Welcome to Kindergarten
Activities for Learning at Home
Ready! Set! Go! Supporting Your Child’s Learning in Kindergarten
¡Preparados ¡Listos! ¡Ya! Cómo apoyar el aprendizaje de su hijo/a en el jardín de
infancia (Spanish)
Best Practices
Full-Day Kindergarten Sample Schedule
Utah’s Kindergarten Best Practices Guide
This guide is designed to be a brief, practical guide to help kindergarten teachers
implement high leverage practices in their classrooms. Intended readers of this guide
include both new and experienced kindergarten teachers as well as those supporting
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How old does my child have to be to enter Kindergarten?
Children need to be five years of age before September 2 of the year in which admission
is sought.
Utah State Legislature's Title 53G-4-S402(6): Local School Board Powers and Miscellaneous Duties, except as provided in Title 53E-3-9: Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
2. When do Kindergarten classes start?
Contact your Local Education Agency (LEA) (District/Charter) for Kindergarten start
3. Can my child skip Kindergarten and attend First Grade?
If the child is 5 years old before September 2, they would enroll in Kindergarten.
Your next step is to contact your Education local agency for registration information.
4. Does my child have to attend kindergarten?
A school-aged minor must be enrolled in school. The definitions define school-age
minor as at least six years of age, but younger than 18. As Kindergarten is for age
5, it would be optional.
5. Can my child be enrolled in two Kindergarten classes?
A Kindergarten student may only enroll in one LEA at a time.
6. How long are Kindergarten classes?
A minimum of two hours per day per session in Kindergarten.
Data and Regulation
Kindergarten Class Counts by Kindergarten Type
Utah State Board of Education Data and Statistics Enrollment/Membership
R277-419: Pupil Accounting
Utah Office of Administrative Rules
Title 53E-3-9: Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children | Title 53G-4-S402(6): Local School Board Powers and Miscellaneous Duties | Title 53G-6-S201: Compulsory Education
Utah State Legislature
Email List
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in collaboration with the Utah Education Network (UEN), has created a Kindergarten Teachers ListServ for all kindergarten professionals across the state. Subscribe to stay up to date on kindergarten resources and professional learning opportunities.