MIDAS - Massively Integrated Data Analytics System
MIDAS was built by the Utah State Board of Education with the single goal in mind of helping Local Education Agencies (LEAs) provide a simpler, more cost-effective way to collect, offer, and track professional learning activities for educators in the education field. This system replaces the OnTrack Professional Learning System as of July 2017.Professional Development
- A catalog of professional learning opportunities
- An online registration system for all professional learning opportunities
- A personal transcript of all completed professional learning
- Click to access MIDAS Tutorial Videos
Utah Microcredentials
- A microcredential is a digital form of certification indicating demonstrated competency/mastery in a specific skill or set of skills
- A personal transcript of all completed microcredentials
- Each microcredential is initially worth 0.5 USBE credit
- Recommended Instructional Mterials System is by invitation only.
- Reviews of curriculum, submitted from publishers and evaluated by Utah’s professional educators
- Curricular recommendations annually for educators, publishers, and the general public
- Accurate, up-to-date information to inform the adoption of instructional materials. To learn more go Instructional Materials Center
If you need an account created, or you do not remember your MIDAS information, please send a request by email to MIDAS@schools.utah.gov with the following information.
- Full legal name
- District / charter organization
- Email Address
- Currently Teaching: Yes/No
- Date of Birth (to avoid duplicate account creation)
- School
- Position
Educator Support Email: MIDAS@schools.utah.gov MIDAS help desk line 801-538-7807
For Publisher support information please go to Publisher Information
Frequently Asked Questions Account help