Parent and Family Engagement for Educators

Practice, Research, and Framework for Districts, Schools, and Educators

Why Parent Engagement?

  • Higher academic achievement and engagement
  • Lower dropout rate
  • Increase in positive school culture
  • Improvement in behaviors
  • Lower absenteeism rates
  • Increased teacher job satisfaction
  • Better social and emotional development of the student
  • Higher odds of students attending post-secondary education
  • More effective public relations and community engagement

There is a difference between Parent Engagement and Parent Involvement.  Parent Engagement goes beyond the school bake sale, book fair, and volunteer work.  It engages parents in effective and authentic decision making.


Best Practice

Language Access, Responsive and Respectful Interaction with Families, Parent Value, Content, Authentic Engagement and Contributions from Parents/Families, Building Trust

Current Articles and Publications

Secretary Miguel Cardon Calls for Authentic Family Engagement in Education, October 24, 2024-U.S. Department of Education (speech)

5 Culturally Responsive Family Engagement Strategies- Edutopia  Ari Gerzon-Kessler, September 11, 2024

On the Same Team- Ari Gerzon-Kessler



Online Training

Learning heroes-Family Engagement learning Institute  Supporting school principals and district administrators to lead family engagement strategies that directly impact student learning and well-being.  Nine-month Institute supporting leadership for family engagement.  Published in numerous notable publications.  Current study done October 2023, report overview here. Downloadable overview Research Result Specifics

Introduction to Family Engagement in Education-Harvard EdX

National PTA Family Engagement Solutions Series: Programs by subject are available with resources for various subjects like attendance, math, reading etc. and are rated by efficacy. Updated 2024  


Existing Programs in the State of Utah with Training
Granite School District

FACE Department (Family and Community Engagement)-Granite School District

Hilsdale Trifold Compact Case Sample

Relationship Phone Call Script Sample


Other Training Resources

How to have difficult conversations with parents

Book:  "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High" by Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMilan, Al Switzler, Emily Gregory.

Book:  "Crucial Confrontations:  Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations and Bad Behavior" by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, et al.

How to establish accountability to maintain culture in your organization

Book:  "Crucial Accountability:  Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitments, and Bad Behavior by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, Kerr Patterson, et al.



Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships The overall standard.  (Framework)

Carnegie Corporation of New York-Family Engagement (Framework)

Family and Community Education "FACE" Currently practiced in numerous Utah schools through required Special Education and Title I required engagement components as well as other applications. (Home Visits)

Family and Community Engagement Specialist-Center for Continuous School Improvement (CCSI)

Parent Powered Pilot Program for Early Learning (launching)

Science of Reading-SB127 Community Engagement and Science of Reading Coordination Services

Title I Part A:  School Improvement

Special Education Organizations and Partnerships (Indicator of Annual Performance Report)


Including MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of Support)

Fact Sheet: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and the Importance of Promoting Student Well-Being 

 Fact Sheet: Using Data to Inform MTSS Efforts to Promote Student Well-Being



Parent and Family Involvement in Education 2023 See current information on involvement. Sempeles, Cui, McNamara (September, 2024) National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education

Improved Academic Achievement Students with involved parents are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores. Henderson, A. T., & Mapp,K.L.(2002). ANewWaveofEvidence:TheImpactofSchool,Family, and CommunityConnections onStudent Achievement. Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

Impact of Family Involvement on Education-Van Voorhis, et al (Literacy)

Increased Student Attendance Schools with high levels of parent involvement have a lower absenteeism rate. Epstein, J. L., & Sheldon, S. B. (2002). Present and Accounted for: Improving Student Attendance Through Family and CommunityInvolvement. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(5), 308-318.

Chronic Absenteeism Rates.  Learning heroes-Family Engagement learning Institute, Family Engagement Impact Study.

Enhanced Student Behavior Students whose parents are involved in their education exhibit better behavior in and out of school.

Jeynes, W.H. (2005) “A meta-analysis of the relation of parental involvement to urban elementary school student academic achievement.” Urban Education, 40(3), 237-269-Stanford, Libby (2023) Education Week: Does parent involvement really help students? Here’s what the research says.

Higher Graduation Rates Schools with strong family engagement programs have higher graduation rates. National PTA. (2018). Why Family Engagement Matters for Student and School Success. National PTA. 

Improved Social and Emotional Development Students with involved parents demonstrate improved social and emotional well-being

Fan, X., & Chen,M.(2001). Parental Involvement and Students' Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 13(1), 1-22.

Increased Teacher Job Satisfaction leading to Teacher Retention Teachers in schools with active parent engagement report higher job satisfaction.-Henderson, A. T., & Mapp, K. L. (2002). ANewWaveofEvidence:TheImpactofSchool, Family, and CommunityConnections onStudent Achievement.

Fan, X., & Chen, M.** (2001). Parental involvement and students' academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 13(1), 1-22.

Kraft, M. A., & Dougherty, S. M. (2013). The e ect of teacher-family communication on student engagement: Evidence from a randomized eld experiment

Sheldon, S. B.** (2003). Linking school-family-community partnerships in urban elementary schools to student achievement on state tests. Urban Education, 38(1), 77-101.

Positive School Culture Schools with engaged parents foster a positive school culture. 

Reference: rships_in_Urban_Elementary_Schools_to_Student_Achievement_on_State_Tests

Improved Communication and Collaboration Regular communication between parents and teachers leads to better student outcomes. 

Reference: Hoover-Dempsey, K. V., & Sandler, H. M. (1997). Why Do Parents Become Involved in Their Children's Education? Review of Educational Research, 67(1), 3-42.

Other Resources and References


Current Articles and Publications

Secretary Miguel Cardon Calls for Authentic Family Engagement in Education, October 24, 2024-U.S. Department of Education (speech)

5 Culturally Responsive Family Engagement Strategies- Edutopia  Ari Gerzon-Kessler, September 11, 2024

On the Same Team- Ari Gerzon-Kessler


Contact Information:

Cassie Hays, M. Ed.
Parent Liaison and Engagement Education Specialist
Utah State Board of Education


Susie Estrada
School Improvement Program and Special Education Parent Specialist
Utah State Board of Education