This section of the website has all of the steps and processes to apply for a Utah Educator License. Review the Start your Application tab for critical first steps for all license applications. To determine which application you need to submit, please refer to the table. Find your situation in the first column and complete the application listed in the second. All applications are submitted online through SM Apply. For help with submission, please see the SM Apply Tutorials.
Professional testing is a common pathway to demonstrate competency for licenses in Utah. Review the Educator Tests tab for those options.
Educator Situation | Application Needed |
I am a licensed educator in another state or country. | License Equivalency Review (LER) |
I want a temporary license so I can get a job and then complete a preparation program. | Associate Educator License (AEL) |
I completed a Utah university educator preparation program. | University Recommends |
I completed an APPEL or APPEL-SpEd program. | APPEL Recommends |
I was awarded an AEL due to my license in another state and have completed my Professional requirements (e.g., College & Career Readiness certificate, Pedagogical Performance Assessment (PPA), Foundations of Reading exam). | LER Upgrade to Professional |
I have a DOPL license in CSW or LCSW. | License Equivalency Review (LER) |
I completed an online program and have a certificate (teacher, admin, or other) from another state. | License Equivalency Review (LER) |
I have a Utah Professional License and want to add an Associate license area. (e.g., I am licensed in Elementary, but want to add Special Education.) | Associate Educator License (AEL) |
I am enrolled in a Utah teacher preparation program. | Associate Educator License (AEL) |
I have a degree in education from another country. | License Equivalency Review (LER) |
I am enrolled in an educator preparation program in another state. | Associate Educator License (AEL) |
I have a national certification like ASHA-CCC or NASP-NCSP. | License Equivalency Review (LER) |
Start Your Application
All steps below must be completed prior to submitting a licensing application:
- Creation of a Utah Schools Information Management System (USIMS)
- Criminal Background Review including fingerprinting (USIMS) cleared by USBE.
- Online review of Ethical Standards and Rules for Educators (USIMS).
- Submit all college/university Transcripts to Educator Licensing.
- Create and submit application and supporting documents in SM Apply.
- NOTE: There are no licensing fees for any application in Utah.
Each of these tasks may be accessed through the USIMS account Checklist section.
Background Check Requirements
All educators in Utah are required to have a cleared background check associated with the Utah State Board of Education. Background checks cleared through other agencies in or outside of Utah do not qualify. Please refer to the USBE Fingerprint Policy for requirements and steps.
Ethics Review
The USBE requires completion of the Educator Ethics Review within 12 months of applying or being granted a license. The activity takes approximately 30-45 minutes through the link in the USIMS Checklist.
Transcript Submission
All official transcripts or transcript evaluations must be submitted separately to from the license application process through the university’s clearinghouse to transcripts@schools.utah.gov. Please review the Transcript Policy to see the steps and options. Electronically submitted records will be linked by the USBE staff once the application has been received.
Application Step
Candidates should locate the Application Type they wish to apply for and follow all steps outlined. Types of applications include License Equivalency Review (LER), Associate Educator License (AEL) or the Endorsement Only Application (current license holders only). Once all starting application steps listed above have been completed, candidates will create their application through SM Apply. Please be sure to complete all requirements including testing, instructional videos/activities, forms and all other supporting attachments and documentation prior to submitting the application. Any incomplete applications cannot be processed and will be returned for correction, causing delays in approval.
License Equivalency Review (LER) Application
If you have a standard renewable educator license from another state or country and would like to apply for a Utah Educator License, please read the following step by step instructions to prepare your License Equivalency Review (LER) application for submission to Utah State Board of Education.
Please use the License Equivalency Review Checklist (Google Docs) to prepare and submit your application.
LER Upgrade to Professional Application
If you were awarded an Associate Educator License (AEL) based on your out-of-state, international, or occupational license, use this application pathway in SM Apply to submit additional documentation demonstrating you have completed the requirements to upgrade to the Professional Educator License. Complete the LER Upgrade to Professional Application in SM Apply.
