The school library program is critical to the learning process and student academic success. The necessary skills for college and career-ready students include being literate in a wide range of digital, visual, textual, and technological formats. Students need to be able to access, evaluate, and process information strategically and methodically in order to make informed decisions and create products involving critical thinking skills.
Highly qualified teacher librarians, working in collaboration with content area teachers, provide research- and inquiry-based instruction in order to develop the students’ ability to find and use information to support their academic learning and personal development.
Utah Core Standards
The Utah Standards for Elementary Library Media were updated in September 2015.
Elementary Library Media Standards Scope and Sequence
Utah Core Standards K-5 Library Media
Utah Core Standards 6-12 Library Media
Library Media Core Curriculum: Elementary
Library Media Core Curriculum: K-6
Library Media Core Curriculum: Secondary
The needs of learners in today's society are growing increasingly complex. Resources and technologies have changed; information literacy is more than just using reference books to look up a definition or simple description. The skills of the 21st century include being literate in a variety of digital, visual, textual, and technological tools, and individuals must have the thinking skills that will enable them to learn continually. Becoming an educated user of information in this potentially overwhelming culture of information is a critical part of students' education. The comprehensive school community must support the development of these skills in general and in content-related areas.
The library is central to the school community in this process of developing students who are literate users of technology. Highly-qualified teacher librarians, working in conjunction with content-area teachers, provide instruction for students that develops their ability to find and use information to support their academic learning and personal development. The Utah Standards for Library Media were created by librarians in schools to demonstrate the integration of information literacy skills across all curricular areas.
The school library media teacher's role as master teacher, information specialist, and standards partner encourages the involvement of global access to information use of technology as an effective learning and teaching tool, and the continuation of reading for information and enjoyment. The school library media teacher must continue to seek the best techniques and strategies to empower students.
In the absence of a licensed school media teacher, the classroom teacher must take the lead in the implementation of the Library Media Core Standards with the support of school library media personnel and resources. The responsibility for achieving the purpose of the School Library Media Standards resides in the collaborative efforts of the school library media teacher staff, classroom teacher, student, support staff, administrators, board of education, and communities.
The Library Media Standards are divided into three main areas:
- Reading Engagement
Reading engagement is a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. The degree to which students can read and understand text in all formats and all contexts is a key indicator of success in school and in life. The goal is to actively promote reading and provide equitable access to literary and informational texts in a variety of subjects, genres, and formats. The standards facilitate the acquisition of tools, knowledge and skills to allow every student to read for interpretation and the development of new understandings. - Information and Research
Through engagement in the research process, students will apply critical thinking skills (e.g., analysis, evaluation, organization, synthesis) to draw conclusions and construct new understandings. Additionally, students will engage in research processes (e.g., inquiry-based, information problem solving). Such experiences will develop student self-confidence in solving problems in an environment where information resources and technologies are increasingly complex. - Media Literacy
Media literacy is the competent application of literacy skills to media and technology messages. Its goal is to help students develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active, digital citizens in today's world. By learning the standards and objectives, students will acquire an understanding of the elements, construction, and potential impact of media messages while learning to make informed choices in the use of media. Through collaboration with classroom teachers, these standards can be integrated into curricular units throughout a wide range of subjects to ensure students are equipped with these essential 21st century skills.
Educator Endorsements
Application Effective July 1, 2021
Library Media K-12 Endorsement
Utah State Board of Education Educator Licensing
Application Retiring June 30, 2023
Library Media K-12 Endorsement (Retiring)
Utah State Board of Education Educator Licensing
Southern Utah University
School Library Media Program
Caitlin Gerrity
Phone: (435) 586-1908 | E-mail
Utah State University
School Library Media Administration
Kelli Munns
Phone: (801) 822-4993 | E-mail
Statutes and Rules
Model Policy
Instructions for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to Consider When Creating a Library
Materials Policy
Utah State Board of Education (USBE) Policy, Law and Professional Practices
Board Rules
R277-123. Process for Members of the Public to Report Violations of Statute and Board
R277-628. School Libraries
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
State Statutes
House Bill (H.B.) 374: Sensitive Materials in Schools
Title: 53G-10-103. Sensitive Instructional Materials
Utah State Legislature
Memorandum to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) - Laws Surrounding SchooI Libraries
(May 4, 2022)
Memorandum to the Utah State Board of Education - Laws Surrounding SchooI Libraries
(June 1, 2022)
State of Utah Office of the Attorney General
Report Sensitive Material Complaints
Sensitive Material Reporting Tool
Utah Code 53G-10-103 (HB374) Reporting Tool
Google Docs
- This reporting tool is to be completed by LEAs who have received a complaint regarding instructional materials and the material was reviewed and decision determined.
