effective August 7, 2024
Five-year review November 5, 2026
Oversight Framework
Related Utah Law
Public Education Statutes
Other Statutes
USBE Administrative Rules
R277-100, Definitions for USBE Rules
R277-114, Response to Compliance and Related Issues
R277-404, Requirements for Assessments of Student Achievement
Related Federal Law
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Board Reporting Deadline Table
Contact Information
Primary Contact:
Aaron Brough
Data and Statistics
Secondary Contacts:
Darin Nielsen
Assessment and Accountability
Katy Challis
Student Data and Privacy
This page was last updated on October 14, 2024.
NOTE: The information on this webpage is provided as a service to users and the Utah State Board of Education is not responsible for any errors or omissions.
R277-484: Data Standards (Effective August 7, 2017)
R277-484: Data Standards (Effective April 8, 2021)
R277-484: Data Standards (Effective January 11, 2022)
R277-484: Data Standards (Effective March 15, 2022)
R277-484: Data Standards (Effective July 11, 2023)
R277-484: Data Standards (Effective November 7, 2023)
NOTE: This history may be incomplete as it only shows rule versions if they were saved in digital format at the Utah State Board of Education. Additional rule versions may be accessed at the Office of Administrative Rules website. Please contact Kirin McInnis, legal assistant, at kirin.mcinnis@schools.utah.gov with any questions.
Categories related to this rule: | This rule requires: | Framework category: | |||
Adult Education | Committee or council | Exempt from framework | |||
Charter Schools | X | Local policy | Category 1 | ||
College and Career | Notice or website posting | Category 2 | |||
Educators and Employees | Permission or consent | X | Category 3 | ||
Federal | Plan | Category 4 | |||
X | Funding | X | Reporting--Local | Uncategorized | |
X | LEA Operation and Administration | Reporting--USBE | |||
Licensing | Training | ||||
Non-academic Student Support | |||||
X | Parents | ||||
Participation in Public Schools | Related funding: | ||||
School Improvement and Accountability | X | Minimum School Program--Basic | |||
Special Education | X | MSP--Related to Basic--Formula | |||
Student Learning | X | MSP--Related to Basic--Grant | |||
Student Safety, Behavior, and Discipline | Contracted Initiative | ||||
X | Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind | Initiative Grant Program | |||
Utah State Board of Education | Other Funding |