Enter the Profession

We Want You!

There are multiple paths to becoming a Utah educator. Whether coming from a traditional educator preparation program, or choosing to be a career changer after other life experiences, we have resources to help you achieve your goal. 

Here are some quick links to educator licensing that will get you started:

  • All information about Educator Licensing
  • Information about Becoming a Utah Educator specifically including:
  • Application process general information about all types of licenses
  • License Equivalency Review for licensed educators coming from another state or country
  • International Educator Licensing specific information for international applicants
  • Associate Educator License for those wishing to teach who have not completed an educator preparation program
  • Information for Licensed Educators including how to renew an expired license, for those returning to teaching after a pause in their career.


Finding a Teaching Job in Utah

Each district and charter school has their own hiring process.  For your convenience, the linked document below will take you to the job posting website of the school districts in Utah. Job postings at individual charter schools can be found by looking at their websites. 

Link to district job postings

Map of the school districts in Utah


USBE Licensing: licensing@schools.utah.gov