R277-123 Appeals
R277-123 Request for a Board Review of LEA Determination on a Library Materials Appeal
Google Docs
- This form may be completed by any individual who requests that the USBE review an appeal of a school's decision, only to determine if the school appeals process violated the school’s library materials policy.
BIG 6 Bookmarks | BIG 6 Poster (Size: 11" x 17")
The 2016 Fiscal Year Legislative Appropriation Report has been sent to all Local Education Agency (LEA) Library Media contacts. If you have questions about this report, or if you are the LEA (not individual school) representative, please contact Jennifer Throndsen at (801) 538-7893 or via e-mail at jennifer.throndsen@schools.utah.gov.
American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
The mission of the AASL is to advocate excellence, facilitate change, and develop
leaders in the school library media field.
American Library Association (ALA)
ALA provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library
and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning
and ensure access to information for all.
Children's Literature Association of Utah (CLAU)
CLAU is a volunteer organization of individuals who have a personal or professional
interest in children's literature. The organization's purposes are: to encourage the
reading, study, and writing of children's literature; to provide a forum for all points
of view and levels of experience in children's books; and to gather and share information
about children's literature. The association sponsors book awards that motivate reading.
CLAU annually sponsors awards in four categories: Utah Children's Picture Book Award;
Utah Children's Book Award; Utah Children's Informational Book Award; and Utah Young
Adults' Book Award. Winners are chosen from the nominated books by the children of
Utah, who vote for their favorite books.
Utah Educational Library Media Association (UELMA)
UELMA is an association of library media teachers, support personnel, vendors of educational
media, and friends who serve the children of Utah by making educational media accessible
to children and teachers. We teach the science of how to find and make good use of
literature and information; we manage school library media services; we are advocates
of children's reading and access of information. UELMA's mission is to provide professional
support, leadership and enrichment for library media educators and associates.
Utah Library Association (ULA)
The mission of the ULA is to serve the professional development and educational needs
of its members and to provide leadership and direction in developing and improving
library and information services in the state. In order to accomplish these goals,
ULA supports and provides continuing education programs for Utah librarians and library
employees, especially at its annual spring conference. The Association also initiates
and supports legislation promoting library development and monitors legislation that
might threaten Utah libraries and librarians. ULA also offers members a number of
opportunities for library leadership, professional growth, networking, and community
service. We hope that you will find the Utah Library Association to be an organization
that makes a difference for you, for Utah librarians, for Utah Libraries, and for
the citizens of Utah.
Information Literacy
This is the most widely-known and -used approach to teaching information and technology
skills in the world. Used in thousands of K-12 schools the BIG 6 information problem-solving
process is applicable whenever people need and use information.
BIG 6 For Kids
BIG 6 has created an interactive website designed to help students learn and use the
Big6 Skills for information problem solving. The site, Big6 Kids, contains helpful
hints, templates worksheets, songs, games and fun to help children master essential
information problem solving skills.
Children's Literature Association of Utah (CLAU)
A volunteer organization of individuals who have a personal or professional interest
in children's literature. The organization's purposes are: to encourage the reading,
study, and writing of children's literature; to provide a forum for all points of
view and levels of experience in children's books; and to gather and share information
about children's literature.
The Children's Literature Web Guide
This is an attempt to gather together and categorize the growing number of Internet
resources related to books for Children and Young Adults. This is a great gateway
to other resources.
