Utah's Portrait of a Graduate

Utah's Portrait of a Graduate


Utah's Portrait of a Graduate identifies the ideal characteristics of a Utah graduate after going through the K-12 system. These are aspirations not necessarily meant to be quantified and measured. These characteristics begin at home and are cultivated in educational settings.


Utah Talent: Mastery. Autonomy. Purpose (MAP)

Talento de Utah: Maestría. Autonomía. Propósito (MAPA)

Press Release

Board Approves Statewide ‘Portrait of a Graduate’ Model
Utah State Board of Education Public Relations

Utah P-20 Competencies

Utah Portrait of a Graduate Competencies

P-20 Competency Exemplars: Utah Talent MAP

Utah P-20 Model Rubrics

Utah Portrait of a Graduate Competency Model Rubrics


Sarah Young
Chief of Staff

Phone: (801) 538-7528 | E-mail