Verification of Educator Experience Complete this form if you have experience as an educator in another state or country.
Application Submission
All applications must be submitted electronically through SM Apply. Click the link to create an account. Please refer to the SM Apply Tutorials (Google Docs) to access videos to assist with navigating the application website.
For questions about LER, please contact us at LER@schools.utah.gov or visit Frequently Asked Questions (Google Docs).
Associate Educator License (AEL) Application
The AEL level is available for anyone who wishes to teach in Utah but has not completed an educator preparation program (university-based or alternate pathway). The AEL is valid for three (3) years and is not renewable. The AEL is intended for:
- Individuals who would like to teach in Utah schools and will be enrolling in either a university-based educator preparation program or alternative pathway program, or
- Individuals hired to teach in a Utah school who are currently enrolled in an educator preparation program, or
- Individuals who hold a current Utah Professional license and wish to add a new license area.
To qualify for an AEL license Level, the applicant must complete a background check, educator ethics review prior to submitting an online application. AEL Licenses require the demonstration of minimum competencies in at least one content area. AEL licenses are granted for 3 years and are non-transferable outside of Utah.
The following Google Docs provide a step-by-step checklist of requirements for obtaining an AEL in specific license areas of concentration. Please note all applications that include Physical Education (PE) must include a copy of your current CPR certification.
- Audiologist AEL Checklist
- Career and Technical Education (Grades 6-12) AEL Checklist
- Deaf Education AEL Checklist
- Early Childhood (PK-3) AEL Checklist
- Elementary (K-8) AEL Checklist
- Preschool Special Education (Birth-Age 5) AEL Checklist
- School Counselor AEL Checklist
- School Leadership AEL Checklist
- Secondary (6-12) AEL Checklist
- Special Education (K-12+) AEL Checklist
- Speech Language Pathology (SLP) AEL Checklist
- Speech Language Technician (SLT) AEL Checklist
- School Psychologist AEL Checklist
- School Social Worker (SSW) AEL Checklist
Application Submission
All applications must be submitted electronically through SM Apply. Click the link to create an account. Please refer to the SM Apply Tutorials (Google Docs) to access videos to assist with navigating the application website.
University Program Information
University programs must provide a letter of enrollment for certain candidates to receive an AEL. The letter must verify the following information: institution information, enrollment information, and enrollment status. Please see individual license area checklists for more specific information. The teacher letter template is provided for your convenience.
For questions about the AEL, please contact us at ael@schools.utah.gov or visit Frequently Asked Questions (Google Docs).
University Recommends
Utah University Recommendation
The information below is for individuals who have completed an education preparation degree program through a Utah college/university and are ready to apply for a Professional Utah Educator License. Please read the following step-by-step instructions to obtain your standard Professional Utah Educator License.
Utah Schools Information Management System (USIMS)
For initial license recommendations only.
Step 1: Successfully complete a Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Background Check in USIMS.
- Choose the Initial Licensing option.
- Complete the online account registration including your social security number and your date of birth to initiate the background check.
- Utah requires completion of the background check that includes fingerprinting.
Fingerprinting for Applicants Physically Located in Utah
Create an account in USIMS. Follow prompts and complete Educator Ethics Review and Background Check. View the
Fingerprint Directions provided. No cards will be mailed to you; please read directions. Schedule an appointment at one of the local Utah Educator LiveScan Fingerprint Sites. Results take approximately 15-20 business days from the date the prints are taken.
Fingerprinting for Applicants Located Outside of Utah
- No cards will be mailed to you.
Schedule an appointment at any local agency that performs background checks and obtain a standard-issued Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprint card(s) (FD-258)
- Please be sure to include your full Social Security Number, signature and enter your Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS) Identification Number in the Originating Case Agency (OCA) Box on your card.
Mail the completed card and signed Utah State Board of Education, Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification, and Federal Bureau of Investigation Informed Consent and Release of Liability to:
Utah State Board of Education Educator Licensing
PO Box 144200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200
Results clear in approximately 20-25 business days from the date the cards are received by USBE. Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS) Identification numbers are created for individuals when initiating their first USBE Background Check.