Media Literacy
Center for Media Literacy (CML)
This is dedicated to a new vision of literacy for the 21st century: the ability to
communicate competently in all media forms, print and electronic, as well as to access,
understand, analyze and evaluate the powerful images, words and sounds that make up
our contemporary mass media culture.
Common Sense Education®
The Common Sense curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave
safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world. From lesson plans, videos,
student interactives, and assessments, to professional learning and family outreach
materials, our turnkey Curriculum provides schools with everything they need to take
a whole-community approach to digital citizenship.
Don't Buy It: Get Media Smart
Public Broadcasting System (PBS) encourages young people, especially those 9-11 years
old, to think critically about media - television, radio, magazines, the Web, advertising,
and more.
The Lexile Framework for Reading
This form allows you to search the Lexile Database. The Lexile measure is a number
indicating an approximate range of reading difficulty in terms of the semantic difficulty
(vocabulary) and syntactic complexity (sentence length).
Virtual Field Trips
Utah Education Network (UEN) has developed three virtual tours to help you with the
Library Media Core. These tours are titled "Pioneer, Utah's Free Online Library, Integrating
the Internet, and Pioneer's World Book Online".
State Library Media Directors Meetings
Utah Library Media Supervisors (ULMS) Meetings 2020-2021
Information coming soon.
Library Media Team
Utah Core Standards
The Utah Standards for Elementary Library Media were updated in September 2015.
Elementary Library Media Standards Scope and Sequence
Utah Core Standards K-5 Library Media
Utah Core Standards 6-12 Library Media
Library Media Core Curriculum: Elementary
Library Media Core Curriculum: K-6
Library Media Core Curriculum: Secondary
The needs of learners in today's society are growing increasingly complex. Resources and technologies have changed; information literacy is more than just using reference books to look up a definition or simple description. The skills of the 21st century include being literate in a variety of digital, visual, textual, and technological tools, and individuals must have the thinking skills that will enable them to learn continually. Becoming an educated user of information in this potentially overwhelming culture of information is a critical part of students' education. The comprehensive school community must support the development of these skills in general and in content-related areas.
The library is central to the school community in this process of developing students who are literate users of technology. Highly-qualified teacher librarians, working in conjunction with content-area teachers, provide instruction for students that develops their ability to find and use information to support their academic learning and personal development. The Utah Standards for Library Media were created by librarians in schools to demonstrate the integration of information literacy skills across all curricular areas.
The school library media teacher's role as master teacher, information specialist, and standards partner encourages the involvement of global access to information use of technology as an effective learning and teaching tool, and the continuation of reading for information and enjoyment. The school library media teacher must continue to seek the best techniques and strategies to empower students.
In the absence of a licensed school media teacher, the classroom teacher must take the lead in the implementation of the Library Media Core Standards with the support of school library media personnel and resources. The responsibility for achieving the purpose of the School Library Media Standards resides in the collaborative efforts of the school library media teacher staff, classroom teacher, student, support staff, administrators, board of education, and communities.
The Library Media Standards are divided into three main areas:
- Reading Engagement
Reading engagement is a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. The degree to which students can read and understand text in all formats and all contexts is a key indicator of success in school and in life. The goal is to actively promote reading and provide equitable access to literary and informational texts in a variety of subjects, genres, and formats. The standards facilitate the acquisition of tools, knowledge and skills to allow every student to read for interpretation and the development of new understandings. - Information and Research
Through engagement in the research process, students will apply critical thinking skills (e.g., analysis, evaluation, organization, synthesis) to draw conclusions and construct new understandings. Additionally, students will engage in research processes (e.g., inquiry-based, information problem solving). Such experiences will develop student self-confidence in solving problems in an environment where information resources and technologies are increasingly complex. - Media Literacy
Media literacy is the competent application of literacy skills to media and technology messages. Its goal is to help students develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active, digital citizens in today's world. By learning the standards and objectives, students will acquire an understanding of the elements, construction, and potential impact of media messages while learning to make informed choices in the use of media. Through collaboration with classroom teachers, these standards can be integrated into curricular units throughout a wide range of subjects to ensure students are equipped with these essential 21st century skills.
Educator Endorsements
For information on endorsement options and requirements, please refer to the following:
K-12 Library Media Endorsement Requirement Options
K-12 Library Media Endorsement Competencies
To apply for a K-12 Library Media Endorsement, visit USBE Educator Endorsements.
The following university programs have been approved by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), to provide Utah educators with rigorous course content eligible for higher education credit, while allowing maximum flexibility for participants.
Southern Utah University School Library Media Program |
Utah State University School Library Media Administration |
Utah School Library Association (USLA)
The mission of the Utah School Library Association (USLA) is to positively impact Pre-K through grade 12 student learning by providing:- professional support,
- leadership, and
- enrichment
for school library personnel and others who support school library programs.
Utah Library Association (ULA)
The mission of the ULA is to serve the professional development and educational needs
of its members and to provide leadership and direction in developing and improving
library and information services in the state. In order to accomplish these goals,
ULA supports and provides continuing education programs for Utah librarians and library
employees, especially at its annual spring conference. The Association also initiates
and supports legislation promoting library development and monitors legislation that
might threaten Utah libraries and librarians. ULA also offers members a number of
opportunities for library leadership, professional growth, networking, and community
service. We hope that you will find the Utah Library Association to be an organization
that makes a difference for you, for Utah librarians, for Utah Libraries, and for
the citizens of Utah.
American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
The mission of the AASL is to advocate excellence, facilitate change, and develop
leaders in the school library media field.
American Library Association (ALA)
ALA provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library
and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning
and ensure access to information for all.
All4Ed - Future Ready Librarians
Since 2016, Future Ready Librarians® has been focused on supporting equitable and accessible student learning through powerful librarianship. As educators, Future Ready Librarians® lead, teach, and support learners both young and old. Embracing change and innovation, Future Ready Librarians teach and promote diverse literacies, integrating engaging digital tools, and collaborating with leaders and colleagues to implement equitable and inclusive learning environments in their libraries and beyond. The Future Ready Librarians® Framework guides and inspires the professional practice of librarians, directly linking the library program to the strategic needs and priorities of schools and districts. Future Ready Librarians challenges librarians, educators, and the community to see school libraries informed by the past, grounded in the needs of the present, and planning for a dynamic future.
Research Literacy
Utah's Online School LibraryBIG 6 Instructional Materials
BIG 6 has created an interactive website designed to help students learn and use the
Big6 Skills for information problem solving. The site, Big6 Kids, contains helpful
hints, templates worksheets, songs, games and fun to help children master essential
information problem solving skills.
Children's Literature Association of Utah
A volunteer organization of individuals who have a personal or professional interest
in children's literature. The organization's purposes are: to encourage the reading,
study, and writing of children's literature; to provide a forum for all points of
view and levels of experience in children's books; and to gather and share information
about children's literature.
Information Literacy
Center for Media Literacy (CML)
This is dedicated to a new vision of literacy for the 21st century: the ability to
communicate competently in all media forms, print and electronic, as well as to access,
understand, analyze and evaluate the powerful images, words and sounds that make up
our contemporary mass media culture.
The Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) is a research and development group based in Stanford’s Graduate School of Education. The COR curriculum is designed to help educators teach students the methods that fact checkers use to evaluate the trustworthiness of online sources. The lessons and assessments that make up the curriculum provide students with opportunities to apply fact checkers’ questions to real-world examples.
The News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan education nonprofit founded in 2008, is building a national movement to create systemic change in American education to ensure all students are skilled in news literacy before they graduate high school, giving them the knowledge and ability to participate in civic society as well-informed, critical thinkers.
Common Sense Education®
The Common Sense curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave
safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world. From lesson plans, videos,
student interactives, and assessments, to professional learning and family outreach
materials, our turnkey Curriculum provides schools with everything they need to take
a whole-community approach to digital citizenship.
Don't Buy It: Get Media Smart
Public Broadcasting System (PBS) encourages young people, especially those 9-11 years
old, to think critically about media - television, radio, magazines, the Web, advertising,
and more.