To Retrieve Your CACTUS Identification Number
Go to USIMS and click on License Information to retrieve your CACTUS Identification Number.
Step 2: Complete a Utah Educator Ethics Review in USIMS Within 12 Months of Being Recommended for a Utah Educator License.
- Complete the 30-minute activity (it is a timed activity and should take no longer than 35 minutes) in USIMS. The activity completion date will be posted to your CACTUS profile within 1 hour.
Step 3: Complete the University Recommendation Step in USIMS to Confirm the License and Print an Official Digital Copy of the License.
- Your Utah University will post your University Recommendation in CACTUS profile and it will appear in your USIMS account.
- It is recommended that the confirmation step be completed within 30 days of the university’s recommendation.
- Delays in completing the final process could result in an expiration of the recommendation which could require addition coursework or certification through the university and USBE before this can be re-recommended.
- For any questions or to report errors regarding the License Type, License Area or Endorsements, please contact the recommending university.
APPEL Recommends
The information below is for individuals who have completed an Alternate Pathway to Professional Educator License (APPEL), APPEL-SpEd, or USBE SLT Institute program. If your education preparation program has submitted a recommendation to Educator Licensing, you are ready to apply for a Utah Professional Educator License. Please read the following step-by-step instructions to obtain your standard Utah Professional Educator License.
APPEL, APPEL-SpEd, SLT Institute Instructions
Program Director submits the official recommendation to the Educator Licensing team at APPEL@schools.utah.gov. Program provides a copy of that recommendation to the educator.
Educator Instructions
After your program, APPEL, APPEL-SpEd, USBE SLT Institute, submits the official recommendation to the Educator Licensing team, complete the steps below. If you already have a Utah Professional Educator License and are only adding a license area, you may skip steps 1 and 2. For example, you already have a Professional license in Special Education and have completed an APPEL program for Elementary.
Step 1: Successfully complete a Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Background Check
Step 2: Complete the Educator Ethics Review in USIMS
Step 3: Submit Digital Application in SM Apply
- Watch How to Apply for a Professional Educator License (APPEL, APPEL-SpEd, SLT Institute Recommendation) tutorial video
- Choose the "Professional License (APPEL, APPEL-SpEd, SLT Institute Recommendation)" Application
- Attach a copy of the recommendation document provided to you by your APPEL program
- Provide the email address of your APPEL Director
- Complete and sign the application
- Submit the application
Step 4: Wait for Official Notification
When all license requirements are met, the Educator Licensing team will grant your Utah Professional Educator License. You will receive a notification from SM Apply stating the license has been awarded. If there is anything missing, you will get an email through the SM Apply system requesting additional documentation or action. You may print a copy of your Utah Professional Educator License in USIMS; it is available in the "Print/View License" drop-down menu.
International Educators
In the 2023 General Session of the Utah Legislature, SB 35 Reciprocal Licensing Amendments passed and became law. This law allows any educator from another country that has at least one year of experience to be granted a Utah Professional Educator License. You will need to complete the License Equivalency Review (LER) Application. Please use the License Equivalency Review (LER) License Application Checklist (Google Docs) to prepare and submit your application.
International Transcripts & Licenses
Foreign transcripts and licenses must be evaluated for United States equivalency by an approved company. Be sure to obtain a course by-course equivalency and degree evaluation with translation. For a list of acceptable companies who provide this service go to the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) or the Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE). My International Education Evaluation (MyIEE) offers a $20 discount to Utah educators with expedited service.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The International Licenses Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) answer most common questions for individuals with a license in another country seeking a Utah license.
Verification of Educator Experience Complete this form to verify your experience as an educator in another state or country.
School Leadership
The School Leadership license area may be granted by completion of a Utah university-based school leadership program or based on a professional administrative license granted from another state or country.