The Lexile Framework for Reading
This form allows you to search the Lexile Database. The Lexile measure is a number
indicating an approximate range of reading difficulty in terms of the semantic difficulty
(vocabulary) and syntactic complexity (sentence length).
Virtual Field Trips
Utah Education Network (UEN) has developed three virtual tours to help you with the
Library Media Core. These tours are titled "Pioneer, Utah's Free Online Library, Integrating
the Internet, and Pioneer's World Book Online".
USBE Library Media Supervisors
District Librarians and Supervisors who oversee and provide support for school librarians
Meetings occur monthly with a focus on:
Informational Meetings and Committee Collaborations
2024-2025 Meetings
AdvisedInformational/District Sharing |
OptionalCommittees |
August 29, 2024 |
October 17, 2024 |
December 19, 2024 |
November 21, 2024 |
March 20, 2024 |
January 23, 2024 |
February 20, 2024 |
April 17, 2024 |
May 15, 2024 |
K-12 Librarian Community of Practice
K-12 School Librarians
Coming Soon!
Please contact Davina Sauthoff for more information on attending these meetings.
Statutes and Rules
Model Policy
Utah State Legislature Statutes
Sensitive Material
Title: 53G-10-103. Sensitive Instructional Materials
State of Utah Office of the Attorney General Memoranums
Memorandum to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) - Laws Surrounding SchooI Libraries (May 4, 2022)Memorandum to the Utah State Board of Education - Laws Surrounding SchooI Libraries (June 1, 2022)
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
R277-628. Sensitive Materials
R277-628. Sensitive Materials (Revised June 7, 2024, link coming soon)
Instructional Materials Guidance Document
Sensitive Materials Flow Chart and Definitions
R277-123. Process for Members of the Public to Report Violations of Statute and Board Rule
R277-123. Process for Members of the Public to Report Violations of Statute and Board Rule
R277-123 Request for a Board Review of LEA Determination on a Library Materials Appeal
Google Docs
- This form may be completed by any individual who requests that the USBE review an appeal of a school's decision, only to determine if the school appeals process violated the school’s library materials policy.
Sensitive Materials
Each LEA has a designated individual who reports sensitive materials to the Utah State Board of Education.
List of titles to be removed from Utah public schools (Last updated March 6, 2025)
- This spreadsheet lists the titles that should be removed from student access in all Utah public schools. These titles were determined to contain objective sensitive materials according to §53G-10-103 and have been removed for this criteria in at least three school districts OR at least two school districts and five charter schools.
FAQ for titles removed from Utah public schools
- This document contains answers to commonly asked questions regarding titles that have been removed statewide.
- This document provides guidance to support LEAs as they work with their legal counsel to determine the appropriate implementation strategies and procedures for their schools in accordance with §53G-10-103.
Sensitive Materials Flow Chart and Definitions
- This document contains resources for Utah school districts and charters on implementation and reporting of sensitive materials per §53G-10-103 and R277-628.
Statues and Rules
Utah State Legislature Statutes
53G-10-103. Sensitive Instructional Materials
53G-10-103. Sensitive Instructional Materials
76-10-1201. Pornographic and Harmful Materials and Performances.
76-10-1203. Pornographic material or performance.
76-10-1227. Indecent public displays -- Definitions.
State of Utah Office of the Attorney General Memoranums
Memorandum to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) - Laws Surrounding SchooI Libraries (May 4, 2022)Memorandum to the Utah State Board of Education - Laws Surrounding SchooI Libraries (June 1, 2022)
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
R277-628. Sensitive Materials
Instructional Materials Guidance Document
R277-123. Process for Members of the Public to Report Violations of Statute and Board Rule
R277-123. Process for Members of the Public to Report Violations of Statute and Board Rule
R277-123 Request for a Board Review of LEA Determination on a Library Materials Appeal
Google Docs
- This form may be completed by any individual who requests that the USBE review an appeal of a school's decision, only to determine if the school appeals process violated the school’s library materials policy.
Sensitive Materials by LEA
LEA Library and Sensitive Material Status Links
- The resource above includes links to the LEA's main library page, library policies and material challenge status.