School Leadership (Administrative) License
Educator Licensing requires documentation of successful completion of a leadership program that meets USBE Administrative Rule R277-305 School Leadership License Areas of Concentration and Programs.
Utah-based Programs
Educators currently enrolled in a Utah-based program may apply for an Associate Educator License:
Educators who have completed a leadership/administrative program in Utah:
- Contact your Utah university to request a University Recommendation be submitted directly to USBE
Online or Out-of-State Programs
Educators who completed a program outside of Utah (including online programs not based in Utah):
- Ensure the program which you are enrolled in will lead to licensure in the state the university is based
- Obtain a School Leadership or Administrative License in that state
- Submit a License Equivalency Review (LER) application through SM Apply
- Please see School Leadership License Requirements (Google Docs), and refer to the SM Apply Tutorials (Google Docs) to access videos to assist with navigating the application website.
Educator Tests
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) has approved a variety of assessments that meet one or more requirements for licensure. Some approved assessments are required, and some are options to meet demonstrated competency. For more information, refer to Utah State Licensure Test Requirements.
If initially requested to Educational Testing Services (ETS) by the educator, tests results will automatically be uploaded to USBE within 15 business days of receiving the test results from ETS. These can be verified by logging into my.uen on the Utah Education Network (UEN) website on the Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for Teachers in Utah Schools (CACTUS) view.
In the event the scores do not upload, please do not pay any additional fees to have the results resent. Instead forward the e-mail from ETS to licensing@schools.utah.gov, include your CACTUS identification number, and USBE will manually post your scores. If requested to Pearson by the educator, the state will receive a data file of candidate results and will have access to a secure reporting tool, which can be used to generate custom views and reports.
Pedagogical Performance Assessment (PPA)
As of June 10, 2024, there is no PPA requirement for Utah teacher preparation programs.
Foundations of Reading
Teacher candidates earning their teaching license in the areas of early childhood, elementary education, preschool special education, and special education will need to pass the Foundations of Reading Test before they are awarded their professional license. Candidates from Utah who are currently enrolled in an Educator Preparation Program (EPP) will receive a test voucher from their program. The voucher must be entered during the registration process. Vouchers cannot be applied retroactively to existing registrations, so be sure to acquire your voucher before you register. If you have any questions about your voucher, ask your faculty advisor before registering for the test.
A passing score on the Utah Foundations of Reading Assessment (UFORA) is required for individuals seeking a Utah professional license in elementary, early childhood, and special education. Individuals who apply for licensure on or after September 1, 2024 will need to pass the Foundations of Reading assessment with a score of 240 or higher to receive their license. Candidates who do not receive a score of 240 or higher during their first attempt will have the UFORA Assessment Options (Google Doc).
Utah Foundations of Reading
Pearson Education, Inc.
Out-of-State Equivalency
Review the Out-of-State Testing Equivalency document to see if a test taken in another state is equivalent to a required test in Utah.
Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact
Professional License Portability
Effective April 1, 2024, Utah will be participating as one of the inaugural 10 states in the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact. The Council of State Governments (GCS) in partnership with other nationally recognized agencies have established licensing reciprocity among participating states. This compact is intended to increase the portability of a professional license to other Member States while reducing the obstacles and approval time associated with transferring or qualifying for a professional license. Temporary credential license types such as probationary, provisional, substitute, LEA-Specific or associate license types do not qualify. To see the map of participating states, please click the Compact Map.
Utah License Holders in Member States
Utah educators holding a professional level license may apply to other Member States and qualify for a license in that state with a completed background check compliant with that state’s regulations and evidence of their Utah Professional Educator License.
Member States’ Educators Coming to Utah
Educators outside of Utah wishing to apply for a Utah license from another Member State may apply through License Equivalency Review (LER) in SM Apply. Please see the LER Checklist (Google Docs) for details on completing that application.
A professional license(s) will be granted for the equivalent license type(s) available in Utah. All professional licenses have a 5-year renewal cycle. Educators will be required to complete Utah’s renewal requirements every 5 years to maintain the license status.